Associate Professor

Department: Supply Chain Management and Information Systems


Expertise liée aux objectifs de développement durable des Nations unies :

UN Sustainable logo 11 UN Sustainable logo 12


  • Logistics & Supply Chain Management
  • Operation Management


  • Ph.D. in Operations Management, Open University, UKHigher Diploma in Teaching English as a Foreign Language, National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland
  • Higher Diploma in Secondary Education, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland
  • M.B.A. Finance, Wagner College, New York, USA
  • B.Sc Economics, City University of New York, New York, USA
  • A.A.S Industrial Management, City University of New York, New York USA
  • Ph.D. Open University and Rennes School of Business, 2010
  • Ph.D. The Open University UK


Professional Development Professional Seminars / Workshops

  • 2012: Open University Training Seminar – “How to Effectively Supervise PhD Students”, Rennes, France.
  • 2006: European Case Clearing House (ECCH) Workshop, Rennes, France.

Professionnal certifications

  • Refrigerating System Operating Engineer’s License, 1992 to Present
  • High Pressure Boiler Operating Engineer’s License, 1991 to Present


Professionnal membership

  • Society of Manufacturing Engineers, 2011


Academic Conference: Discussant

  • 2009

    The Association on Employment Practices and Principles (AEPP) Seventeenth Annual International Conference, Montreal, Canada, September 23-25

Academic Conference: Moderator / Facilitator

  • 2015

    ICPEM 2015: XIII International Conference on Production Engineering and Management, June 25-26, Paris, France.

  • 2014

    The 2014 International Conference on Business, Economics, Management and Marketing

  • 2013

    21st International Colloquium in Relationship Marketing (ICRM), Rennes, France.

  • 2011

    The 38th Annual Meeting of the Northeast Business & Economics Association (NBEA), Philadelphia, USA, November 3-5, 2011.

  • 2011

    Northeast Decision Sciences Institute 2011 Conference Montréal, Canada

Reviewer: Conference Paper

  • 2014

    19th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control

  • 2013

    21st International Colloquium in Relationship Marketing (ICRM), Rennes, France.
    McNamara, T. (2013) Anonymous Paper Referee for the 21st International Colloquium in Relationship Marketing (ICRM)

  • 2011

    Northeast Decision Sciences Institute 2011 Conference Montréal, Canada.

  • 2009

    10th International Decision Sciences Institute Conference (IDSI), Nancy, France,.

Reviewer - Article / Manuscript

  • 2014

    Journal of Enterprise Information Management – Special issue: IT System Innovation Out of Crisis: Lessons from Supply Chain Failures, Natural Disasters.

Research Interest

Trends and issues in Strategic Management and Operations Management
Investigating the performance of production lines through simulation


Work Experience


  • Assistant Professor, Supply Chain Management & Information Systems Academic Area, Rennes School of Business (2010 – Present)


  • Senior Corporate Buyer, A Fortune 500 Energy Company (July, 1985 – April, 2001)

