- Sales and Sourcing Negotiation
- Public-Private Partnership
- Mediation and Conflict Resolution
- Digital negotiation e-business and social networks
- Compliance and conflict of interest resolution
- Public Disputes Resolution
- Cross-cultural negotiation
- Urban Studies and Planning
- Doing business in Brazil
- Doing business in China
- Post doctoral Fellowship at the MIT-Harvard Public Disputes Program/Harvard PON
- Doctorate in Management Risk, Information and Decision Management at École Normale Supérieure de Cachan
- Diplôme d’Études Approfondies (DEA) in Economics at École Normale Supérieure de Cachan
- Master in International Management at École Supérieure de Commerce de Rennes, with semester at HEC Lausanne MIM
- Bachelor in marketing na École Supérieure de Commerce de Rennes and one year of BA of HEC Montreal
Research interests
- Information Systems and social networks applied to Risk, Information and Decision Sciences with FGV, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro COPPE, USC Creative Technologies, USC IPPAM
- Public-private Partnerships and collaborative governance
- Conflict of interest and compliance
- Cross cultural negotiation with Brazil, China and USA
- Public Disputes Resolution and governmental negotiation
Work Experience
- Associate professor at Rennes School of Business as academic coordinator of the Pre Executive Doctorate in Business Administration at FGV DINT, a joint venture Rennes School of Business with FGV (Present)
- Member of the editorial board of the MIT Technology Review in Brazil (June 2020 – Present)
- Affiliate professor, Marketing Academic Area, Rennes School of Business, (2000-2017)
- Faculty professor, Université Paris-Dauphine (2017)
- Faculty professor at FGV (2000-2017)
- Coordinator of the Master in International at FGV EBAPE
- Coordinator of the Post Graduate courses of Negotiation at FGV LAW SCHOOL
- Coordinator of the Post MBA in Negotiation at FGV IDE
- Coordinator of the Doctorate in Business Administration FGV IDE/ESCR
- Coordinator of Academic Research Projects FGV DINT/University of Southern California
- Visiting professor at University of Southern California
- Inventor of Newgotiation academic theory and practice
- Creator of FGV Online courses Tecnologo for 50,000 undergraduates
- Creator of the Distance learning course “Aprendiz Legal” for 1,000,000 FGV/FRM apprentices
- Creator of the Public Disputes Course Online FGV for 50,000 graduate students.
- Director of the FGV/UERJ/UFRJ Programa de Negociação Complexas with 60 professors of Negotiation
- Visiting professor at ESCP Europe
- Visiting professor ESSEC Singapore
Consultancy and Executive Education
- Prof Yann Duzert has an extensive working experience in Europe, Asia, North and South America with public and private organizations
- Director of publishing and subsidies for French Book for the French Embassy in Brazil (1995)
- Director of the International Center for Distance Education in Brazil in partnership with the Ministry of Education CNED of France (1997)
- Strategic consulting for Ferragamo (2000)
- Marketing survey for Supersport (2001)
- International Development Planning for FGV (2002)
- Training and consulting for GEAP Heath Insurance (2003)
- Training and consulting for SEDES – Presidência da Republica: Negotiations for Tax Reform, Pension Reform, Labor Reform, Pluriannual Plan.
- Training e coaching for the cabinet of Acre State Governor (2004).
- Member of the EU-Mercosul Trade negotiation Group, sponsored by the EU Trade Commission/Itamaraty/IEP Paris.
- CEO Temperance Academy (2007-2015)
- Consulting for the World Bank / International Finance Corporation (IFC) in cooperation with the MIT-Harvard Public Disputes Program / Consensus Building Institute.
- Training e coaching para a Monsanto (2004)
- Consulting for the MIT-Harvard PDP/CBI/ WTO President of agriculture negotiations (2004)
- Training and consulting for Hewlett Packard Europe directors of procurement (2005)
- Training and coaching for Promom (2005).
- Director of the inter-university consortium (UFRJ, USP, UERJ, FGV Direito, FGV IBRE) Program on Complex Negotiations based at FGV EBAPE
- Coordinator of the Executive Master in Business Administration at FGV EBAPE (2005)
- Training and coaching for Sanofi Aventis França (2005)
- Coaching for Federal and State Judges, Appeal Court Judges, Generals, Almirals of the Superior
School of War - Facilitation work for the ONG The Sustainability Challenge Foundation – Presidência da
Republica do Mozambique (2005) - Facilitator of partnership between Gilberto Gil’s Gege Produções and Quincy Jones Productions
Associate producer with Quincy Jones - Negotiator for Gege Produções and Platinum Rye on music artists such as Shakira, Phil Collins
and 50cents - Associate partner of John Casablancas on negotiation in the Elite fashion industry
- Training for ONG Viva Rio along with the Consensus Building Institute (MIT Harvard Public Dispute Program) and the US Consulate
- Consulting in risk management for Endemol/TV Globo along with Geos (2006)
- Consulting in advanced complex negotiation for the Véolia CEOs of 30 countries
- Author of the Advanced negotiation course of FGV Online for Banco do Brasil and Banco Central
- Author of the FGV Online negotiation course for technological undergraduate program
- Visiting professor da Ecole Nationale des Arts et Métiers-GRID
- Keynote speaker at Harvard Program on Negotiation
- Visiting professor na École Supérieure de Commerce de Paris (2006)
- Training e coaching for the Banco Central do Brasil
- Coordinator of the FGV Pós MBA Negociações Complexas
- Coordinador of the Executive Education Programa FGV Semana Empresarial
- Training and coaching for the Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Trade
- Award “Outstanding Professor of the Year” FGV
- Award among “100 Melhores Palestrantes do Brasil”
- Training in advanced negotiations and coaching for White Martins
- Chairman of Newgotiation Inc
- From 2005 until 2018, trained with his team more than 1 million academic students and executives around the world: Vale, Embraer, Ambev Budweiser, Gerdau, Governor of Acre, Fundação Roberto Marinho Aprendiz Legal, Centro de Integração Estudante Escola CIEE, Alphaville, Localiza, Eletrobras, Petrobras, Vale, EDF, Escola Supérior de Guerra, Superior School of Navy, Queiroz Glavão, Odebrecht, Escola Superior de Magistratura, Procuradoria da Fazenda, Bradesco, Siemens, Sony, Mistui Group. Thyssenkrupp, Alphaville, Caixa, Procuradoria da República, Caixa, Betha, Senior, Johnson&Johnson, Alibaba, Sony, Vinci Energie, Positivo, Consensus Building Institute, Brazilian General Attorney, Shanghai Expo, Hangzhou Expo. Chinese Ministry of Foreign Trade, Brazilian Ministry of Economics, United Nations
Intellectual contributions
Professor Yann Duzert has published 20 books, most are published in academic research cooperation with well known professors at Harvard, MIT, Stanford, ESSEC, ESCP Europe, FGV, USC, FGV, Zheijian University, including 3 Nobel Prizes of Economics. Elected most influent book of 2017 in China. 1 million people read these books. Among the most internationally published authors in negotiation and conflict resolution topic.
