Assistant Professor

Department: Management and Organisation


Expertise liée aux objectifs de développement durable des Nations unies :

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  • International HRM
  • Managing Diversity an International Perspective
  • Organizational Behavior
  • Deciphering the attention economy
  • Global Diversity and Equality Management


  • PsyD in Behavioral Health Management, University of Turin, Italy, 2022.
  • PhD in Organizational Behavior, ESCP Business School Sorbonne Panthéon I, France, Paris, 2021.
  • MSc in Social Sciences, Carlo Alberto Institute of the University of Turin, Italy, 2016.
  • MA in Psychology of Work and Organizations, University of Turin, Italy, 2015.
  • BA in Psychology, University of Turin Italy, 2010.

Research interests

  • Networks and networking strategies
  • Social capital dynamics
  • Networks and agency
  • Bias and stereotypes
  • Personality
  • Diversity research

Work Experience


  • Assistant professor, Organisational Behavior academic area at Rennes School of Business
  • Assistant professor, HR pole area at University of Toulouse Capitole I TSM Toulouse School of Management
  • Lecturer, Organizational Behavior and Strategy pole area, ESCP Europe’s Paris and Turin campus.
  • Visiting researcher at University of Turin

Non academic

  • Hr Assistant
  • Hr Consultant



  • Jury member Bachelor, Master, ESCP – Université Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne
  • Coordination Collective projects ESCP – Université Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne
  • Student Psychologist and academic Advisor ESCP – Université Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne

Intellectual contributions

Articles in peer-reviewed journals

  • Bacci, G., Viotti, S., Bertola, L., Converso, D., & Loera, B. (2024) All that glitters is not gold! Job insecurity and Well-being in STEM Research Fellows: a latent profile analysis. Frontiers in Psychology, 15, 1347966.
  • Bertola, L., Martini, M., Fedi, A. & Colombo, L. (2022). Are work-life policies fair for a woman’s career? An Italian qualitative study of the backlash phenomenon, Gender in Management, in press.
  • Emmanuel, F., Bertola, L., & Colombo, L. (2018). The evaluation of organizational stress and well-being in a public institution.  An integration of the ANAC questionnaire.  Medicina del Lavoro, 109(2), 132-144.
  • Fedi, A., Colombo, L., Bertola, L., & Rollero, C. (2017). Women and career between gender stereotypes and work-family roles.  A psycho-social analysis. Sociologia del Lavoro, 21,113-133.
  • Zito, M., Emmanuel, F., Bertola, L., & Colombo, L. (2022). Passion and flow at work for the reduction of exhaustion at work in nursing staff. SAGE Open, 12(2).


Magazine articles

  • Bertola, L. (2024, 1 February). Les réseaux sociaux en pole position. La métaphore à l’accès de l’information. Monde des Grandes Ecoles, France.
  • Bertola, L. (2024, January). Oubliez la « démission silencieuse », la dernière tendance consiste à cumuler deux ou plusieurs jobs. Economie Matin, France.
  • Bertola, L. (2023, October). Les nouveaux espaces de travail à l’heure de la flexibilité. Les Échos, France.
  • Bertola, L. (2023, June, July). Temps de travail le Français dans la course. Management, France.
  • Bertola, L. (2023, 29 April). Ces salariés contraints de prendre un deuxième emploi pour faire face à l’inflation. Les Échos, France.
  • Bertola, L. (2023, 28 March). L’inflation secrète des seconds jobs. Stratégie, France.
  • Bertola, L. (2023, 30 March). Managers : 5 defis à relever pour vous perfectionner.  Courrier Cadre, France.
  • Bertola, L. (2023, 26 February). Oubliez la « démission silencieuse », la dernière tendance consiste à cumuler deux ou plusieurs jobs. Economie Matin, France.
  • Bertola, L. (2022, 30 March). Networking : pourquoi les femmes peinent à réseauter. Les Echos, France.

