Full Professor & Director of PhD programme

Department: Management and Organisation


Expertise liée aux objectifs de développement durable des Nations unies :

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  • Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Sustainable Development
  • Business Ethics


  • EMBA, Rennes School of Business, France; Open University, UK
  • PhD in Chemistry. Sheffield University, UK
  • BSc in Chemistry. University of Wales, Aberystwyth, UK

Research Interests

  • Emotions, emotions theory
  • Corporate Social Responsibility; Sustainability; Business Ethics; Nepotism; Corruption

Work Experience


  • Director of PhD programme, Rennes School of Business (October 2021 – Present)
  • Associate Professor, Management and Organization Academic Area, Rennes School of Business (2015 – Present);
  • Programme Manager MSc “ Management de projets créatifs, Culture et Design”(2016 – 2018)
  • Assistant Professor, Rennes School of Business
  • Head of Department Management and Organisation Department, ESC Rennes School of Business (2011 – 2013).
  • Programme Manager, MAIB, ESC Rennes School of Business (2004 – 2010).
  • Language Teacher, Languages Coordinator, ESC Rennes school of Business (1997 – 2004).
  • English Language Teacher, Various including ESC Rennes School of (1995 – 1997).
  • Post-doctoral Researcher, Universidad de Sevilla (1991 – 1995).

Intellectual contributions

Refereed Articles

Basic or Discovery Scholarship

  • Hudson, S. and  Liu, Y (2023) Mobile App Users’ Privacy Concerns: Different Heuristics for Privacy Assurance Statements in the EU and China. Information Technology & People. Vol. 36 No. 1, 2023, pp. 245-262
  • Helena V. González-Gómez, Sarah Hudson (2023) Employee frustration with information systems: appraisals and resources, European Management Journal,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.emj.2023.03.004
  • Hudson, S. & González-Gómez, H.V. & Claasen, C. (2021) Societal inequality, corruption and relation-based inequality in organizations. Journal of Business Ethics (forthcoming) https://doi.org/10.1007/s10551-021-04957-3
  • Hudson, S. & González-Gómez, H.V. (2021) Can impostors thrive at work?  The impostor phenomenon’s role in work and career outcomes. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 128, 10360.
  • González-Gómez, H.V., Hudson, S. & Rychalski, A. (2021) The psychology of frustration: Appraisals, outcomes and service recovery. Psychology & Marketing, 38(9), 1550-1575.
  • Hudson, S. & Descubes. I. (2020) Ten years on: CSR motivations and engagements in French managers’ perceptions 2007-2017. Management International, 25(2), 30-51.
  • Hudson, S., Gonzalez, H., Claasen, C. (2019) Legitimacy, particularism and employee commitment and justice. Journal of Business Ethics, Vol 157, N°3, pp. 589-603
  • Hudson, S., Matson-Barkat, S., Pallamin, N., Jegou, G. (2019) With or without you? Interaction and psychological immersion in a virtual reality experience. Journal of Business Research, Vol. 100, pp. 459-468
  • Puncheva, P., Hudson, S. & Michelotti, M., (2018). The role of proximity to local and global citizens in stakeholders’ moral recognition of corporate social responsibility. Journal of Business Research, 88, 234-244.
  • Puncheva-Michelotti, P., Hudson, S. & Jin G. (2018) Employer branding and CSR communication in online recruitment advertising. Business Horizons, 61, 643—651.
  • Rychalski, Aude and Sarah Hudson, “Asymmetric effects of customer emotions on satisfaction and loyalty in a utilitarian service context.” Journal of Business Research (2017):
  • Hudson, Sarah , Helena V Gomez-Gonzalez, and Aude Rychalski, “Call centers: is there an upside to the dissatisfied customer experience?” Journal of Business Strategy (2017):
  • 5. Hudson, S., Bryson B. & Michelotti, M. (2017) “Individuals’ Assessment of Corporate Social Performance, Person-Organization Values and Goals Fit, Job Satisfaction and Turnover Intentions.”, Industrial Relations/Relations Industrielles, 72(2), 322-344.
  • McNamara, T , S Shaaban, and Sarah Hudson, “Fifty years of the bowl phenomenon.” Journal of Manufacturing Systems 41. (2016): 1-7.
  • McNamara, Tom , Sabry Shaaban, Sarah Hudson, and Erika Marsillac, “Improving Performance in Unbalanced, Unpaced Merging Assembly Lines.” (in press) International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management (2016):
  • Hudson, Sarah , Tom McNamara, and Sabry Shaaban, “Unbalanced Lines -Where Are We Now?” International Journal of Production Research 53. (2015): 1895-1911.
  • Hudson, Sarah , Sabry Shaaban, and Tom McNamara, “The performance of unpaced production lines with unbalanced mean operation times and unreliability patterns.” Journal of Manufacturing Systems 37. (2015): 164-172.
  • Shaaban, Sabry , Tom McNamara, and Sarah Hudson, “The impact of failure, repair and joint imbalance of processing time means & buffer sizes on the performance of unpaced production lines.” International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management (2015):
  • McNamara, Tom , Sabry Shaaban, and Sarah Hudson, “The effect of mean-time and variability imbalance in unreliable lines.” Journal européen des systèmes automatisés 48. (2014): 211-237.
  • Shaaban, Sabry and Sarah Hudson, “Special Issue: ‘Production Systems – Cases and Applications’.” Production Planning & Control 25. (2014): 91-92.
  • Shaaban, Sabry , Tom McNamara, and Sarah Hudson, “Mean Time Imbalance Effects on Unreliable Unpaced Serial Flow Lines.” Journal of Manufacturing Systems (2014):
  • McNamara, Tom , Sabry Shaaban, and Sarah Hudson, “Simulation of unbalanced buffer allocation in unreliable unpaced production lines.” International Journal of Production Research 51. (2013): 1922-1936.
  • Shaaban, S. , T. McNamara, and S. Hudson, “The Effects of Unbalancing Operation Time Variability on the Performance of Unreliable Lines.” Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management 24. (2013): 428-447.
  • Barron, Andrew , Peter Hulten, and Sarah Hudson, “The financial crisis and the gathering of political intelligence: A cross-country comparison of SMEs in France, Sweden and the UK.” International Small Business Journal 30. (2012):
  • Shaaban, Sabry and Sarah Hudson, “Transient Behaviour of Unbalanced Lines.” International Journal of Flexible Manufacturing Systems 24. (2012): 575-602.
  • McNamara, Tom , Sabry Shaaban, and Sarah Hudson, “Unpaced Production Lines with Three Simultaneous Imbalance Sources.” Industrial Management & Data Systems 111. (2011): 1-27.
  • Shaaban, Sabry and Sarah Hudson, “The Performance of Unpaced Serial Production Lines with Unequal Coefficients of Variation of Processing Times.” International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology (2009):