Academic Books
- Duzert Yann, Prosper Christophe, Sauvage Valérie. Devenir le profil irrésistible. Ellipses editions, Paris, 2023, 272 p. ISBN : 9782340076259
- Ribeiro, N., Duzert, Y., Zerunyan, F. Newgotiation para profissionais de saúde. Rio de Janeiro, Alta Books, 2023, 288 p, ISBN 978-85-508-18788
- Duzert, Yann , Monica Simoniato, and Denise Leal, Conflito de interesse. Alta Books, 2021.
- Duzert, Yann , Frank Zerunyan, and Marcia Moraes, Newgotiation para o professionais do setor publico. Alta Books, 2021.
- Duzert, Yann , Laure Jaunaux, and Estelle Koening, Neogociation. Paris: Pearson, 2020.
- Duzert, Yann , Frank Zerunyan, and Irena Descubes, Néogociation 4-10-10 pour les professionnels du secteur public. Vandeplas Publishing, 2020.
- Duzert, Yann , Frank Vram Zerunyan, and Irena Descubes, La Néo-Gociation 4-10-10 Pour Les Professionnels de l’Administration Publique: Négociation résonnée et raisonnée menant aux accords résilients, solidaires et soutenables. Vandeplas Publishing, LLC, 2020.
- Duzert, Yann , Frank Zerunyan, Nurlia Nurdin, and Friesca Juta, Newgotiation. Untuk Pemimpin publik. Resna Anggria Putri., 2020.
- Y. Duzert, F. Zerunyan, I. Descubes. Néogociation 4-10-10 pour les professionnels du secteur publique. Vandeplas Publishing. 2020
- Yann Duzert, Laure Jaunaux, Estelle Koenig. Neo-gociation. Editions Pearson. 2020. 180 pages. ISBN978-2-7440-6757-0 (2020)
- Yann Duzert, Frank V Zerunyan, Nurliah Nurdin, Friezca Rara Juta. “Newgotiation. Untuk Pemimpin publik” Publisher: Resna Anggria Putri.2020. 210 pages. ISBN 978-623-241-287-3 (2020)
- Y. Duzert, S. Wang. G. Chen, L. Fansonglu. From confrontation to mutual gains. Citic Press (2020).
- Yann Duzert, Franck V. Zerunyan, Newgotiation for Public Administration Professionals., Vandeplas Publishing, USA, (2019)
- Yann Duzert, Onur Buzağıcıoğlu, Yeni Müzakere Teknikleri, Cinus Yayilari. Istanbul, (2019)
- Yann Duzert, Monica Simoniato, Newgociação: A neurociência da negociação, Qualitymark, Brazil, (2018)
- Duzert Y. Simoniato M (2018). Newgotiation : Newgociação no cotidiano. Editora Qualitymark.
- Duzert Y, Spinola A.T (2018). Negociação e resolução de conflitos. Editora FGV.
- Duzert Y ( 2017) 新型谈判术——谈判的重新界定. Elected 2ndmost influent book 2017 in China by Zhejian University Press.
- Duzert Y (2017). Simoniato M. Newgoziazione. Editora Franco Angelli.
- Duzert Y, Zerunyan F (2015). Newgotiation for public leaders. USC Press.
- Cavalcanti B, Duzert Y, Marques E (Org) (2015). Guerreiro Ramos. Editora FGV.
- Stoeckicht I, Dorval O, Mallman, C. Men, Y. Duzert (2014). Negociacões internacionais. Editora FGV.
- Arrow. K. Ross L, Mnookin R, Tversky A, Duzert Y (2011). Barreiras para resolução de conflitos. Editora Saraiva.
- Duzert Y, Lustosa F, Spinola AT. Apendiz Legal (2010). Administração Pública. Editora FRM.
- Lempereur, A., J. Sebenius & Yann Duzert (2009), Manual de negociações complexas. Editora FGV.
- Lempereur, A., A. Colson & Yann Duzert (2009), Método de negociação. Editora Altas.
- Duzert, Yann, A. T. Spinola & A. Brandão (2009), Negociação empresarial. Editora Saravia.
- Susskind, L., Yann Duzert & A. Lempereur (2009), A bon processus bon consensus Leadership facilitateur. França : Editions Eyrolles.
- Susskind, Lawrence, Jeffrey Cruickshank & Yann Duzert (2008), Quando a Maioria não Basta, 1.ed. Rio de Janeiro : Editora FGV.
- Duzert, Yann org. (2007), Manual de negociações complexas. Rio de Janeiro : Editora FGV.
- Duzert Yann (2001). La dynamique de la métamédiation dans la gestion cognitive de système d’information en réseau. Editions ENS Cachan.
Academic Book Chapters
- Duzert Yann Fabiana Camera (2013). “A nova dinâmica do mercado tecnológico brasileiro: o conflito entre distribuidores e produtores de conteúdo. Book Política e gestão cultural: perspectivas Brasil e França / Frederico Lustosa da Costa (organizador). Editora EDUFBA/ESCP Europe, 2013. 373 p. ISBN: 978-85-232-1105-9
- Duzert, Yann, Fabio Cardoso & Octavio Penna Pieranti (2007), “How Companies Deal With The Federal Government and With Actors Linked To The Environment In Brazil”. IN: Delbard, Olivier. Sustainability Management Issues in Latin America And Europe: A Multi-Stakeholder Perspective. France. ESCP Europe
- Duzert, Yann, Ana Tereza Schlaepfer Spinola & Fernando Bulhões (2007), “A matriz de negociações complexas aplicada no contexto das reformas no Brasil: caso CDES”. IN: Duzert, Yann org. Manual de negociações complexas. Rio de Janeiro, Editora FGV
- Duzert, Yann & Ana Tereza Schlaepfer Spinola (2007), “Brasil-OMC: a queda-de-braço nas questões agrículas”. IN: Duzert, Yann org. Manual de negociações complexas. Rio de Janeiro, Editora FGV
Refereed Articles – Basic or Discovery Scholarship
- Dias Murillo, Teles Andre & Duzert Yann. Will Boeing Succeed In The Embraer Acquisition Operation, Despite The Brazilian Federal Government Golden Share Veto? the International Journal of Arts & Sciences (IJAS) International Conference for Business and Economics. The double-blind reviewed conference. (2018)
- Duzert Y. Dias M (2013). Teaching materials: role play simulation on business e-negotiation – domain.com.br. Biénnale Internationale de Négociation. Proceedings Négocia
- Rodrigues, S. A. ; Duzert Y. ; Souza, J. M. (2010). An Approach to Understand IT Professionals’ Behavior During Negotiatons. In: 4th International Biennale of Commercial negotiation, Paris, France.
