- The International Environment of the Firm
- European Business Environment
- International Marketing Management
- International Strategic Management
- Technology Management
- New Product Development
- The Management of Technology
- Innovation and Creativity
- Research Project I (Research Methods)
- Research Project II (Data Analysis)
- Change Management
- Management of Information Systems
- Information and Knowledge Management.
- PhD (in progress) Rennes School of Business
- PhD (in progress), University of Cambridge, UK
- MBA, University of New Brunswick, Canada
- BSc, University of Manitoba, Canada
Professional certifications
- Command of Patrol Class Vessel, 1993
- Commanding/Executive Officer Mine Warfare Qualification, 1992
- Promotion to Lieutenant Commander, 1991
- Tactical Warfare Director Qualification, 1990
- Promotion to Lieutenant(N), 1989
- Ship’s Navigating Officer Qualification, 1989
- Bridge Watchkeeping Certificate, 1987
- Promotion to Sub-Lieutenant, 1986
- The Queen’s Commission; Commissioned Officer in the Royal Canadian Navy of the Canadian Armed Forces, 1986
- Bryson, D. TM: Brand Hate (N° 2557694/35) (2010 – 5 years)
- 2014: Included as member of “Who’s Who in the World”. Marquis.
- 2012: Placed in the Top Ten Most Read Articles of WARC in the United Kingdom for 2011. World Advertising Research Council (WARC).
- 2012: Placed in the Top Ten Most Read Articles of WARC Globally for 2011. World Advertising Research Council (WARC).
- 2014-2017: Included as member of “Who’s Who in the World.” Marquis.
- Nomination for Best Paper. The Mystique of Luxury Brands Conference (2016)
- Editor’s Choice. The World Financial Review ( 2014-2015)
- Outstanding Research Award. Global Conference on Business and Finance (2011)
- Bravo Zulu Award. Royal Canadian Navy (1989)
Research interests
- Consumer Adoption of Technologically-based Products and Services
- The Social Psychology of Creativity in R&D Teams
- The Role of Person-Environment Fit as Antecedents to Human Resource Outcomes
- The Phenomenon of Extreme Negative Affect on Brands: Brand Hate.
- The Psychology of Luxury Brand Consumers
Work experience
- Senior Lecturer, Management and Organization Academic Area, Rennes School of Business (July, 2000 – Present).
- Lecturer, ESC Rennes School of Business (September, 1994 – December, 1996)
- Director of Business Development (Co-founder and co-owner), Back on Track Physiotherapy, UK (July, 1997 – December, 2000)
- Freelance Consultant, Trendline Market Research (January, 1993 – August, 1994)
- Maritime Surface Officer, Royal Canadian Navy (Rank: Lieutenant-Commander), Department of National Defense, Canada (June, 1983 – August, 1994)
Intellectual contributions
Refereed Articles Discipline-Based Scholarship
- Williams, A., Atwal, G., & Bryson, D. (2024). Entrepreneurial responses to Covid-19: The use of digital brand marketing events in the craft alcohol sector. Strategic Change, 33(1), 23–33
- Atwal, G. and Bryson, D., 2023, Serving the low-income consumer in a rich economy: Dollar General racks up sales., Journal of Business Strategy, Vol. 44, issue. 3 2023, pp. 161-167
- Bryson, D., Atwal, G., & Crespi, R., 2022, Antecedents of intentions to crowdfund luxury brands and projects: Evidence from French consumers., Strategic Change, Volume31, Issue5, Special Issue: Luxury, Entrepreneurship, and Innovation, Part II, September 2022, pp 497-503
- J. A., Bryson, D., Divakaran, P. K. P. & Xiong, J., 2022, Using employee-generated content from digital platforms to understand the luxury culture. Castillo, Strategic Change, Volume 31, Issue 3, Special Issue: Luxury, Entrepreneurship, and Innovation, Part I May 2022, pp 295-303
- Atwal, G., Bryson, D. and Kaiser, M., 2022, The chopsticks debacle: how brand hate flattened Dolce & Gabbana in China., Journal of Business Strategy, Vol. 34 No. 1 2022, pp. 37-43
- Bryson, Douglas, Glyn Atwal, Peter Hultèn, and Heine, Klaus, 2021, Antecedents of Luxury Brand Hate in France: A Quantitative Study, Strategic Change