Refereed Proceedings

Basic or Discovery Scholarship

  • Sarah Hudson, Clara Koetz. The influence of formal and informal ethical systems on employee’s unethical behaviour: A comparison between United States and Brazil. 39th EGOS, Cagliari, Italy, 6-9 July 2023
  • Petya Puncheva-Michelotti, Sarah Hudson, Sophie Hennekam. Anticipated chilly organisational climate for women: Scale development and validation. EURAM, Dublin, Ireland, 14-16 June 2023
  • Sarah Hudson and Helena V. Gonzalez-Gomez. AI-driven Human Resource Decisions: Emotions, Justice and Employee Outcomes. EURAM, Dublin, Ireland, 14-16 June 2023
  • Yara Atallah, Sarah Hudson. Replacing the Human in Employee Co-Worker Interactions: Effects on Job Insecurity, Job Engagement and Counterproductive Work Behavior. EURAM, Dublin, Ireland, 14-16 June 2023
  • Sarah Hudson & Helena Gonzalez. Understanding the Digital Frustration Experience in Organizations. EURAM, ZHAW School of Management and Law, Winterthur, Switzerland, 15-17 June 2022
  • Sarah Hudson, Yara Atallah, Charbel Chedrawi. Technology at Work: A Help or a Hindrance? A Technology-Based Job Demands and Resources Model. EURAM, ZHAW School of Management and Law, Winterthur, Switzerland, 15-17 June 2022
  • Gomez-Gonzalez, Helena , Sarah Hudson, and Aude Rychalski, “The psychology of frustration: Appraisal theory, satisfaction and loyalty.” Academy of Marketing Annual Conference, London, United Kingdom, July 2019
  • Hudson, Sarah and Irena Descubes. CSR through managers’ eyes: pragmatic to cognitive legitimacy, a 10-year shift. In: EURAM, Lisbon, Portugal, June 2019
  • Descubes, Irena and Sarah Hudson, “Ten years on: National context and legitimacy changes in French managers’ perceptions of CSR 2007-2017.”In: 5th International CSR Conference – Prosocial Innovations: From Responsible Finance to Social Entrepreneurship. Casablanca, Morocco, 2018
  • Petya Puncheva-Michelotti, Sarah Hudson, Gewen Jin. Social and environmental sustainability in online recruitment advertising. In: EURAM, Reykjavik, Iceland, June 2018
  • González-Gómez, H.V., Hudson S. & Claasen, C., When is using social ties detrimental to employee commitment? A three-country comparison. EURAM 2018 June 21-23, Reykjavik, Iceland.
  • Hudson, Sarah and Helena V. González-Gómez, “The Impostor phenomenon, shame and creativity in organizations.” 33rd EGOS Colloquium: The Good Organization (2017). Copenhagen.
  • Hudson, S., Gonzalez, H., Claasen, C. and Luo, Y. ‘Legitimacy, organizational nepotism and employee affective commitment.’ 32nd EGOS Colloquium 2016, Naples, Italy, July 7-9.
  • Puncheva, Petya, S. Hudson, and M. Michelotti. The role of national and global identity in individuals’ moral recognition of CSR towards their own and other nations: Evidence from France and China. In: EBEN Annual Conference 2016, Nottingham, United Kingdom, June 2016
  • S. Shaaban, T. McNamara, S. Hudson. The Operating Behaviour of Unbalanced Unpaced Merging Assembly Lines. In: ICORFE 2016, International Conference on Operations Research and Financial Engineering, Paris, France, June 2016
  • S. Shaaban, T. McNamara, S. Hudson. Unreliable Production Lines with Simultaneously Unbalanced Operation Time Means, Breakdown and Repair Rates.” ICPEM 2015: XIII International Conference on Production Engineering and Management, Paris, France, June 2015