- Duzert, Yann, G. F. Briolo & Ana Tereza Spinola (2009), The Matrix of Complex Negotiations. Case Study: negotiating with the Chinese at a time of crisis. IN: IASIA Annual Conference, 03-08 Agosto, Rio de Janeiro
- Duzert, Yann & S. Rodrigues (2009). An Approach to Visualize the Negotiation Preparation Step. IN: Group Decision and Negotiation, Toronto, Canada
- Dias M, Duzert Y (2008). Brazilian negotiation in 10 different scenarios. Biénnale Internationale de Négociation. Négocia Paris
- Rodrigues S. A. ; Paula M. ; Duzert, Y. ; Souza, J. M. . A Case Study for a Complex Negotiation Analysis on Software Development Projects. In: GDN 2008 Group Decision and Negotiation Meeting, 2008, Coimbra. GDN 2008 Group Decision and Negotiation Meeting, 2008
- Rodrigues, S. A. ; Duzert, Y. ; Souza, J. M. An E-learning System to Prepare Negotiations. In: IADIS e-Learning 2008, 2008, Amsterdam. IADIS e-Learning 2008, 2008
- Duzert, Yann & Fabiana Camera (2008), Análise das Heurísticas e vieses cognitivos na etapa de preparação do processo de negociação: Uma fonte de Poder para o Negociador. IN: International Association for the Scientific Knowledge (IASK) – Global Management 2008, 13-15 Outubro, Cidade do Porto. Portugal
- Duzert, Yann & Ana Tereza Spinola (2008), Negociação em Situação de Crise e a Matriz de Negociações Complexas. IN: International Association for the Scientific Knowledge (IASK) – Global Management 2008, 13-15 Outubro, Cidade do Porto, Portugal
- Duzert, Yann, Octavio Penna Pieranti & Fabio Cardoso (2007), Negociações
ambientalistas entre atores da sociedade civil e governo. IN: Negocia- Bienal Internacional de Negociação, 14 Novembro, Paris - Duzert, Yann (2006), Agriculture Negotiation in the context of WTO. IN: MIT-Harvard Public Disputes Program-CBI-PNC FGV. Séminario do Senado; Ecole Nationale des Arts et Métiers, Paris.
- Duzert, Yann (2006), Négociations Europe – Mercosul: Comment sortir de l”impasse. IN: Centre d”Étude et de Recherche Amérique Latine – Europe, Maio, École Supérieure de Commerce de Paris.
- Duzert, Yann (2005), Cross cultural negotiation : What is universal and singular in the management process. IN: 2nd International Biennal of Negotiation, 18 November, Négocia Business School de Paris
- Duzert, Yann (2005), Teaching negotiation through the matrix on complex negotiation to mold corporate diplomats. IN: New trends in negotiation teaching : Towards a transatlantic network, Paris. Harvard Program on Negotiation and ESSEC, 15 November
- Duzert, Yann, Fabio dos Santos Cardoso & Octavio Penna Pieranti (2005), O governo federal e a negociação com os atores ligados ao meio ambiente. IN: ENGEMA, 11 Novembro, Rio de Janeiro.
- Duzert, Yann (2005), The use of the matrix of complex negotiations in the context of reforms in Brazil. IN: Proceedings ‘Comparative Studies in Public Conflict Resolution’ International Conference of the Korea Developpment Institute School of Public Policies and Management, September
- Duzert, Yann & Daniel Enrique Rótulo Decuadra (2003), A influência do método de criação de consenso sobre o processo e os resultados políticos da negociação no caso Brasil-Uruguay por possível poluição transfonteira. IN: XXVII Enanpad, Atibaia, SP.
Academic research papers published Peer to peer Review Journals
- Duzert, Yann , Cris Carneiro, and Rafael Almeida. Culture of alternative dispute resolution in Brazil: an exploratory study of business mediation from the theory, law and perception of lawyers. Beijing Law Review. Vol13. (2022): 100
- Carneiro, C. D., Duzert, Y., & de Almeida, R. A. (2022) Case Study on Economic Benefits in the Use of Business Mediation in Brazil. Beijing Law Review, vol 13, issue 4, pp 1006-1029
- Duzert, Yann , Romulo Tarouquella, and Vinicius Ribeiro, “Como Ambiente virtual impacta nossas decisoes.” (in press) MIT Technology Review (2021)
- Duzert, Yann , Murillo Dias, and Rafael Albergarias,
“Mapping the Game : Situational versus structured negotiations.” (in press) Saudi Journal of Economics and Finance (2020) - Dias, Murillo de Oliveira; Duzert, Yann (2019). Teaching Materials: Role Play Simulation On Romantic Involvement In The Workplace. In: International Journal of Management, Technology and Engineering,Volume 9, Issue I, January/2019, pp. 124-133;ISSN: 2249-7455;DOI:16.10089.IJMTE.2019.V9I01.18.27418
- Dias, Murillo de Oliveira; Duzert, Yann (2018). Boeing, Brazilian Federal Government, And Embraer: Golden Share Veto And The Anatomy Of A Joint Venture. In: International Journal of Business and Management Studies, CD-ROM. ISSN: 2158-1479 :: 07(02):71–80 (2018). DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.14972.18563
- Murillo Dias, Andre Teles, Yann Duzert (2018). Will Boeing succeed with the Embraer acquisition operation, despite the Brazilian Federal Government golden share veto. International Journal of Business and Management. Vol6, Issue 2. March 2018
- Murillo Dias, Andre Teles, Yann Duzert (2018). Did Embraer succeed in adopting the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) in Brazil? European American Journals. European Centre for Research, Training and Development (ECRTD)
- Dias, M.; Duzert, Y. (2017). Teaching Materials: Role Play Simulation on E-Business Negotiation. In:: European Journal of Training and Development Studies, Vol.4 No.3, pp.1-15, August 2017
- Dias, Murillo & Duzert, Yann. (2016). Fiat Chrysler Automobiles in Brazil: Alliance Consolidated. In: The International Journal of Business & Management. Volume IV, issue 2, February 2016, pp. 160-166.
- Duzert Y. AT. Spinola. G. Broilo (2010). Negotiation China-Brazil, approach of the matriz of complex negotiation. Journal of US-China Public Administration
- Rodrigues, Sérgio Assis, Yann Duzert & Jano Moreira de Souza (2008), “An E-learning System To Prepare Negotiations”, Proceeding of IADIS Conference e-Learning 2008 -http://www.elearning-conf.org – Amsterdam, Netherlands
- Rodrigues, Sérgio Assis, Melise M. V. Paula, Yann Duzert & Jano Moreira de Souza (2008), “A Case Study for a Complex Negotiation Analysis on Software Development Projects”, Proceeding of Group Decision and Negotiation 2008 (GDN-2008) – http://gdn2008.fe.uc.pt/ – Coimbra, Portugal.
