Associate Professor

Department: Marketing


Email: fu-mei.chuang@rennes-sb.com

Expertise liée aux objectifs de développement durable des Nations unies :

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  • PhD in Marketing and Strategy, Cardiff University Business School, UK (2008)
  • Post-Graduate Diploma in Social Science Research Methods, Cardiff University, UK (2004)


  • Marketing of New Products
  • Marketing Research Method
  • New Product Development

Research interests

  • Product Innovation and Management
  • Product-Market Strategy
  • Entrepreneurial Strategy and Competitive Dynamics
  • Technological Innovation and Marketing Learning
  • Global Marketing Strategy
  • Business Model
  • Multivariate Analyses
  • Structural Equation Modeling

Work experience


  • Accociate professor, Marketing Academic Area, Rennes School of Business (August 2015 – Present)
  • Research Officer (Jun 2012 – Jun 2015), The School of Business and Economics, Loughborough University, UK
  • Research Associate (Jul 2008 – May 2012), The School of Business and Economics, Loughborough University, UK
  • MBA Tutor (Oct 2004- Jun 2008), Cardiff University Business School, UK


  • International Business and Marketing Consultant, The World Trade Centre in Taipei, Taiwan

Awards and honours

  • Haynes Prize for the Most Promising Scholar(s) Nominee: Academy of International Business (AIB) Annual Meeting in Vancouver 2014
  • Best Paper Award (New Product Design and Development, Product Management and Entrepreneurship Track): American Marketing Association (AMA) Summer Marketing Educators Conference in San Francisco 2011
  • Track Section Chair, Global Marketing Conference at Seoul 2012
  • Track Section Chair, American Marketing Association (AMA) Summer Conference 2011
  • Track Section Chair, European Marketing Academy (EMAC) Conference 2009

Intellectual contributions

Refereed Articles – Basic or Discovery Scholarship

  • Robson, M.J., Chuang, F.-M., Morgan, R.E., Bıçakcıoğlu-Peynirci, N. and Di Benedetto C.A., 2022, New Product Development Process Execution, Integration Mechanisms, Capabilities and Outcomes: Evidence from Chinese High-Technology Ventures, British Journal of Management https://doi.org/10.1111/1467-8551.12686
  • Chuang, Fu-Mei, Robert E. Morgan, and Matthew J. Rob., 2015, Customer and Competitor Insights, New Product Development Competence, and New Product Creativity: Differential, Integrative, and Substitution Effects, Journal of Product Innovation Management 2015;32(2):175–182

Refereed Proceedings – Discipline-Based Scholarship

  • Xin Song, Fu-Mei Chuang, 2020, A new social-media business model for luxury products: an empirical study of daigou’s services via we-chat platform in China, Global Marketing Conference 2020, Seoul, South Korea, 5-8 November 2020
  • Xin Song, Fu-Mei Chuang, 2020, Virtual Reality (VR), Artificial Intelligent (AI) versus Luxury Shopping Experience: The Role of AI Application, American Marketing Association Summer Marketing Educators Conference 2020, San Francisco, USA, 18-20 August 2020
  • Xin Song, Chuang, Fu-Mei, 2019, Towards a New Service-Based Business Model for Luxury Products: An Empirical Study of Chinese Daigou Services, American Marketing Association Academic Conference, Chicago, United States of America, August 2019
  • Chuang, Fu-Mei, 2017, The Interplay of Innovation Model from Marketing Perspective, American Marketing Association Summer Educator Conference 2017, San Francisco, United States of America, August 2017
  • Chuang, Fu-Mei, 2017, The Sustainability of Product Innovation: New Product Competence and Performance Gains, American Marketing Association Summer Educator Conference 2017, San Francisco, United States of America, August 2017
  • Nathaniel Bo so, Fu-Mei Chuang, Samuel Adjei, Richard B. Yeboah, 2014, An Evaluation of the Moderating Effects of Financial Resources and Competitive Intensity, Academy of International Business (AIB) Annual Meeting 2014
  • Fu-Mei Chuang, Joanne Hsieh, 2013, International Entrepreneurship Learning of Born Global, Academy of International Business (AIB) Annual Meeting
  • Fu-Mei Chuang, Matthew J. Robson, Robert E. Morgan, 2012, The Market-Based Learning and Product Development Competence Paradox in Product Innovation, Global Marketing Conference
  • Fu-Mei Chuang, Robert E. Morgan, Matthew J. Robson, 2011, Developing Marketing Program Creativity in Chinese High Technology Ventures, Summer Marketing Educators Conference
  • Fu-Mei Chuang, Robert E. Morgan, Matthew J. Robson, 2011, Modes of Organizational Learning and Creativity in Chinese High Technology Ventures, 31st Annual International Conference
  • Fu-Mei Chuang, Robert E. Morgan, Matthew J. Robson, 2011, Creativity and Innovation of New Technology Ventures, Annual Conference Proceedings
  • Fu-Mei Chuang, Robert E. Morgan, Matthew J. Robson, 2009, The Effects of Business Climate and Strategic Orientation Proceedings, 38th Annual Conference of the European Marketing Academy
  • Fu-Mei Chuang, Matthew J. Robson, Robert E. Morgan, Mark Toon, 2008, The Contingent Value of Stage-Gate Capabilities for New Product Performance in Chinese, Academy of Marketing (AM) Annual Conference
  • Toon, M., Robson, M.J., Morgan, R.E. and Fu-Mei Chuang, 2008, Assessment of Interorganisational Governance Types: Multidimensionality and Repeated Ties, British Academy of Management (BAM) Annual Conference