- Atwal, Glyn, and Bryson, Douglas, 2021, Antecedents of Intention to Adopt Artificial Intelligence Services by Consumers in Personal Financial Investing, Strategic Change
- Atwal, Glyn, Bryson, Douglas, and Williams, Alistair, 2021, An Exploratory Study of the Adoption of Artificial Intelligence in Burgundy’s Wine Industry, Strategic Change
- Bryson, Douglas, Glyn Atwal, Peter Hultèn, and Klaus Heine, 2020, Antecedents of Luxury Brand Hate in France, Strategic Change
- Williams, Alistair, Atwal, Glyn, and Bryson, Douglas, 2020, Developing a Storytelling Experience: The Case of Craft Spirits Distilleries in Chicago, International Journal of Wine Business Research
- Atwal, Glyn, Bryson, Douglas, and Tavilla, Valériane, 2019, Brand Posting Photos of Luxury Cuisine Online: An Exploratory Study, British Food Journal, 121: 454-465
- Bryson, D., Atwal, G., 2019, Brand Hate: The Case of Starbucks in France, British Food Journal Vol 121, Issue 1, 2019, pp. 172-182
- Atwal, G., Bryson, D., Tavilla, V., 2019, Posting Photos of Luxury Cuisine Online: An Exploratory Study, British Food Journal Vol 121, Issue 2, 2019, pp. 454-465
- Bryson, D., Williams, A., Atwal, G., 2019, Luxury craftsmanship – the emergent luxury beer market, British Food Journal Vol 121, Issue 2, pp. 359-370
- Bryson, D., Atwal, G., Crespi, R., 2018, A Comparison of the Perceptions of Luxury: The Case of Finland and the UK, Journal of International Marketing Strategy, Vol 5, N° 1, pp. 33-47
- Decubes, Irena, McNamara, Tom, and Bryson, Douglas, 2018, Lesbian Assessments of Gay Advertising in a French Context: Not Necessarily a Case of la Vie en Rose?, Journal of Marketing Management
- Bryson, D., Atwal G., 2017, Corporate Scandals – Cauldrons of Spilt Trust., The World Financial Review, 22 June 2017
- Hudson, S., Bryson, D., Michelotti, M., 2017, Individuals’ assessment of corporate social performance, person-organization values and goal fit, job satisfaction and turnover intentions, Relations Industrielles / Industrial Relations, Vol. 72-2, 2017, pp. 322-344
- Atwal, G., Bryson, D., 2016, How the Brexit Referendum was Trumped: Personality, Protest and Patriotism, The World Financial Review, 20 July 2016
- Atwal, G., Bryson, D., 2016, The Brand Trump, The World Financial Review, 25 April 2016
- Bryson, D., Atwal, G., Chaudhuri, A., Dave, K., 2016, Antecedents of intention to use green banking services in India, Strategic Change, Vol. 25, (2016), pp. 551-567
- Bryson, Douglas , Glyn Atwal, Anindita Chaudhuri, and Kartik Dave, 2016, Antecedents of Intention to Use Green Banking Services in India, Strategic Change 25 : 549-565
- Atwal, G., Bryson, D., Parameswaran, A., 2015, Decrypting the aspiring indian low-income consumer., The World Financial Review, 26 March 2015
- Bryson, D., and Atwal, G., 2015, Made in India – A New Era for Luxury Brands?, Indian Management Vol. 54(7)
- Bryson, Douglas, Glyn Atwal, Himradi Roy Chaudhuri, and Kartik Dave, 2015, Understanding the Antecedents of Intention to Use Mobile Internet Banking in India: Opportunities for Microfinance Institutions, Strategic Change 24
- Atwal, G. & Bryson, D., 2014, Luxury Brands Need to Chart a Course into New Frontier Markets, The World Financial Review
- Atwal, G. & Bryson, D, 2013, The Luxury Market in Africa – Emerging Consumer Empowerment is Creating a Luxurious Future, African Business Review, December 2013
- Bryson, Douglas, Glyn Atwal, and Peter Hulten, 2013, Towards the conceptualisation of the antecedents of extreme negative affect towards luxury brands, Qualitative Market Research – An International Journal 16. (2013)
- Bryson, Douglas and Glyn Atwal, 2013, Antecedents of Attitude towards the Adoption of Internet Banking in Senegal., Journal of Innovation Economics 11
- Hulten, Peter, Andrew Barron, and Douglas Bryson, 2012, Cross-country differences in attitudes to business associations during the 2007-2010 recession, Journal of World Business 47
- Blumrodt, Jens, Douglas Bryson, and John Flanagan, 2012, European football teams’ CSR engagement impacts on customer-based brand equity, Journal of Consumer Marketing 29.