- Duzert, Yann, Marco Aurélio Ruediger, Vicente Riccio & Fernando Bulhões (2005), “Concilier le changement et la construction de consensus. Le cas des réformes au Brésil”, Revue Française de Gestion. v. 30, 153
- Munier, Bertrand, Yann Duzert, Bertrand Guillaume & Marc Lassagne (2003), “Les négociations environnementales peuvent-elles être conçues comme un outil de decision collective efficientes. Rapport au Ministère de l’Ecologie et du Développement durable”, GRID ENS Cachan CNRS UMR 8534. Ref 15 2003
- Duzert, Yann, Charles Tang & Fernando Bulhões (2003), “Negociando com a China: stratégia e oportunidades – Uma perspectiva histórico-cultural”, Revista Gestão.org. Disponível em www.gestaoorg.dca.ufpe.br/01.htm
Academic Conferences and Executive Education Keynotes
Board Member:
- 2020: Consensus Building Institute.
- 2020: MIT Technology Review.
Conference Organizer
- 2021: Rennes School of Business. Organization of webinard about Newgotiation along with Executive Education and Professor Irena Descubes.
- 2020: Ilmu Politeknik Djakarta and USC Price School of Public Policy Executive Education.. Organizer of webinar with 3 professors about the launch of our book in Indonesia.
- 2020: Ieja : Dialogo entre os 3 poderes with Minister of Economy, Minister of Justice, President of the Brazilian Supreme Court, Association of Banks and Commerce. Co-organizer and keynote speaker
Keynote Address
- 2021: National Council of Justice / UN PNUD. Audiencia Publica 2020: IEJA
- 2021: Management Magazine, Interview about our Pearson book Neogociation.
- 2021: Book Club with Pearson, Interview of the book club about our Pearson book “Neogociation”
- 2021: ANSP Association of Insurance Companies., Governanca collaborativa em setor de seguros. Presentation of my book “Conflito de interesse”: Risk and Information management. With FGV Professor Sergio Hoefflich.
- 2021: Prosecutor Office of Goias State and Mayor office of Goias, Presentation of our book Newgotiation para o setor publico with FGV Professor Marcia Moraes and General Prosecutor Antonio de Oliveira.
- 2021: AJUFE-PNUD-National Council of Justice, Capacity building in Newgotiation for 130 judges, with the UN PNUD and National Council of Justice of Brazil : Agenda 2030.
- 2020: Corporate University Vale former Director Dayse Gomes and Yann Duzert : Negociacao solidaria
- 2020: CEO Magazine Luiza Trajano and FGV Professor Marcia Moraes: Negociacao solidaria e transformacao digital 2020: Ordem dos Advogados : Brazilian Bar Association : Comission of mediation
- 2020: 2ndo encontro de direito consensual no ambito do Ministerio Publico, Keynote speech to the National Congress of Brazilian Prosecutors and General Attorneys.
- 2020: Association of Lawyers of Sao Paulo (AASP), Seminar about our book Newgociation for Agenda UN 2030 with public and private sectors. With the association AASP Vice Chairman and FGV Professor Marcia Moraes.
- Laboratório de Inovação e inteligência do Conselho Nacional de Justiça e Agência Nacional das Aguas. Gestion de l’eau et des barrages. Novembre 2019
- Banco do Brasil. Negociations complexes de crédit et M&A. São Paulo. Novembre 2019
- Fenalaw. Governança da Informação. Novembre 2019
- 2018 Bank Caixa Econômica. High revenue customers and Private Equity
- 2018 Brazilian General Attorney/Minister of Justice and prosecutors. Brasilia. Brazil
- 2018. Alibaba. Shanghai China
- 2018. Japanese Correspondent Club. Newgotiation.
- 2018. Shanghai Expo. Newgotiation : new technique for supply management.
- 2018. Zheijian University. Newgotiation vc negotiation old school.
- 2018. Hangzhou. Ministry of Foreign Trade. Newgotiation for Expo companies.
- 2018 Caixa Bank. Newgotiation na nova era Digital. Brasília
- 2018. ESSEC Singapore. Brazil Powerhouse of Latin America.
- 2018. Pelotas Shooping. Newgociação.
- 2018. ABRH RJ. Newgotiation para diretores de RH.
- 2017. CIEE Aprendiz Legal. Camara de Comercio de Pelotas.
- 2017. Alphaville. Newgotiation for public leaders. São Paulo
- 2017. Federação Nacional de Prefeitura. Newgotiation e governança colaborativa nas parcerias public-privado.
- 2017. Petrobras. Coaching e for Stategy Department
- 2017. ESSEC Manheim. Brazil Powerhouse of Latin America
- 2017. Normal University of Hangzhou. Modern negotiation and conflict management. Hangzhou.
- 2017. Tsinghua University. Modern negotiation and digital transformation. Beijin.
- 2017. Protege. Negociação de Crise. São Paulo.
- 2017. CREA. Negociação moderna. Campo Grande.
- 2017. EGC Guyane. Négociation et gestão de conflits: Innovation.
- 2017 Ministério Público do Maranhão e da Magistratura. Newgotiation. São Luis. Maranhão.
- 2017 Associação commercial e Industrial de Lajeado. Newgotiation. Lajeados
- 2017. Associação de Cartório e Prostestos do Brasil. Newgotiation para cartório. Belém.
- 2017. Betha Information Technology. Newgotiation in the digital era. Criciúma.
- 2016. Procuradoria Geral de Justiça do Estado de Minas Gerais MPMG. Newgotiation. Belo Horizonte.
- 2016 CIEE Canoas. Aprendiz Legal e importância da aprendizagem. Canoas.
- 2016. IAE Libano. ESCP Europe. Beyrouth.
- 2016. Queiroz Galvão. Conflito de interesse e serum anti-corrupção. Rio de Janeiro.
- 2016. CISP Seguros. Gestão do Risco, da Informação e da Decisão com Governança colaborativa.
- 2016. Protege. Newgotiation with supplier and Clients: Modern techniques. São Paulo.
- 2016. Senior. Newgotiation with Information Technology. Foz de Iguaçu
- 2016. Alphaville e Secretaria de Meio Ambiente do Estato de Ceára. Neogociação.
- 2016. CIEE Ulbra Univsersidade. Aprendiz Legal e Neogociação. Porto Alegre.
- 2016. Alphaville Escola Superior de Magistratura. Collaborative governance and public disputes Resolution.
- 2016. FGV-USC Smart Cities. Newgotiation and sustainable agreements. Rio de Janeiro.
- 2016. University of Southern California. Newgotiation and collaborative governance for public-private partnership. Master in International Management USC Price IPPAM. Los Angeles.
- 2016. Emory University. Newgotiation, Innovation in negotiation.
- 2015 São Francisco plano de Saude. Newgotiation in the health Sector.
- 2015. Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Paris. Newgotiation : Doing Business with Brazil. Rio de Janeiro
- 2015. École Supérieure de Commerce de Rennes-FGV. Doctorate in Business Administration. Newgotiation and cross
cultural negotiations. Rennes. - 2015. Brazil Food. New way to negotiation with Information technology. Salvador de Bahia.
- 2015. Rafarelli. Negotiation in times of Crisis. Gramado.
- 2015. University Paris Dauphine. Newgotiation : Doing business in Brazil. Rio de Janeiro
- 2015. Queiroz Galvão. Newgotiation in the Construction Sector: how to fight corruption.
