The Centre for Unframed Thinking launches its Learning & Teaching Incubator
On Monday 6 March 2023, this new Learning & Teaching incubator was launched as a way of ensuring that the expertise of visitors invited to the School by the Centre for Unframed Thinking contributes to Learning & Teaching practices at Rennes School of Business.

On Monday 6 March 2023, the Centre for Unframed Thinking (CUT) launched the first session of its Learning & Teaching (L&T) incubator on the theme of Sustainable Management Education.
These incubators have been designed as a way of ensuring the expertise of CUT visitors contributes to the School’s L&T development.
The main objective of this incubator is to develop a ‘deep conversation’ around learning and teaching, based on the following pillars:
- thinking about how to embed the research topics/interests of the visitors into our teaching curriculum
- learning from visitors and hearing about the processes of L&T in their institutions
- showcasing our own practices on a given topic to our visitors and jointly sharing ideas (for best practice)
- exploring new and existing possibilities for collaboration (e.g. pedagogic projects, writing collaborations and possible funding bids).
For this first event, Professor Annemette Kjærgaard and Dr. Maribel Blasco from Copenhagen Business School (CBS) came to share their expertise. Professor Kjærgaard was Dean for Learning and Teaching at CBS for 7 years, and Dr. Blasco is widely published in pedagogic research.
They talked about the development of their ‘Nordic 9’ sustainability competencies and the different processes they have for curriculum change. Dr. Maribel Blasco gave the example of how her own research interest in permaculture could be developed into pedagogic activities through the creation of a Permaculture Garden at CBS, linking sustainable practices to pedagogical innovation.
The next CUT Learning & Teaching incubator session will take place on Thursday 4 May 2023, during which Professor Lucy Taksa (Deakin University, Australia) and Professor Carole Elliott (University of Sheffield, UK) leading a session on Diversity Education. This session will cover both embedding diversity research into the curriculum and developing pedagogic practices to cater for student (and faculty) diversity.
For more information, or to participate in the next L&T incubator session, contact Sarah Robinson directly.