- Atwal, Glyn, Douglas Bryson, and Peter Hulten, 2012, The Impact of Product Packaging on Consumers’ Purchase Decisions within a Low Involvement Product Category, Journal of Euromarketing 21
- Bryson, Douglas, Glyn Atwal, and Miriam Dreissig, 2010, Brand management: Don’t be a victim of brand hate, Admap (2010)
- Atwal, Glyn, Douglas Bryson, and Johan von Gersdorff, 2009, Conscience is key to stopping the rise of fashion fakes, Admap
- Atwal, Glyn, Douglas Bryson, and Johan von Gersdorff, 2009, Luxury branded goods need to get back to quality basics., Admap
Refereed Proceedings Discipline-Based Scholarship
- Atwal, Glyn and Douglas Bryson., 2022, Brand Hate Hijacked., Finnish Academy of Marketing – Annual International Conference, Helsinki, Finland, 2-3 June 2022
- Bryson, Douglas and Glyn Atwal., 2022, Predictors of Crowdfunding ‘Luxury Watch’ Start-ups., 58th MBAA International Conference, Chicago, Illinois, 23-25 March 2022
- Glyn Atwal and Bryson, Douglas., 2018, An Exploratory Study to Investigate Why People Take Photos of Food in Fine Dining Restaurants, Marketing Management Association Spring Conference, Chicago, United States of America, April 2018
- Bryson, Douglas and Glyn Atwal, 2017, Antecedents of Intention to use Green Banking in Germany, Marketing Management Association Spring Conference, Chicago, United States of America, March 2017
- Bryson, D., Atwal G., Hultén, P. & Heine, K., 2016, Antecedents of Luxury Brand Hate: An Empirical Study, The Mystique of Luxury Brands Conference, Shanghai, China.
- Atwal, Glyn & Douglas Bryson, 2015, An Exploratory Study on the Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on Luxury Brand Avoidance in India., 17th International Conference on Business, Economics, Humanities and Social Sciences, Chicago, USA.
- Atwal, G. & Bryson, D, 2011, Measuring the Perceptions of Luxury Brands: A Comparison between Finland and the UK., Global Conference on Business and Finance, 6 (1), Las Vegas, USA: The Institute for Business and Financial Research
- Blumrodt, J. & Bryson, Dn, 2011, The Sport Entertainment Industry and Customer Oriented Brand Management., Academy of Management Annual Meetings, San Antonio, Texas, USA: The Academy of Management
- Atwal, Glyn & Douglas Bryson., 2011, Identifying Opportunities For Growth in India: Insights from Zegna, New Dynamics of Marketing in the Digital Age, Singapore.
- Bryson, D., Hudson, S., & Mazel, S, 2009, Promotional Coupons: A Cross Country Comparison of the Effectiveness of Promotional e-Coupons vs. Traditional Coupons in France and the UK., International Conference on Corporate and Marketing Communications.
- Hudson, S. & Bryson, D, 2009, The Relationship between Individuals’ Assessment of Corporate Social Performance and Person-Organization Fit, Job Satisfaction and Turnover Intentions: An Empirical Study. European Business Ethics Network (EBEN)
- Atwal, G., Bryson, D., & Dawson, N., 2008, Product Packaging Tactics and Strategies within a Low Involvement Category., International Conference on Research in Advertising, Antwerp, Belgium, June, 27-28.
- Bryson, D. & Hudson, S, 2007, Please Hold the Line”: Including Readiness to Use as a Predictor of M-Commerce Services Adoption by Consumers in Germany, International Conference on Information Systems, Montréal, Québec, Canada: Association for Information Systems (AIS).
- Matheny, J., Altman, Y., & Bryson, D, 2002, The Internationalization of National Institutions: Stories from France’s Grandes Ecoles System, Academy of Management Annual Meetings, Denver, Colorado, USA: The Academy of Management.
- Bryson, D. & Matheny, J, 2001, Factors Promoting Creative Performance in R&D Work Environments. R&D Management Conference, Dublin, Ireland:, R&D Management Conference, Dublin, Ireland
- Atwal, Glyn, Douglas Bryson, & Peter Hultén., 2011, Antecedents of Extreme Negative Affect in the Luxury Sector, Luxury and Counterfeiting: Issues, Challenges and Prospects, Geneva, Switzerland.
