Associate Professor

Department: Strategy and Innovation


Expertise liée aux objectifs de développement durable des Nations unies :

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  • Strategic Management (MSc, PGE)
  • Innovation Management (EMBA)
  • Research Methods (MSc, PGE)


  • PhD in Industrial Systems Engineering at ERPI & SKEMA Business School, Nice, France
  • Doctorate Institut National Polytechnique de Lorraine, Nancy,France, Industrial Systems Engineering (2010)
  • MSc. In Industrial Management – Production and Operation Management at University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
  • M.A. Faculty of Management, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran, Industrial Management (2002)
  • B.A. Qazvin University, Qazvin, Iran, Industrial Management (2000)

Professionnal memberships

  • Association of Strategic Alliance Professionals (ASAP), 2013
  • Danish Research Unit in Industrial Dynamics (DRUID Society), (2010 – present)
  • Academy of Management (AOM), (2009 – present)

Work experience


  • Associate Professor, Strategy & Innovation Academic Area, Rennes School of Business (September 2020 – Present).
  • Head of Strategy & Innovation Academic Area, Rennes School of Business, (January 2020 – Present)
  • Assistant Professor, Strategy & Innovation Academic Area, Rennes School of Business (2011 – August 2020).


Service to the Institution University Assignments Member

2014-2015: MSC of International Finance Pre-programme committee

Professional Development

2013-2014 – 2014-2015

  • Pre-selection committe: One meeting per month for screening candidates’ cv and occasionally pre-job talk interview with candidates in strategy and innovation areas.


  • Pre-selection committe has been resolved by associate dean for faculty in the early 2015.

Professional Development


  • Academy of International Business, Istanbul, Turkey


  • Academy of Management Annual Meeting, 2012 Boston, MA, USA, Boston, United States of America.


  • Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2011, August 12-17,2011, San Antonio, USA. San Antonio, Texas.
  • Strategic Research Initiative (SRI) and Administrative Sciences Quarterly (ASQ) 3-4, June, Annapolis, Maryland, USA.

Research interests

  • Intern-firm knowledge Transfer
  • Alliance Formation and Evolution
  • Strategic Management of Knowledge
  • Innovation Management and Absorptive Capacity
  • Knowledge Based View of Firm
  • Quantitative Research Methods

Intellectual contribution

Refereed Articles Discipline-Based Scholarship

  • Yann Truong, Hamid Mazloomi, Pascual Berrone, 2021, Understanding the Impact of Symbolic and Substantive Environmental Actions on Organizational Reputation, Industrial Marketing Management, 92 (2021) 307–320
  • Mazloomi, H., Jolly, D., Morel, L., 2017, The effect of learning approaches on the utilization of external knowledge in strategic alliances, Industrial Marketing Management, Vol. 63 (2017), pp. 92-104
  • Schneckenberg, Dirk, Yann Truong, and Hamid Mazloomi, 2015, Microfoundations of Innovative Capabilities: The Leverage of Collaborative Technologies on Organizational Learning and Knowledge Management in a Multinational Corporation, Technological Forecasting and Social Change 100
  • Mazloomi, Hamid and Maryam Nasiriyar, 2014, Avoiding alliance myopia: forging learning outcomes for long-term success, Journal of Business Strategy 35
  • Mazloomi, H. & Jolly, D, 2013, Knowledge Transfer in Alliances: The Moderating Role of the Alliance Type, Revised and resubmitted to Knowledge Management Research & Practice
  • Mazloomi, H. & Jolly, D., 2008, Knowledge transfer in alliances: determinant factors, Journal of Knowledge Management

Refereed Proceedings Discipline-Based Scholarship

  • Mazloomi, Hamid and Maryam Nasiriyar, 2014, Variability versus Stability: How the Modes of Technological Recombination Matter for NPD?, Academy of Management Annual Meeting (2014)
  • Truong, Yann, Hamid Mazloomi, and Pascuale Berrone, 2014, Beyond Symbolism: Do Symbolic Environmental Actions Improve Organizational Reputation, Academy of Management Annual Meeting
  • Mazloomi, H, 2011, Discerning the Role of Partner Technological Complementarity and Diversity in Innovative Performance, Druid Society Conference
  • Mazloomi, H. & Farzaneh, F., 2011, An introduction to knowledge based view of human resources competencies, IAMOT 2011,10-14 April 2011, Miami, Florida, USA
  • Mazloomi, H, 2011, The role of knowledge complementarity and diversity in innovative performance of allying firms, Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2011, August 12-17, 2011, San Antonio, USA.