Intellectual Contributions

Refereed Articles – Basic or Discovery Scholarship

  • McNamara , Tom; Meloso, Debrah; Michelotti, Marco; Puncheva-Michelotti, Petya, 2022, You are free to choose…are you? Organisational punishment as a productivity incentive in the social science literature, Human Relations, Vol. 75(2) 322–348
  • Michelotti, M., McColl, R., Puncheva,P., Clarke, R., McNamara, T., 2021, The effects of medium and sequence on personality trait assessments in face-to-face and videoconference selection interviews: Implications for HR analytics, Human Resource Management Journal, https://doi.org/10.1111/1748-8583.12425
  • McNamara, T., Shaaban, S., Sbihi, A. and Laarraf, Z., 2021, The Operating Behaviour of Unbalanced, Unpaced Merging Assembly Lines, RAIRO – Operations Research, Vol 55, N° 1, pp 99-113
  • Zou, Z, Farnoosh, A, McNamara, T., 2021, Risk analysis in the management of a green supply chain, Strategic Change. 2021; 30: 5– 17
  • Cragg, T., McNamara, T., Descubes, I., Guerin, F., 2020, Manufacturing SMEs, network governance and global supply chains, Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, Vol. 27 No. 1, pp. 130-147
  • Descubes, I., McNamara, T., Cragg, T., 2018, Recycling waste and upcycling people: a new type of environmentally-motivated social enterprise strategy, Int. J. Manufacturing Technology and Management, Vol. 32, No. 3, 2018, pp. 270-296
  • Descubes, I., McNamara, T., Claasen, C., 2018, E-marketing communications of trophy hunting providers in Namibia: evidence of ethics and fairness in an apparently unethical and unfair industry?, Current Issues in Tourism, Volume 21, 2018 – Issue 12, pp. 1349-1354
  • Descubes, I., McNamara, T., Bryson, D, 2018, Lesbians’ assessments of gay advertising in France: not necessarily a case of ‘La Vie en Rose?’, Journal of Marketing Management, Volume 34, Issue 7-8 (2018), pp. 639-665
  • Cragg, T., McNamara, T., 2018, An ICT-based framework to improve global supply chain integration for final assembly SMES, Journal of Enterprise Information Management, Vol. 31 No. 5, 2018, pp. 634-657
  • Shaaban, S., McNamara, T., Dmitriev, V., 2017, Unpaced Merging Lines With Uneven Buffer Allocation, IFAC-PapersOnLine, Vol. 50, issue 1, pp. 1093-1100
  • Shaaban, S., McNamara, T., Dmitriev, V, 2017, Asymmetrical buffer allocation in unpaced merging assembly lines, Computers & Industrial Engineering, Vol. 109 (2017), pp. 211-220
  • McNamara, T., Shaaban, S., Hudson, S., 2016, Fifty years of the bowl phenomenon, Journal of Manufacturing Systems, Vol. 41, (2016), pp. 1 – 7
  • Descubes, I., & McNamara, T., 2015, Theatre-based learning to foster corporate legacy change, Journal of Organizational Change Management, Vol. 28, N° 4, 2015, pp. 565-578
  • Shaaban, S., McNamara, T., & Hudson, S., 2015, The impact of failure, repair and joint imbalance of processing team means & buffer sizes on the performance of unpaced production lines, International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management, Vol. 289, Nos. 5/6, pp. 347-365
  • Hudson, S., Shaaben, S. & McNamara, T., 2015, The performance of unpaced production lines with unbalanced mean operation times and unreliability patterns, Journal of Manufacturing Systems, Vol. 37, N° 1 (2015), pp. 164-172
  • Hudson, S., McNamara, T. & Shaaban, S, 2015, Unbalanced Lines – where are we now?, International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 53, N° 6, pp. 1895-1911
  • Cragg, Tony and Tom McNamara, 2015, An ICT-based framework to improve global supply chain integration for final assembly SMES, Journal of Enterprise Information Management
  • Hudson, Sarah, Sabry Shaaban, and Tom McNamara, 2015, The Performance of Unpaced Production Lines with Unbalanced Mean Operation Times and Unreliability Patterns, Journal of Manufacturing Systems
  • Shaaban, Sabry , Tom McNamara, and Sarah Hudson, 2015, The impact of failure, repair and joint imbalance of processing time means & buffer sizes on the performance of unpaced production lines, International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management
  • Descubes, Irena and Tom McNamara, 2015, Theatre-Based Learning to Foster Corporate Legacy Change, Journal of Organizational Change Management
  • Hudson, Sarah, Tom McNamara, and Sabry Shaaban, 2015, Unbalanced Lines – Where Are We Now?, International Journal of Production Research
  • Shaaban, Sabry, Tom McNamara, and Sarah Hudson, 2014, Mean Time Imbalance Effects on Unreliable Unpaced Serial Flow Lines, Journal of Manufacturing Systems
  • McNamara, Tom, Sarah Hudson, and Sabry Shaaban, 2014, The Effect of Mean-Time and Variability Imbalance in Unreliable Lines, Journal européen des systèmes automatisés
  • McNamara, Tom, S. Shaaban, and S. Hudson, 2013, Simulation of Unbalanced Buffer Allocation in Unreliable Unpaced Production Lines, International Journal of Production Research 51
  • Shaaban, S, T. McNamara, and S. Hudson, 2013, The Effects of Unbalancing Operation Time Variability on the Performance of Unreliable Lines, Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management 24
  • McNamara, Tom, Sabry Shaaban, and Sarah Hudson, 2011, Unpaced Production Lines with Three Simultaneous Imbalance Sources, Industrial Management & Data Systems 111.
  • Shaaban, Sabry and Tom McNamara, 2009, The Effects of Joint Operations Time Means and Variability Unbalance on Production Line Performance, International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management 18
  • Shaaban, Sabry and T. McNamara, 2009, Improving the efficiency of unpaced production lines by unbalancing service time means, International Journal of Operational Research