Books, Monographs, Compilations, Manuals Book
- Atwal, Glyn and Douglas Bryson, 2017, Luxury Brands in China and India, Palgrave MacMillan
- Atwal, Glyn and Douglas Bryson, 2014, Luxury Brands in Emerging Markets, Palgrave MacMillan, 2014.
Chapters, Cases, Readings, Supplements Case
- Atwal, G., Bryson, D. Reviving Heritage Luxury: The Rebirth and Strategy of Franzi 1864. The Case Center 524-0066-1, July 2024
- Bryson, D. Atwal, G. Green Paint or Greenwashing ? A Gallery’s Dilemma in Accepting Fossil Fuel Funds . The Case Center 524-0007-1, March 2024
- Atwal, G., Bryson, D., Forest Essentials: International Expansion of an Ancient Source of Beauty, The Case Center 523-0066-1, 13 July 2023
- Atwal, G., Bryson, D., 2023, Sustainability in Sport: Forest Green Rovers., The Case Center 523-0028-1, 17 April 2023
- Atwal, G., Bryson, D., 2022, Madhappy: A Streetwear Brand Redefining Coolness., The case Center 522-0102-1, 7 December 2022
- Atwal, G., Bryson, D., 2022, Peleton: Falling Out of Step?, The Case Center, N° 522-0055-1 , 12 July 2022
- Descubes, I, McNamara, T. and Bryson, D., 2022, Will your future favorite bartender be a robot?, Long Case Study in Digital Consumer Behaviour for a Marketing initiative with McGraw-Hill. In process McGraw Hill International Case Studies
- Descubes, I, McNamara, T. and Bryson, D., 2022, The Metaverse and NFTs: is the future of luxury in virtual worlds?, Mini Case Study in Digital Consumer Behaviour for a Marketing initiative with McGraw-Hill. In process McGraw Hill International Case Studies
- McNamara, T., Descubes, I. and Bryson, D., 2022, A Match Made in Heaven: Manchester City FC and Tinder Join Forces, Mini Case Study in Mobile Marketing for a Marketing initiative with McGraw-Hill. In process McGraw Hill International Case Studies
- Bryson, D., Descubes, I. and McNamara, T., Succeeding in Contemporary China: What happended to Samsung?, Long Case Study in Mobile Marketing for a Marketing initiative with McGraw-Hill. In process McGraw Hill International Case Studies
- Engaging Chinese Customers at JD.com, 2022, Mini Case Study in Customer Relationship, Experience and Engagement for a Marketing initiative with McGraw-Hill. In process McGraw Hill International Case Studies
- McNamara, T., Descubes, I. and Bryson, D., 2022, HDFC Bank India: Building a “Customercentric” Culture to Maintain Relationships, Long Case Study in Customer Relationship, Experience and Engagement for a Marketing initiative with McGraw-Hill. In process McGraw Hill International Case Studies
- Bryson, D., Atwal, G., 2021, Kick it Like Burberry., The Case Center 521-0123-1, 15 December 2021
- Atwal, G., Bryson, D., 2021, Savoir Beds – Dreaming of Luxury in the 21st Century., The Case Center 521-0082-1. 10 August 2021
- Bryson, Douglas, and Atwal, Glyn, 2021, Baume & Mercier: Winning Over the Millennial Consumer, The Case Centre, Cranfield University and Babson College, UK.
- Bryson, Douglas, and Atwal, Glyn, 2020, A Bottle of Cognac: Gift or Bribe?, The Case Centre, Cranfield University and Babson College, UK.
- Atwal, Glyn, and Bryson, Douglas, 2020, Retail and Covid-19: Profits Before Safety, The Case Centre, Cranfield University and Babson College, UK.
- Atwal, Glyn, and Bryson, Douglas, 2020, Managing a Diverse Workforce: Talent Recruitment, The Case Centre, Cranfield University and Babson College, UK.