National and international conferences

  • Bertola, L., Robert, V., & Eisenberg, J., (2024). Symposium. The critical link: Line managers’ experiences in hybrid work. AOM. The 84th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. August 9-13, Chicago. USA.
  • Bertola, L., Paca, E., Ozkok, O., Roloff, J., & Vichiengior (2024). Symposium. Understanding and Supporting Grief in the Professional Environment. Grief in Fertility Treatment: Unintentional Childless Women’s IVF Challenges. AOM. The 84th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. August 9-13, Chicago. USA.
  • Bertola, L., Paca, E., Ozkok, O., Roloff, J., & Vichiengior (2024). Symposium Learning from DEI Exceptions: Emerging Sectors, Atypical Employees and Innovative Practices. Fertility and Work: Trends in an Evolving Landscape. AOM. The 84th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. August 9-13, Chicago. USA.
  • Bertola, L., (2024). Workshop Fostering Entrepreneurial and Resilient Organizations through Diversity and Inclusion. AOM. The 84th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. August 9-13, Chicago. USA.
  • Bertola, L. (2024). Navigating the Gig Economy: Unpacking Gender Disparities in Women Gig Workers. Gender, Work and Organization 14th International Interdisciplinary June 16 -20. Cape Breton Island of Nova Scotia, Canada.
  • Eisenberg, J., Bertola, L., & Robert, V. (2024). Digitalization of work: Managing boundaries and facilitating inclusiveness in a hybrid work environment. The Digitalization of Work and Life Managing People and Organizations Up Close and at a Distance. March 21-23. Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, Usa.
  • Bertola, L. (2024). Unpacking Gender Disparities in Women Gig Worker. International Conference on Business Performance Management and Human Resources. March 12-13 Virtual. Pisa. Italy.
  • Bertola, L. (2024). Navigating the Gig Economy: Unpacking Gender Disparities in Women Gig Workers  Gender, Work and Organization 14th International Interdisciplinary Conference June 16 -20  Cape Breton Island of Nova Scotia
  • Bertola, L., & Jonczyk, C. (2023). Women in financial services: Change the rules? Change the game? 39th EGOS Colloquium, July 6-8. University of Cagliari (Sardinia), Cagliari, Italy.
  • Bertola, L., & Jonczyk, C. (2023). Women networks: Is there still a few hurdles women have to overcome June 28-30 June GWO2023 South Africa.
  • Bertola, L. (2023). The bright side of smart work: how the new generation of women sees remote work.16th Annual Conference of the EuroMed Academy of Business (EMAB) entitled: Business Transformation in Uncertain Global Environments. September 27-29, Vilnius, Lithuania.
  • Bertola, L., & Jonczyk, C. (2023). What are the challenges women still have to overcome when it comes to networking? AOM. The 83rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. August 4-8, Boston. USA.
  • Bertola, L., (2023). Contextualizing Networks: The Role of Gender on Networking Behavior. AIB 2023, July 5-9 Warsaw.
  • Bertola, L., & Jonczyk, C. (2023). Women in financial services: Change the rules? Change the game? 39th EGOS Colloquium, July 6-8. University of Cagliari (Sardinia), Cagliari, Italy.
  • Bertola, L., & Jonczyk, C. (2023). Women networks: Is there still a few hurdles women have to overcome June 28-30 June GWO2023 South Africa.
  • Bertola, L., Succi, C. (2022). Breaking the Glass Ceiling in Financial Services. 5 July – 6 July. AIB 2022 Miami Conference.
  • Bertola, L. (2021).  Is perceiving the same as believing?  The minds of women and men on networking behavior.  29 July – 4 August  80th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management.  Theme: Bringing the Manager Back in Management (virtual meeting).
  • Bertola, L., & Jonczyk, C. (2021).  The interplay between network brokerage and sense of power.  29 July – 4 August .  80th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management.  Theme: Bringing the Manager Back in Management (virtual meeting).
  • Bertola, L., & Jonczyk, C. (2021). How sense of power, seniority and gender matter.  37th EGOS Colloquium, July 8-10. Vrije University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam (virtual meeting).
  • Bertola, L., & Jonczyk, C. (2020). Gender matters on networking behaviours. EURAM Conference. University of  de Dublin, 4-6 December. Dublin, Ireland. (Virtual meeting).
  • Bertola, L. (2020). The role of gender in networking behaviours. 16th IHRM Conference. ESCP Business School. 28-30 October. Paris, France. (Virtual meeting).
  • Bertola, L. (2020). The mind of women in perception and networking behaviours. 7th EAWOP Early Career Summer School. 14-18 September. Durham University of  Business School, UK. (Virtual meeting).
  • Bertola, L. (2020) How personal resources and gender on networking behaviour matter. 13th Annual Conference EuroMed Academy of Business (EMAB). 9-10 September. (Virtual meeting).
  • Bertola, L., Colombo, L., & Calaon, I. (2019). Rethinking the benefits and pitfalls of the leadership development program. 17th Congress of the Italian Association of Psychology and Organizational Psychology. 26-28 September. Lecce, Italy.
  • Bertola, L., & Jonczyk, C. (2019). Female managers in professional service firms: better networks, fewer benefits? 79th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. August   9-13. Boston, USA.
  • Bertola, L., Colombo, L., & Calaon, I. (2019). Can leadership be trained? An investigation of the advantages and disadvantages of a leadership development program. 19th EAWOP Congress. 29 May-8 June. Turin, Italy.
  • Bertola, L., Colombo, L., Fedi, A., & Montagnoli, F. (2019). Pitfalls or prospects of work-life practices? Work-life backlash on women career. 19th Congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology. Mai 2-1 June. Turin, Italy.
  • Bertola L., Capriulo, A. P., Caputo M., Fratucelli D., Lunetta G., & Pagani S. (2019). Organizzazioni sanitarie e psicologia: esperienze regionali, nazionali e internazionali. XIII National Congress Associazione SIPSA Società Italiana di Psicologia della Salute. 23-25 Mai. Napoli, Italy.
  • Bertola, L., & Jonczyk, C. (2018). Female managers in professional service firms: better networks, fewer benefits? 34th EGOS Colloquium. University of Tallinn. Tallinn, Estonia.
    Bertola, L. (2018). The role of gender in shaping behaviour networks in professional service firms. EURAM Conference. University of  de Iceland. 19-23 June. Reykjavík, Iceland.
  • Bertola, L. (2018). Networks and career outcomes for female professionals. The Gender & Diversity in Organizations Division of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC) 46th annual Conference.  27-29 May. Toronto, Canada.
  • Bertola, L., Colombo, L., Emanuel, F., & Zito, M. (2017). Psycho-social risks in funeral operators: quality and quantity research on related psycho-social risks. AIP. XV National Congress of Work and Organizational Psychology. 14-16 September. Caserta, Italy.
  • Bertola, L., Colombo, L., Emanuel, F., & Zito, M. (2017). Conditions of well-being and discomfort within the funeral services, National Congress SIPSA. Psychology as a Science of Health. 3-5 November. Florence, Italy.
  • Bertola, L., Colombo, L., Emanuel, F., & Zito, M. (2017). Working dynamics in precarious academic workers. National Conference of Positive Psychology. University of  LUMSA, 9-10 June. Rome, Italy.