Dr Viatcheslav DMITRIEV

Associate Dean for Faculty Relations & Assistant Professor

Department: Management and Organisation


Expertise liée aux objectifs de développement durable des Nations unies :

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  • Organizational Behavior
  • Research methods
  • Innovation Management


  • Ph.D. Open University, 2016

Research interests

  • Business model development
  • social movement approac
  • Framing entrepreneurial failures

Work experience

  • Associate Dean for Faculty Relations, Rennes School of Business (October 2021, Present)
  • Head of Management & Organisation Academic Area, Rennes School of Business (Mars 2020 – Avril 2022)
  • Assistant professor, Management & Organization Academic Area, Rennes School of Business (January 2015, Present)

Intellectual contributions

Refereed Articles

Basic or Discovery Scholarship

  • Shaaban, S., McNamara, T., Dmitriev, V. (2017) Asymmetrical buffer allocation in unpaced merging assembly lines. Computers & Industrial Engineering, Vol. 109 (2017), pp. 211-220
  • Shaaban, S., McNamara, T., Dmitriev, V. (2017) Unpaced Merging Lines With Uneven Buffer Allocation. IFAC-Papers OnLine, Vol. 50, issue 1, pp. 1093-1100
  • Dmitriev, Viatcheslav , Geoff Simmons, Yann Truong, Mark Palmer, & Dirk Schneckenberg, “An exploration of business model development in the commercialization of technology innovations.” R & D Management 44. (2014): 306-321.

Refereed Proceedings

Discipline-Based Scholarship

  • Shaaban, Sabry, Tom McNamara, and V. Dmitriev. Unpaced Merging Lines With Uneven Buffer Allocation. In: The 20th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC 2017), Toulouse, France, July 2017
  • Dmitriev, Viatcheslav , S. Shaaban, T. McNamara, and E. Marsillac, “Unpaced Merging Lines With Uneven Buffer Allocation.” The 19th International Conference on Operations Research and Financial Engineering (2016)
  • Dmitriev, Viatcheslav, Truong, Y, MacDonald, F. Social reconstruction of new ventures’ liabilities of newness and smallness: from natural order to injustice. In: Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Junior Faculty Consortium, Vancouver, Canada, August 2015

Presentations of Refereed Papers


  • Dmitriev, Viatcheslav, S. Shaaban, T. McNamara and E. Marsillac. (2016). Unpaced Merging Lines With Uneven Buffer Allocation. The 19th International Conference on Operations Research and Financial Engineering, Paris, France.