- 2015. Newgotiation with information technology. Positivo University. Curitiba.
- 2015. University of Southern California. Newgotiation and Cross cultural negotiations. Los Angeles
- 2014. Petrobras. Negociation avec Technip. Rio de Janeiro
- 2014 AngloGold. Newgotiation in the Mining industry.
- 2014. University of Southern California. Newgotiation in the Real Estate sector. Los Angeles
- 2013. Alfaville e Procuradoria de Meio Ambiente do Estado de Minas Gerais. Consensus building em disputas públicas. Belo Horizonte.
- 2013. Ministry of Economy. Procuradoria da Fazenda. Negociação de dívida com grandes empresas. Brasília.
- 2013. Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Rennes. Doctorate in Business Administration: Newgotiation. Rennes.
- 2013. ESCP Europe. Negociations agricoles EU-Mercosul. Paris.
- 2013. University of Southern California. Newgotiation, new mindset in Negotiation. Los Angeles
- 2012. Tribunal de Conta da União. Gestão de conflitos na administração pública. Rio de Janeiro
- 2012. lNCRA. Negociação ambiental: processo e gestão de risco ambiental. Brasília
- 2012. White Martins/Praxair. Negociação para vendas. Joinville.
- 2012. HSM Expo Management. New trends in Negotiation pedagogy. São Paulo.
- 2011. Lactec. Information technology solutions for conflict resolution in sales and procurement. Porto Alegre.
- 2011. Inpare. Education and Reduction of violence with consensus building. São Paulo/
- 2010. Cornel University. Newgotiation tool to deal with cross cultural challenges.
- 2009. University of Southern Florida. Dealing with Cognitive element in Newgotiation.
- 2009. Thunderbird University. Doing business in Brazil: How to negotiation with Brazilians.
- 2009 Conselho Nacional de Justiça. Mecanismos alternativos de resolução de conflitos.
- 2009. Odebrecht. Managing Negotiation and Conflict Resolution in Project Management. Vitoria.
- 2009. Modern Negotiation with Information Technology Support. TEC Monterrey.
- 2009. Negociação with Information Technology Support. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro COPPE & Ministry of Plan. Brasilia
- (18 Nov. 2008) Negociação para prefeituras, Goiás.
- (16 Nov. 2008) Negociação Empresarial, AmBev – Belo Horizonte.
- (25 Out. 2008) Negociações complexas entre múltiplas partes com técnica de criação de consenso, Petrobras – Rio de Janeiro.
- (24 Set. 2008) Negociação trabalhista e solução para limitar o turnover, Camara de comercio e de Indústria França Brasil.
- (4 Set. 2008) Como negociar orçamentos, VI Semana de Administração e Contabilidade da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro.
- (28 Ago. 2008) Negociações internationais : Como superar as barreiras culturais, Cornell University.
- (23 Abr. 2008) Cooperação China-Brasil, Tonji University.
- (10 Abr. 2008) Negociações cognitivas e gestão das emoções destrutivas, Rennes.
- (Mar. 2008) FGV Management – Habiliade para ser tornar um negociador de elite.
- (21 Nov. 2007) Negociações comerciais para diretor de venda ou de compra, ESCP-EAP, Paris.
- (7 Nov. 2007) Habilidades e técnicas para se tornar um negociador eficiente, Palestra Expo-Management.
- (5 Jun. 2007) Managing public disputes and environmental issues, University of
Southern California. - (28 Mai. 2007) Negociação táticas com inteligência e gestão de crise, Escola Supérior Naval.
- (16 Abr. 2007) Negociação e resolução de disputas públicas, Banco Central do Brasil.
- (14 Fev. 2007) Mediação e proteção de crianças em situação de risco, Seminário FGV EBAPE-BID-Harvard Q Project.
- (Abr. 2007) University of Southern California, Academic Cooperation with Brazil and FGV EBAPE.
- (11 Out. 2006) Presidente do Senado da França e Presidência da OMC, Evolutions des négociations agricoles de l’OMC et nouveaux instruments de gestion des négociations complexes.
- (23 Nov. 2006) Séminario “Personalité d’avenir”, Embeixada da França-Congresso Brasileiro-UFRJ: Processos de negociações complexas para resolver disputas publicas.
- (5 Nov. 2006) Inpare.
- (10 Mai. 2006) Négociations Europe – Mercosul: Comment sortir de l”impasse, Conférence CERALE. Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Paris.
- (25 Abr. 2006) Techniques de négociations de ventes, Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Paris.
- (14 Mar. 2006) Gestion de négociations commerciales internationales, Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Paris.
- (10 Dez. 2005) Stratégies et développement international des entreprises françaises au Brésil: Regards croisés, Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Paris.
- (18 Nov. 2005) Cross cultural negotiations: What is universal and singular in the
management process, 2nd International Biennal of Negotiation. Negocia. - (15 Nov. 2005) Teaching negotiation through the matrix on complex negotiation and the Program on Complex Negotiation, New trends in negotiation teaching : Towards a transatlantic network. Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School & ESSEC IERENE.
- (11 Nov. 2005) O governo federal e a negociação com os atores ligados ao meio
ambiente, Conferência INCRA. - (Sep. 2005) Comparative Studies in Public Conflict Resolution. International Conference of the Korea Developpment Institute School of Public Policies and Management, Seoul, Korea.
- (10 Mai. 2005) Estrategias de competitividade para as negociações Brasil India, II Seminário Fazendo Negócios com a Índia – Câmara Índia-Brasil.
- (20 Abr. 2005) The Matrix of Complex Negotiation, Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Paris.
- (1 Fev. 2005) Trade and joint ventures facilitation between India and Brazil, Chamber of Commerce of Mumbai.
- (15 Jan. 2005) Consensus Building and complex negotiations, Bajaj Institute –
University of Mumbai. - (10 Jan. 2005) Partenariats internationaux et échanges, Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Paris.
- (7 Jan. 2005) Matrice de négociations complexes: Contexte de disputes publiques, Ecole Normale Supérieure.
- (6 Dez. 2004) Managing Complex Negotiations in Brazil, Harvard University. Program on Negotiation.
- (16 Jun. 2004) Gestion des négociations complexes au Brésil : Cas des réformes,
ESSEC – Université de la Sorbonne – Institut des Hautes Études d’Amérique Latine. - (23 Abr. 2004) Técnica de negociação para gestão de crise e de conversas dificeis, Governo do Estado de Acre – Secretária de Justiça e de Segurança Pública/Policia civil.
- (16 Abr. 2004) Comment une bonne gestion des négociations accompagne le
mouvement de réformes au Brésil, ESSEC – Institut de Recherche et d’Enseignement sur la Négociation en Europe. - (12 Abr. 2003) Gestion des Disputes publique dans le cadre des Réformes, ENS Cachan – Groupe d’Analyse des Politiques Publiques.
- (Nov. 2003) Processo de negociação na indústria do petróleo, ABGA – FIRJAN.