- Douglas Bryson, 2019, Chapter 13, Case Study 26: Esports sponsorship: Game on., Jobber, D. and Ellis-Chadwick, F.(ed.). Principles and practice of marketing 9th ed. London : McGraw-Hill Education (UK) Ltd, 2019, 885 p. ISBN 978-1526847232
- Douglas Bryson, 2019, Chapter 11 Case 11 Digital Burberry, Fahy, J. and Jobber, D. Foundations of Marketing, 6th ed. London : McGraw-Hill Education / Europe, Middle East & Africa. 2019. ISBN 978-1526847348
- Douglas Bryson, 2019, Chapter 3 Case 3 Hashtag: BrandHate, Fahy, J. and Jobber, D. Foundations of Marketing, 6th ed. London : McGraw-Hill Education / Europe, Middle East & Africa. 2019. ISBN 978-1526847348
- Glyn Atwal and Douglas Bryson, 2019, The 5 second rule., The Case center, 419-0016-1
- Glyn Atwal and Douglas Bryson, 2019, Influencer marketing and luxury brands – Mr Bags, The Case center, 519-0113-1
- Bryson, D., Atwal, 2019, G. eSports marketing communications strategy for a luxury brand: is it a good idea?, The Case Center. 519-0159-1
- Bryson, D., Atwal, G., 2019, Jamier Oliver: a recipe for failure?, The Case Center. 519-0160-1
- Glyn Atwal and Douglas Bryson, 2018, Sotheby’s – Bidding on a Digital Future., The Case center, 518-0126-1
- Glyn Atwal and Douglas Bryson, 2018, Merger Game., The Case center, 318-0265-1
- Glyn Atwal and Douglas Bryson, 2018, Starbuck’s – A Storm in a Coffee Cup., The Case center, 718-0074-1
- Glyn Atwal and Douglas Bryson, 2018, Royal Enfield – A Revving Revival., The Case center, 518-0125-1
- Glyn Atwal and Douglas Bryson, 2018, Uber-Competitive: The dynamics of an industry on the move., The Case center, 518-0142-1
- Glyn Atwal and Douglas Bryson, 2017, Tripping on Twitter., The Case center, 517-0170-8
- Glyn Atwal and Douglas Bryson, 2017, Luxury Retail Store Experience: Top or Flop?, The Case center, 517-0127-1
- Douglas Bryson and Glyn Atwal, 2016, Chapter 22, Case 43: Subway Germany: Destination Success?, Jobber, D. and Ellis-Chadwick, F.,Principles and practice of marketing 8th ed. London : McGraw-Hill Education / Europe, Middle East & Africa, 2016, 960 p. ISBN 978-0077174149
- Atwal, Glyn and Bryson, Douglas, 2015, Hidesign: The Emergence of a Global Fashion Brand, Foundations of Marketing by John Fahy and David Jobber, 5th Edition. Global Edition
- Atwal, Glyn and Douglas Bryson, 2014, Digital Burberry: Dilemmas in bringing luxury directly to the customer., Strategic Management: Creating Competitive Advantages, Global Edition. McGraw-Hill Education, 2014.
- Atwal, Glyn and Douglas Bryson, 2014, Fast-Fashion Collaborations: Cheap but Chic, Global Edition. McGraw-Hill Education, 2014.
- Glyn, Atwal and Douglas Bryson, 2014, ERGO: Ethical Crises of a German Insurance Giant, GLOBALENS: The William Davidson Institute, The University of Ann Arbor, MI, USA.
- Atwal, Glyn and Douglas Bryson, 2013, Subway in Germany: Sink or Swim., Principles and Practice of Marketing (7th Edition)
- Atwal, Glyn and Douglas Bryson, 2012, Subway Derailed: the Case of Germany, Foundations of Marketing (4th Edition)
- Atwal, Glyn and Douglas Bryson, 2010, Losing Face on Facebook.” GLOBALENS: The William Davidson Institute, The William Davidson Institute, Michigan Ross School of Business, 2010.
- Atwal, Glyn and Douglas Bryson, 2010, Crisis Communication: Rat Trap!”, The William Davidson Institute, The University of Ann Arbor, MI, USA. The William Davidson Institute, Michigan Ross School of Business, 2010.
- Atwal, Glyn, and Douglas Bryson, 2016, Considerations on the Design of a Luxury Footprint for India., Luxusmarkenmanagement: Grundlagen, Strategien und praktische Umsetzung. WeisbadeLuxusmarkenmanagement: Grundlagen, Strategien und praktische Umsetzung. Weisbaden, Deutschland: Springer Gablern, Deutschland: Springer Gabler
- Diniz, Claudio, Glyn Atwal, and Douglas Bryson, 2014, Understanding the Brazilian Luxury Consumer, Palgrave Macmillan, 2014
- Atwal, Glyn, Soumya Jain, and Douglas Bryson, 2014, Sugar and Spice: The Rise of the Indian Female Luxury Consumer, Luxury Brands in Emerging Markets. Palgrave Macmillan, 2014.