Presentations of Refereed Papers International

  • Hamid Mazloomi, Evelien Crooen. Antecedents and consequences of franchisee trust in their corporate franchise consultants. DRUID, Nice, France, 13-15 June 2024
  • Oliver Alexy, Hamid Mazloomi, Xian XU and Dilan Aksoy-Yurdagul, 2023, Breaking the Mold: Using Transformational Transitioning to Overcome Typecasting in Feature Films, AOM, Boston, USA, 4-8 August 2023
  • Merde, M., Mazloomi, H. & D. Schneckenberg, 2023, Selecting Internal Corporate Venturing Ideas in Multi-Business Firms – The Impact of Strategic Relatedness Measures, Idea Feasibility and Novelty, EURAM, Dublin, Ireland, 14-16 June 2023
  • Oliver Alexy, Hamid Mazloomi, Xian XU and Dilan Aksoy-Yurdagul, 2023, Breaking the Mold: Using Transformational Transitioning to Overcome Typecasting in Feature Films, DRUID, Lisbon, Portugal, 11-12 June 2023
  • Rozenn Perrigot, Evelien Croonen, Eszter Gedeon and Hamid Mazloomi, 2023, Buddies, bouncers and boundary spanners: Consultant roles and mutual trust in franchisee-consultant relationships, 36th ISOF conference, Rennes, France, 6-9 June 2023
  • Merde, M., Mazloomi, H. & D. Schneckenberg & Reparate-Retali, G., 2022, Internal Corporate Venturing – A Systematic Review and Theoretical Framework of Salient Dimensions, 82nd Academy of Management Conference, Seattle, USA, 05-09 August 2022
  • Merde, M., Mazloomi, H. & D. Schneckenberg & Reparate-Retali, G., 2022, Theorizing Internal Corporate Venturing – A Systematic Review and Framework of Strategy, Organization and Process Dimensions, EURAM, ZHAW School of Management and Law, Winterthur, Switzerland, 15-17 June 2022
  • Mazloomi, Hamid, Maryam Nasiriyar, 2019, How modes of technological combination affect new product introductions?, EURAM, Lisbon, Portugal
  • Mazloomi, Hamid , Yann Truong, and Pascual Berrone, 2018, How do the competitors value a firm’s environmental actions?, EURAM, Reykjavik, Iceland
  • Mazloomi, Hamid, Maryam Nasiriyar, 2016, How complementarity and diversity differ in technological alliances?, EURAM, Paris, France
  • Schneckenberg, Dirk, Yann Truong, and Hamid Mazloomi., 2015, Tracing microfoundations of dynamic capabilities: A case study of knowledge-based sources of firm innovative performance, EGOS (European Group for Organizational Studies)
  • Mazloomi, Hamid and Maryam Nasiriyar, 2014, Variability versus Stability: How the Modes of Technological Recombination Matter for NPD?, DRUID Society Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • Li, Ming and Hamid Mazloomi, 2013, Cultural Intelligence: A Cross-Cultural Dimension of Absorptive Capacity for MNC-Subsidiary Knowledge Transfer, Academy of International Business, Istanbul, Turkey.
  • Mazloomi, Hamid, Maryam Nasiriyar, and Corey Phelps, 2012, Complementarity and Diversity of Partners: How Do They Matter for Innovation, Strategic Management Society (SMS) 2012 – Prague, Prague, Czech Republic.
  • Mazloomi, Hamid, Stephan Billinger, and Guy Caverot, 2012, How do High Tech SMEs Adopt Entrepreneurial Approach for Growth: The Case of Open Innovation, 10th International Open and User Innovation Workshop, Boston, United States of America.
  • Mazloomi, Hamid and Dominique Jolly, 2012, How the Intent to Explore and Partner Diversity Matter for Learning Partner, DRUID Society Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • Mazloomi, H. & Nasiriyar, M, 2011, Complementarity and Diversity of Partners: How do They Matter for Innovative Paper Development Workshop, Strategic Research Initiative (SRI) and Administrative Sciences Quarterly
  • Mazloomi, H. & Farzaneh, F, 2011, Compétences des ressources humaines dans l’approche basée sur la connaissance, 39th Annual Conference of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada
  • Mazloomi, H., 2011, Discerning the Role of Partner Technological Complementarity and Diversity in Innovative Performance, Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen, Denmark
  • Mazloomi, H. & Farzaneh, F, 2011, An introduction to knowledge based view of human resources competencies, IAMOT 2011,10-14 April 2011, Miami, Florida, USA
  • Mazloomi, H. & Nasiriyar, M, 2011, The role of knowledge complementarity and diversity in innovative performance of allying firms, Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2011