- (4 Nov. 2003) Negociações complexas. Expo Management.
- (Out. 2003) Negociação e Gestão de Conflito na Iniciativa Privada e no Governo,
Consensus Building Institute e Programa de Negociação e Gestão de Conflito (PNGC) da FGV. Bolsa de valores do Rio de Janeiro. - (23 Set. 2003) Accelerating the pace for EU-Mercosur agreement : Civil society participation, IEP Paris Working Group Trade Negotiation EU – Mercosur
- (2003) Técnica de criação de consenso, ESC Rennes
- (2003) Mediação na Escola, MEC-UNESCO
Interviews and publications in Media
- 19 January 2022: Descubes, I., Duzert, Y. La maîtrise des techniques de négociation est malheureusement trop rare dans la haute fonction publique française. Le Monde
- 16 April 2021: Romulo Tarouquella, Vinicius Ribeiro, and Yann Duzert. Como Ambiente virtual impacta nossas decisoes. MIT Technology Review
- 17 December 2021: Duzert, Y., Descubes, I. S’ils veulent être efficaces, les hauts fonctionnaires doivent devenir des facilitateurs. Acteurs Publics
- 2020: Record News R7 interview of Journalist Eugenio Goussinsky, Interview about the Middle East negotiations and conflicts.
- 2020: Futuros Visiveis with journalist Maia Veloso, Presentation in the media of my new book Conflito de interesse.
- 8 May 2020. Europa viverá nova ‘Revolução Industrial’ com produção local Eugenio Goussinsky, Record News R7
- 5 March 2020. Sanders ou Biden? Analistas discutem quem pode ser mais eficaz para vencer Trump Camila Zarur e Marina Gonçalves, Jornal O Globo
- 1 janvier 2020. Radio CBN: Réformes des retraites. ‘É uma diferença ideológica que está em jogo’, diz especialista sobre reforma na França.
- 11 janvier 2019. Radio France Internationale. Newgotiation.
- 13 décembre 2018. TV Globo News. Jornal GloboNews. « Votação pode afastar primeira-ministra britânica do cargo. »
- 9 décembre 2018. TV Globo News. « Manifestações na França »
- 8 décembre 2018. TV Globo News. « Há um jogo para fortalecer reivindicações dos coletes amarelos. »
- Duzert Y (7th of September 2018). Record News R7. « Há dez anos atrás a crise das hipotecas nos EUA abalava o mundo. »
- Duzert Y (8th de June 2018). Newapp CZTV. Newgotiation book elected no2 most influential book of 2017 in China.
- Duzert Y (27th April 2018). Jornal O Globo. Um novo Kim protagoniza a cúpula desta sexta feira.
- Duzert Y (16th December 2017). Jornal O Povo. Chance de Guerra ou paz.
- Duzert Y (15th December 2017). Jornal O Globo. Crise em Jerusalem.
- Duzert Y (13rd December 2017). CBN Radio. Macron tem habilidades que Trump não teve.
- Duzert Y (23rd November 2017). Record R7. EU em alerta, Merkel da passo arriscado ao sugerir novas eleições
- Duzert Y (25th November 2017). Record 7. Divisão no Sinai
- Duzert Y (22nd November 2017). Istoé. Crise política na Alemanhã
- Duzert Y (22nd November 2017). Jornal do Brasil. Crise política inédita na Alemanhã colocar Angela Merkel sob pressão
- Duzert Y (7th November 2017). Record R7. Atirador do Texas comprou armas legalmente, apesar de antecedentes
- Duzert Y (30 October 2017). CGTN China. What solution for old school negotiation Spain/Catalonia?
- Duzert Y (24th October 2017). CGTN TV China. CPC Decides. Global Watch
- Duzert Y (28th September 2017). Jornal do Commercio. Coreia do Norte e crise negociada
- Duzert Y (28th September 2017). Istoé. Macron e Merkel e o future da Europa
- Duzert Y (27th September 2017). Record R7. Especial Kim Jon Un
- Duzert Y (26th September 2017). UOL. Eleições na Alemanha
- Duzert Y (25th September 2017). Jornal do Brasil. Eleições na Alemanha são novo teste para o poder da Angela Merkel
- Duzert Y (24th September 2017). R7 Record Nóticas. Eleições Alemã Merkel busca 4o mandato
- Duzert Y (24th September 2017). BandNews TV. Eleições na Alemanha
- Duzert Y (24th September 2017). CBN Globo Radio. Boca de urna aponta Merkel com 32%
- Duzert Y (22nd September 2017). Istoé. Eleições na Alemanha
- Duzert Y (16th june 2017). CBN Radio. Trump cancela acordo com Cuba
- Duzert Y (12th June 2017). Radio Sputnik Russia. Eleições legislativas na França.
- Duzert Y (1th June 2017). Record R7. Eleições 2017 na França, no Reino Unido e Alemanha define uma nova Europa.
- Duzert Y (16th May 2017). Jornal Correios Brasiliense. O melancôlico fim do governo Hollande.
- Duzert Y (12th may 2017). Revita Exame. França no 2ndo turno: entenda essa eleições histórica.
- Duzert Y (10th may 2017). Radio France Internationale. Eleição de Macron beneficiará relações entre França e Brasil
- Duzert Y. (9th May 2017). Record R7. Vitoria do Macron favorece acordos comerciais entre o Mercosul e UE
- Duzert Y (7th may 2017). Radio Globo CBN. Macro é o novo rosto para política francesa.
- Duzert Y (7th may 2017). TV Globo News. Desdobramentos e efeitos das eleições na França.
- Duzert Y. (6th may 2017). TV Globo News. Eleições na França Macron-Le Pen: projeções e jeito de negociar
- Duzert Y (6th may 2017. Jornal Correiros Brasiliense. Marcro é como franco favorito para eleiçãono 2ndo turno da eleição presidencial
- Duzert Y (5th may 2017). TV Globo Bom Dia Brasil. Candidatos buscam votos no ultimo dia de campanha eleitora na França
- Duzert Y (5th may 2017). Radio Russia Sputnik. Eleições na França
- Duzert Y (25 april 2017). TV Band News. Projeções Macron-LePen para Segundo turno
- Duzert Y (24th april 2017). TV GloboNews. Eleções na França
- Duzert T (24th april 2017). Radio Globo CBN. Clima de consternação em Paris
- Duzert Y (24th april 2017). TV Band News. Eleições na França e atendados
- Duzert Y (19th december 2016). Radio Globo CBN. Saída de Hassad e nova negociação
- Duzert Y (18th december 2016). Jornal Zero Hora. Crises combinadas ameaçam a União Européia
- Duzert Y (12nd october 2016). TV GloboNews. Eleições nos USA com Trump
- Duzert Y (2016). “Eleições americanas”. Radio Nacional CBN. 15thof October
- Duzert Y (2016). “Eleições americanas: Hillary vs Trump”. Jornal Estadão de São Paulo. October 15th.