- Bryson, Douglas and Glyn Atwal, From Emerging to Sustainable Growth, Luxury Brands in Emerging Markets., Palgrave Macmillan, 2014
- Kartik, Dave, Glyn Atwal, and Douglas Bryson, 2014, The Luxury Landscape in India: Consequences for the Wine Sector.”, Palgrave Macmillan, 2014.
- Khan, Shaziya, Glyn Atwal, and Douglas Bryson, 2012, The Communication Dilemma, Palgrave Macmillan, 2012
- Glyn, Atwal, Douglas Bryson, and Dawson N, 2009, Marketing the Trivial: Product Packaging that Works, Garant Publishers, 2009.
Presentations of Refereed Papers International
- Atwal, Glyn, and Bryson, Douglas, 2018, An Exploratory Study to Investigate Why People Take Photos of Food on Fine Dining Restaurants, Marketing Management Association Spring Conference, Chicago, Illinois.
- Bryson, Douglas, and Atwal, Glyn, 2017, Antecedents of Intention to Use Green Banking in Germany, Marketing Management Association Spring Conference, Chicago, Illinois.
- Bryson, D., Atwal G., Hultén, P. & Heine, K., 2016, Antecedents of Luxury Brand Hate: An Empirical Study., The Mystique of Luxury Brands Conference, Shanghai, China.
- Bryson, Douglas and Glyn Atwal, 2015, An Exploratory Study on the Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on Luxury Brand Avoidance in India, 17th International Conference on Business Economics and Management
- Atwal, Glyn and Douglas Bryson, 2011, Identifying Opportunities For Growth in India: Insights from Zegna, New Dynamics of Marketing in the Digital Age, Singapore, Singapore.
- Atwal, G., Bryson, D., & Hulten, P., 2011, Antecedents of Extreme Negative Affect in the Luxury Sector., Luxury and Counterfeiting: Issues, Challenges and Prospects, Geneva, Switzerland.
- Atwal, G. & Bryson, D., 2011, Measuring the Perceptions of Luxury Brands: A Comparison between Finland and the UK., Global Conference on Business and Finance. Global Conference on Business and Finance, Las Vegas, Nevada.
- Blumrodt, J. & Bryson, D., 2011, The Sport Entertainment Industry and Customer Oriented Brand Management., Academy of Management Annual Meetings, San Antonio, Texas.
- Hudson, S., Bryson, D., & Mazel, S, 2009, Promotional Coupons: A Cross Country Comparison of the Effectiveness of Promotional e-Coupons vs. Traditional Coupons in France and the UK., International Conference on Corporate and Marketing Communications, Nicosia, Cyprus.
- Hudson, S. & Bryson, D., 2009, The Relationship between Individuals’ Assessment of Corporate Social Performance and Person-Organization Fit, Job Satisfaction and Turnover Intentions: An Empirical Study, European Business Ethics Network (EBEN) Annual Conference, Athens, Greece.
- Atwal, G., Bryson, D., & Dawson, N., 2008, Product Packaging Tactics and Strategies within a Low Involvement Category., European Advertising Academy – Icoria, Antwerp, Belgium.
- Bryson, D. & Hudson, S., 2007, “Please Hold the Line”: Including Readiness to Use as a Predictor of M-Commerce Services Adoption by Consumers in Germany, International Conference on Information Systems, Montréal, Canada.
- Bryson, Douglas, Stefan Conn, and Sadler, Kelly, 2002, The Problems and Pitfalls in Pursuing Partnerships in Higher Education, Annual Network of International Business Schools Conference, Rennes, France.
- Matheny, J., Altman, J., & Bryson, D., 2002, The Internationalization of National Institutions: Stories from France’s Grandes Ecoles System., Academy of Management Annual Meetings, Denver, Colorado
- Bryson, Douglas, 2001, Factors Affecting the Creative Performance of R&D Teams: Extending Theory on the Influence of the Work Environment, &D Management Conference, Dublin, Ireland.
Research Reports
- Bryson, D., 1998, The Influence of the Work Environment on Creative Performance in R&D, The University of Cambridge, Judge Business School
Grants Research
- Conn, S. & Bryson, D., 2001, SMART Project Funding, European Union