Refereed Articles Contribution to Practice

  • McNamara, T., Cragg, T., 2016, From Physical Flows to Information Flows: An Evolving Concept of Supply Chain Management, Supply Chain Management Review, 01/02/2016
  • Dufeu, I., Duchaine, S., McNamara, T., Morvan, C., 2016, L’agriculture biologique contribue-t-elle au bien-être ?, Revue Éthique et Économique, Vol. 13, Issue 1, pp. 39-57
  • McNamara, T., 2016, A Survey of the Literature on Assembly Line Balancing as it Relates to the Apparel Industry, International Journal of Lean Thinking, Vol. 7, Issue 2, pp. 67-79.
  • McNamara, Tom and S. Shaaban, 2007, Getting the Most Out of Your Unpaced Production Line, Assembly Magazine
  • McNamara, Tom and S. Shaaban, 2007, Improving the Performance of Your Unpaced Production Line, Manufactures Monthly

Refereed Proceedings Discipline-Based Scholarship

  • Descubes, Irena and Tom McNamara, 2015, Comportement Entrepreneurial Responsable: Cas de la Feuille d’Erable, 9e Congrès de l’Académie de l’Entrepreneuriat et de l’Innovation, Entrepreuriat Responsable: Pratiques et Enjeux Théoriques
  • Shaaban, Sabry, Tom McNamara, and Sarah Hudson, 2015, Unreliable Production Lines with Simultaneously Unbalanced Operation Time Means, Breakdown and Repair Rates, ICPEM 2015: XIII International Conference on Production Engineering and Management
  • Descubes, Irena and Tom McNamara, 2015, The Consumer Engagement Process As It Relates To A Brand’s Revival Strategy, 9th International Days of Statistics and Economics at VŠE, Prague, Czech Republic
  • Shaaban, Sabry, Tom McNamara, and Sarah Hudson, 2014, Unreliable Production Lines with Simultaneously Unbalanced Operation Time Means, Breakdown and Repair Rates, ICPEM 2015: XIII International Conference on Production Engineering and Management
  • Descubes, Irena and Tom Mcnamara, 2014, Eco-citizen Social Enterprise Governance by Emotional Management: The Case of Feuille d’Erable, International Days of Statistics and Economics at VSE.Prague,CZ
  • Shaaban, Sabry, Tom Mcnamara, and Sarah Hudson, 2014, Unbalanced Mean-time and Buffer Effects in Lines Suffering Breakdown, The 2014 International Conference on Business, Economics, Management and Marketing,
  • McNamara, Tom, 2013, Improving the performance of manual production lines through deliberate imbalance: The sweet spot, 20th European Operations Management Association (EurOMA) Conference
  • Descubes, Irena and Tom McNamara, 2013, Art-based Learning: Catalyst for Change in Corporate Culture, 7th Annual Conference of International Days of Statistics and Economics, Prague, Republic Czech
  • Shaaban, Sabry, Sarah Hudson, and Tom McNamara, 2012, Reliable and Unreliable Unpaced Production Lines with Unbalanced Operation Time Means – A Comparison, 14th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing
  • Shaaban, Sabry, Tom McNamara, and Sarah Hudson, 2012, Performance of Reliable and Unreliable Unpaced Production Lines with Uneven Buffer Allocation, 14th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing
  • Shaaban, Sabry, Tom McNamara, and Ahmed Atil, 2011, The Design of Reliable Unpaced Production Lines with Single and Double Imbalance Sources, The 38th Annual Meeting of the Northeast Business & Economics Association (NBEA)
  • Shaaban, Sabry, Tom McNamara, and Ahmed Atil, 2011, The Impact of Unbalanced Processing Time Means on Unreliable Unpaced Serial Flow Lines, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology: WASET Conference
  • Shaaban, Sabry, Tom McNamara, and Ahmed Atil, 2011, The Allocation of Buffer Capacities in Unreliable Unpaced Production Lines Using Simulation, The 38th Annual Meeting of the Northeast Business & Economics Association (NBEA), Philadelphia, USA
  • Shaaban, Sabry , Tom McNamara, Tom McNamara, and Ahmed Atil, 2011, The Behaviour of Unpaced Production Lines with Unequal Mean processing Times, Variability, or Buffer Capacities, Northeast Decision Sciences Institute 2011 Annual Conference
  • Shaaban, Sabry, Tom McNamara, and Ahmed Atil, 2011, Unpaced Serial Production Lines with Two Simultaneous Sources of Imbalance – Their Operating Characteristics, Northeast Decision Sciences Institute 2011 Annual Conference
  • McNamara, Tom and Sabry Shaaban, 2009, The Operational Performance of Serial Unpaced Production Lines with Simultaneous Mean Processing Time, Variability and Buffer Imbalances, 10th International Decision Sciences Institute Conference
  • Shaaban, Sabry and Tom McNamara, 2009, The Performance of Unpaced Lines with Unequal Buffer Sizes.”, The Economic & International Business Research Conference
  • Shaaban, Sabry and Tom McNamara, 2009, Transient Behaviour of Unbalanced Lines, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology: WASET Conference
  • Shaaban, Sabry and Tom McNamara, 2009, Unreliable Flow Lines with Jointly Unequal Operation Time Means, Variabilities and Buffer Sizes, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology: WASET Conference
  • Shaaban, Sabry and Tom McNamara, 2009, Unpaced Production Lines with Unequal Mean Operation Times and Uneven Buffer Capacities: Their Performance, Seventeenth Annual International Conference
  • Shaaban, Sabry and Tom McNamara, 2009, Balanced Reliable and Unreliable Manual Production Lines: Their Behaviour and Efficiency, The Association on Employment Practices and Principles (AEPP) Seventeenth Annual International Conference

Learning & Pedagogical Scholarship

  • Shaaban, Sabry, Tom McNamara, and Sarah Hudson, 2015, Unreliable Production Lines with Simultaneously Unbalanced Operation Time Means, Breakdown and Repair Rates, ICPEM 2015: XIII International Conference on Production Engineering and Management
  • Marsillac, Erika, Don Minday, and Tom McNamara, 2007, Can you please stop talking while I teach? Anglo-Saxon teaching expectations in a French business education environment, AIB Midwest Conference