- Duzert Y (2016). “Newgotiation no contexto das eleições americanas”. CBN Radio. September 18th
- Duzert Y (2016). “Les jeux olympiques terminés, l’inquiétude gagne de nouveau les habitants de Rio de Janeiro.” TV Itélé Paris. August 25th
- Duzert Y (2016). “Sem risco zero para o terrorismo”. Jornal O Dia. August 10th
- Duzert Y (2016). “Ministério de Defesa diz que 500 mil pessoas são suspeitas de terrorismo nos JO.” Jornal O Dia. August 5th
- Duzert Y (2016). Gestão de crise no Brasil e na França. Radio Sputnik Russia. July 15th
- Duzert Y (2016). Gestão da identidade, gestão de crise, negociação tática: Como lidar com Estado Islâmico. Radio CBN. July 15th
- Duzert Y (2016). Anti-terrorismo e gestão de risco. Jornal Valor Ecônomico. Julho 5th
- Duzert Y (2016). O Brexit e as consequências. Radio Sputnik Russia. June 29th
- Duzert Y. (2016). Como entender o Brexit. Band News FM. June 28th
- Duzert Y (2016). Sob a sombra do medo, após os atentados nos USA e gestão de crise com Newgotiation. Folha de Londrina. June 26th
- Duzert Y (2016). Entende a decisão britanica de deixar a união europeia com Brexit. Jornal Zero Hora. June 26th
- Duzert Y (2016). Duvidas e Incerteza sobre o Brexit. Revista Veja. June 25th
- Duzert Y. Massacre do Orlando e os seus impactos. Diario de Pernanbuco Jornal
- Duzert Y (2016). La bolsa brasilena cai. Pero los expertos ven impactos positivos. El Pais. June 25th
- Duzert Y (2016). Analise do Brexit, o fim de uma era. Istoé. June 25th. June 25th
- Duzert Y (2016). Impacto do massacre de Orlando nas eleições americanas. TV Estadão. June 19th
- Duzert Y (2016). A esquerda foi traída, analise da crise na França e no Brasil. Revista Brasileiros. June 17th
- Duzert Y (2016). Massacre de Orlando e gestão de crise. Jornal do Brasil. June 16th
- Duzert Y (2016). Conflito de interesse e Lobby nos Estados Unidos. TV Globo News. June 15th
- Duzert Y (2016). Como massacre em Orlando pode afetar jogos olímpico. Jornal de Brasilia. June 14th
- Duzert Y (2016). Attaque de boate gay relvela diferênça entre Trump e Hillary. Jornal Correio brasiliense. June 14th
- Duzert Y (2016). Eleições americanas: Newgotiation e jeito antigo de negociar. TV Globo. June 8th.
- Duzert Y (2016). Eleições americanas : Old school negotiation vs Newgotiation. Jovem Pan Radio. June 6th
- Duzert Y (2016). UNHCR Reffugees from Syria. Sputnik Radio Russia. April 8th
- Duzert Y (2016). Como Belgica se tornou criadorou de terrorismo. Revista Exame. March 30th
- Duzert Y (2016). Terrorism in Belgium: How to prevent risks. Radio Web. March 24th
- Duzert Y (2016). Terrorist attack in Belgium. Record News. March 23rd
- Duzert Y (2016). American Elections. Sputnik Radio Russia. March 10th
- Duzert Y (2016). Eleição Americana: perfil de negociador de Donald Trump. Exame Magazine. March 3rd.
- Duzert Y (2016). Negociações ambientais e Real Estate. TVE. January 17th.
- Duzert Y (2016). Crisis na França. Radio Sputnik Russia. January 19th.
- Duzert Y (2016). Negociação nuclear com Irã. TV Globo News. January 17th
- Duzert Y (2016). Terrorist attack in Istanbul: Conflict resolution in the Middle East. TV Globo News. January 14th
- Duzert Y (2016). Negotiation with North Korea. Sputnik Radio Russia. Janeiro 8th
- Duzert Y (2015). COP 21 and Environmental negotiations”. Sputnik Radio Russia. December 18th
- Duzert Y (2015). COP 21, impacts. TV Brasil. December 17th
- Duzert Y (2015). Elections en France et Gestion de Crise. Sputnik Radio Russia. December 10th.
- Duzert Y (2015). Negociações COP21. Radio Nacional EBC. December 10th.
- Duzert Y (2015). Economia Positiva e Newgotiation. Radio CBN. December 7th
- Duzert Y (2015). COP21 Negociations environmentales. Radio Sputnik Russia. October 7th
- Duzert Y (2015). COP21 desafios e implementação. Universo Online. UOL. December 6th
- Duzert Y (2015). Modernidade da Newgotiation. Radio Nacional. December 5th
- Duzert Y (2015). Negociações COP21 Paris. Exame Magazine. December 3th
- Duzert Y (2015). Les attentats de Paris: Gestion de Crise. TV Globo News. November 26th
- Duzert Y (2015). L’Etat d’urgence en France et ses conséquences. TV GloboNews. November 25th
- Duzert Y (2015). Conversa Publica. Risco de terrorismo. TV MEC. November 25TH
- Duzert Y (2015). Risque de terrorisme pour les JO de Rio de Janeiro. Radio CBN National. November 25th.
- Duzert Y (2015) Comment lutter contre le terrorisme. Radio Manchete. November 19th
- Duzert. (2015). Pacificadores e Terrorismo. CBN National Radio. November 18th
- Duzert Y. (2015). Attentats de Paris. Gestion de Crise. TV Globo News. November 18th
- Duzert Y (2015). Negotiation China-Brasil. CCTV News China. June 14th/
- Duzert Y (2015). “Mudança de paradigma em negociação, o syndrome Kodak” CBN
- Duzert Y (2015). “Newgotiation : The revolutionary change from Negotiation to Newgotiation. O Globo
- Duzert Yann & Frank Zerunyan (2015) : Online course Newgotiation for Public Leaders. USC/Newgotiation Publishing Technopedagogy
- Duzert Yann (2014) : Academic Online course Newgotiation. USC/Newgotiations Publishings
- Duzert Yann (2014) : Organizer of the Guerreiro Ramos Academic Seminar USC/FGV
- Duzert Yann (2009-2015): senior contributor CCTV News China (Watched by 200 million viewers in 100 countries)
- Duzert Yann (2012-2015) : Coordinator of the Doctorate in Business Administration FGV/ESCR.
- Duzert Yann (2013-2014) : Coordinator of the MBA Global Premium of FGV IDE
- Duzert Yann (2001-2011) : Coordinator of the Master of International Management FGV.
- Duzert Yann (2011): Organizador do seminário Negociação para setor public. FGV
- Duzert Yann (2010). Negociação para Técnologo. FGV Online
- Duzert, Yann (2009), “DVD Negociações Empresariais”. FGV Online
- Duzert, Yann (2009), “Nouvelles approches dans les politiques d’éducation”. Entrevista concedida ao Journal Le Monde, 31 March
- Duzert, Yann (2009), “Entrevista para a revista Você RH: Como construir reuniões de consenso?”. http://revistavocerh.abril.com.br/noticia/entrevista/conteudo_415222.shtml, 08 January.
