Rennes School of Business’ FMCO research centre signs a protocole agreement with three european economic entities
We are thrilled to announce that Rennes School of Business, in tandem with the “Financial Market and Corporate Outcomes” research centre (FMCO), has forged a MoU with the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA), the European Banking Authority (EBA), and the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA).

This complements the research ambitions of FMCO centre’s research groups, i.e.:
Financial Markets, Macroeconomics, and Economic Policy:
This group’s exploration into financial market dynamics, finance geopolitics, and economic strategy aligns seamlessly with the regulatory roles of EBA and ESMA.
International Business, Corporate Governance, and Performance:
This group’s synergy with the institutions, notably EIOPA, is geared towards elevating governance standards and the efficacy of global enterprises.
ESG and Islamic Finance:
With alternative financing avenues gaining traction, this collaboration aims to sculpt a more inclusive European financial horizon.
FinTech and Financial Innovations:
Given tech-driven evolutions in finance, this group looks forward to collaborating with EBA and ESMA, which frequently adjust their regulatory blueprints to accommodate new developments.
This collaboration allows for rich joint activities between the Rennes School of Business, the FMCO research centre, and these three European regulatory authorities, including school career showcases, circulation and promotion of traineeship vacancies, guest lecture sessions, research feedback exchanges, etc.
The partnership with EIOPA, EBA, and ESMA is a significant step for the Rennes School of Business and, more specifically, for the “Financial Market and Corporate Outcomes” research centre, to strengthen the academic and practical sides of research.