Chapters, Cases, Readings, Supplements


  • Moore-Mangin, A. & Hudson, S. (2021), How can agriculture attract, retain and protect Migrant workers during a World Health Crisis? The Case Centre, Reference no. 421-0090-1. https://casecent.re/p/179879Hudson S. & Moore-Mangin, A. (2021) Ecoshamps: Tackling the Plastics Challenge, The Case Centre. Case -Reference no. 721-0041-1.
  • Mangin, A. & Hudson, S. (2020). How to Ensure the Well-being of Remote Workers and the Continuity of Businesses During a Global Pandemic. The Case Centre. Case-Reference no. 421-0005-1
  • Hudson, S. & Moore-Mangin, A. (2020) “Gender neutral artificial intelligence needs non-toxic workplace.” The Case Centre. Reference no. 420-0046-1. http://casecent.re/p/169180
  • Mangin, A. & Hudson, S. (2020) “The Right to Privacy at CyberSecurity.”  The Case Centre. Reference no. 420-0049-1. http://casecent.re/p/169304
  • Hudson, S. (2019) Volkswagen’s Dieselgate Challenge: Building an ethical culture. The Case center, 719-0026-1
  • Marsillac, E., Hudson, S. Sustainability in logistics. In: Joseph Sarkis (ed.). Handbook on the Sustainable Supply Chain. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar publishing Limited, Research Handbooks in Business and Management Series, 2019, 616  p.(pp. 389-409) ISBN 9781786434265
  • Hudson, S., Aßländer, M. S., Introduction. In : Aßländer, Michael S., Hudson, Sarah (ed.). The Handbook of Business and Corruption: Cross-Sectoral Expériences. Bingley : Emerald Publishing Limited, 2017. ISBN 9781786354464
  • Hudson, S., Claasen, C., Nepotism and Cronyism – a Cultural Phenomenon? In : Aßländer, Michael S., Hudson, Sarah (ed.). The Handbook of Business and Corruption: Cross-Sectoral Expériences. Bingley : Emerald Publishing Limited, 2017. ISBN 9781786354464
  • Hudson, S., Darwish, A.S., Shaaban, S. (2015) The SeaTravel Teaching Case. The Case center, 315-203-1

Books, Monographs, Compilations, Manuals


  • Aßländer, Michael S. and Sarah Hudson, The Handbook of Business and Corruption: Cross-Sectoral Experiences. Emerald, 2017.
  • Lépineux, François , Jean-Jacques Rosé, C Bonanni, Sarah Hudson, and C Pinson, La RSE – La responsabilité sociale des entreprises – 2e éd. : Théories et pratiques. Dunod, 2016.
  • Shaaban, Sabry , Production Line Efficiency: A Comprehensive Guide for Managers. Second Edition. Business Expert Press, 2013.
  • Shaaban, Sabry and Sarah Hudson, Production Line Efficiency: A Comprehensive Guide for Managers. BEP Business Expert Press, 2010.
  • Rose, J-J , F Lépineux, C Bonanni, and S Hudson, La RSE; Théories et pratiques. Dunod, 2010.
    Lépineux, François , J.-J. Rosé, C. Bonanni, and S. Hudson, La RSE – Responsabilité sociale des entreprises – Théories et pratiques. Paris: Editions Dunod, 2010.