- Duzert, Yann (2008), “Artigo para o jornal O Globo: A arte de ser pesquisador na area de Administração Pública no Brasil”. http://oglobo.globo.com/educacao/posgraduacao/mat/2008/12/22/a-arte-deserpesquisador-na-area-de-administracao-no-brasil-, 24 December
- Duzert, Yann (2008), “Entrevista na Gazeta mercantil: Executivos tem fome de
conhecimento”. - Duzert, Yann (2008), “Números da China”. Jornal Folha de São Paulo, 29 January
- Duzert, Yann (2007), “Entrevista Revista O TEMPO: Fantasmas assustam a gigante asiática. Belo Horizonte”. 17 October
- Duzert, Yann (2007), “Entrevista para Paradiso FM. Negociações com BRICS”. 13 October
- Duzert, Yann (2007), “Entrevista para O Estado de São Paulo Global made in Brazil”. 25 June
- Duzert, Yann (2007), “Entrevista para o Jornal do Comercio. Negociar com a China”. 09 April
- Duzert, Yann (2007), “Entrevista para Responsabilidadesocial.com. Forum mundial para Crianças”. 15 Março
- Duzert, Yann (2007), “Entrevista para o Jornal do Comercio: Risco e oportunidades com a China”. 10 Abril.
- Duzert, Yann (2007), “Entrevista na Rede TV com Amaury Jr: Quincy Jones and the World Forum for Children”. 02 Março
- Duzert, Yann (2006), “Jornal Valor “Mestrado internacional da FGV EBAPE””. 23 Novembro
- Duzert, Yann (2006), “Jornal do Brasil: “Séminario junto com Quincy Jones e o World Bank””. 20 Novembro
- Duzert, Yann (2006), “Journal Ouest France; France; Entrevista “Lula élu au Brésil””
- Duzert, Yann (2006), “Entrevista no Estado de São Paulo. Como criar um global manager”. 23 Junho
- Duzert, Yann (2006), “Entrevista no Jornal do Brasil – Projeto de Quincy Jones no Brasil”. 02 Março
- Duzert, Yann (2005), “Diplomacia corporativa : um novo jeito de negociar”. Diplomacia& Negocios.
- Duzert, Yann (2005), “Entrevista no Show do Jô Soares na TV Globo”. 06 Dezembro
- Duzert, Yann (2005), “Entrevista para o Nihon Keizai Shimbun do Japão. “Negotiation strategies for implementation of multinationals companies””. 28 Novembro
- Duzert, Yann (2005), “Entrevista no Diplomacia e negocios “Diplomacia corporativa””. 14 Novembro.
- Duzert, Yann (2005), “Desafios do Milagre Chinês”. Jornal Valor, 27 Junho
- Duzert, Yann (2005), “Entrevista no Jornal do Commércio “Desvalorização do Iuane””. 23 Julho.
- Duzert, Yann (2005), “Entrevista na Folha de São Paulo : Sem competitividade,
pequenas indústrias nacionais caem diante dos chineses”. 17 Julho - Duzert, Yann (2005), “Entrevista no Jornal Globo : Caderno Boa Chance”. 17 Julho
- Duzert, Yann (2005), “Entrevista no Jornal Valor do Rio de Janeiro: As vantagens do jeito múltiplo de ser”. 15 Julho
- Duzert, Yann (2005), “Entrevista no Financial Time : New Programme for FGV EBAPE”. 04 Julho
- Duzert, Yann (2005), “Entrevista Jornal do Commercio: Velocidade da valorização do Iuane preocupa EUA e UE”. 22 Maio
- Duzert, Yann (2005), “Entrevista Revista Valor Perfil de executivo: Adatação e gestão da incerteza”
- Duzert, Yann (2005), “Entrevista Revista Veja Como Calvin Klein criou um império”. 24 Abril
- Duzert, Yann (2005), “Entrevista no Jornal Valor Capacidades de adaptação para lidar com incerteza e negociações complexas”. 22 Abril
- Duzert, Yann (2005), “Entrevista no jornal Globo De olho para China”. 17 Abril
- Duzert, Yann (2005), “Entrevista na TV Globo news Estrategias de competitividade e de cluster no Brasil”. 12 Abril
- Duzert, Yann & Ana Tereza Spinola (2005), “Queda de braço no caso das negociações do Brasil com a OMC”. Cadernos FGV PNC
- Duzert, Yann & José Luiz Cardoso Zamith (2005), “Negociações complexas em caso de sequëstro”. Caderno FGV PNC
- Duzert, Yann & Melise Paula (2005), “Caso de negociação para portos e sindicatos” Carderno FGV PNC – UFRJ
- Duzert, Yann (2005), “Entevista para o Jornal do Brasil – Fusões e aquisições no Brasil”. 28 Março
- Duzert, Yann (2005), “Entrevista no Business Asia – Partnership India-Brazil : How to create mutual gains”. 27 Março
- Duzert, Yann (2005), “Entrevista na TV BAND – Estrategias de competitividade para o Rio de Janeiro”. 21 Março
- Duzert, Yann (2005), “Entrevista para o jornal O Dia – Open day do MIM no dia 31/3”. 14 Março.
- Duzert, Yann (2005), “Entrevista no MBA Center – Master in International Management in Brazil”. 02 Fevereiro
- Duzert, Yann (2005), “Entrevista no The Economic Time – Brazil woos Indian MBA students”. 27 Janeiro
- Duzert, Yann (2005), “Entrevista no The Economic Time – International strategies: Why not Brazil”. 15 Janeiro
- Duzert, Yann & Fernando Bulhões (2004), “Negociações Complexas entre o Estado e a Sociedade Civil : O Caso CDES – Conselho de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social”
- Duzert, Yann (2004), “Entrevista no O Globo: Programa de Negociações Complexas e mestrado internacional”. 21 Novembro
- Duzert, Yann (2004), “Entrevista na Rádio CBN – Jornal de 13h: Negociações
Comerciais Brasil-China”. 12 Novembro - Duzert, Yann (2004), “Entrevista no TV NHK (Japão) – Jornal das 20h: Negociações Comerciais Brasil com Asia”. 11 Novembro
- Duzert, Yann (2004), “Brésil: le fantasme d’une culture du consensus”. Revue
Parlementaire - Duzert, Yann & Luiza Andrade de Camaret (2004), “Alternativas para a Superação de Obstáculos Relativos a Criação de Valor, Competitividade e Acordos Comerciais Internacionais na Negociação Comercial com a China: Caso da Soja”
- Duzert, Yann & Ana Tereza Spinola (2004), “Quais são os instrumentos e técnicas de tomada de decisão em grupo para negociações complexas como OMC”
- Duzert, Yann (2003), “Sociedade civil debate futuro do acordo entre Mercosul e UE, no Rio”. Gazeta Mercantil, 24 Setembro