Chapters, Cases, Readings, Supplements Case

  • McNamara, T., Descubes, I, 2023, Case Study: Coca-Cola – Can an iconic American brand adapt itself to the Indian market ?, ed., by Jobber, D. and Ellis-Chadwick, F., McGraw-Hill Publishers Principles and Practice of Marketing, isbn 9781526849533
  • McNamara, T., Descubes, I, 2023, Case Study: SodaStream – Using Environmental Awareness To Reach Generation X, Y and Z’, ed., by Jobber, D. and Ellis-Chadwick, F., McGraw-Hill Publishers Principles and Practice of Marketing, isbn 9781526849533
  • McNamara, T., Descubes, I, 2023, Case Study: Starbucks – Brewing Great Customer Experiences Through Outstanding Digital Marketing, ed., by Jobber, D. and Ellis-Chadwick, F., McGraw-Hill Publishers Principles and Practice of Marketing, isbn 9781526849533
  • Descubes, I, McNamara, T. and Bryson, D., 2022, Will your future favorite bartender be a robot?, Long Case Study in Digital Consumer Behaviour for a Marketing initiative with McGraw-Hill. In process McGraw Hill International Case Studies
  • Descubes, I, McNamara, T. and Bryson, D., 2022, The Metaverse and NFTs: is the future of luxury in virtual worlds?, Mini Case Study in Digital Consumer Behaviour for a Marketing initiative with McGraw-Hill. In process McGraw Hill International Case Studies
  • McNamara, T., Descubes, I. and Bryson, D., 2022, A Match Made in Heaven: Manchester City FC and Tinder Join Forces, Mini Case Study in Mobile Marketing for a Marketing initiative with McGraw-Hill. In process McGraw Hill International Case Studies
  • Bryson, D., Descubes, I. and McNamara, T., 2022, Succeeding in Contemporary China: What happended to Samsung?, Long Case Study in Mobile Marketing for a Marketing initiative with McGraw-Hill. In process McGraw Hill International Case Studies
  • Bryson, D., Descubes, I. and McNamara, T., 2022, Engaging Chinese Customers at JD.com, Mini Case Study in Customer Relationship, Experience and Engagement for a Marketing initiative with McGraw-Hill. In process McGraw Hill International Case Studies
  • McNamara, T., Descubes, I. and Bryson, D., 2022, HDFC Bank India: Building a “Customercentric” Culture to Maintain Relationships, Long Case Study in Customer Relationship, Experience and Engagement for a Marketing initiative with McGraw-Hill. In process McGraw Hill International Case Studies
  • Cragg, Tony and Tom McNamara, November 2021, Chapter, Kogan Page Publishers, 1st edition, 384 pages, ISBN 978-1789668216
  • McNamara, T., Descubes, I, 2020, EcoTree: Trying to Save the World by Planting One Small Forest at a Time, The Case Center. Reference no. 720-0068-1, 17 December 2020
  • McNamara, T., Descubes, I., Claasen , C., 2019, Case Study 5: Private Prisons in the United States: a case of profit at any cost?, Fritz Allhoff, Alexander Sager (ed.). Business Cases in Ethical Focus. Canada : Broadview Press Ltd, 2019, 320 p pp. 52-60 ISBN 9781554813742
  • Claasen, C., McNamara, T., 2019, Case Study 8: The Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill, Fritz Allhoff, Alexander Sager (ed.). Business Cases in Ethical Focus. Canada : Broadview Press Ltd, 2019, 320 p pp. 81-88 ISBN 9781554813742
  • Claasen, C., McNamara, T., Descubes, I., 2019, Case Study 9: Dakota Access Pipeline, Fritz Allhoff, Alexander Sager (ed.). Business Cases in Ethical Focus. Canada : Broadview Press Ltd, 2019, 320 p pp. 89-96 ISBN 9781554813742
  • McNamara, T., Descubes, I., 2019, Case Study 26: Citibank and Collateralized Debt Obligations, Fritz Allhoff, Alexander Sager (ed.). Business Cases in Ethical Focus. Canada : Broadview Press Ltd, 2019, 320 p pp. 226-233 ISBN 9781554813742
  • Descubes, I., McNamara, T., Claasen , C., 2019Case Study 27: Misplaced Incentives: Large-Scale Fraud at Wells Fargo, Fritz Allhoff, Alexander Sager (ed.). Business Cases in Ethical Focus. Canada : Broadview Press Ltd, 2019, 320 p pp. 234-242 ISBN 9781554813742
  • McNamara, T., Claasen , C., Descubes, I., 2019, Case Study 31: Democracy in Business: The Mondragon Workers Cooperative, Fritz Allhoff, Alexander Sager (ed.). Business Cases in Ethical Focus. Canada : Broadview Press Ltd, 2019, 320 p pp. 262-269 ISBN 9781554813742
  • McNamara, T., Descubes, I., Chapter 2, 2019, Case Study 4: Reaching sinks, dinks and Millennials Worldwide, Jobber, D. and Ellis-Chadwick, F.(ed.). Principles and practice of marketing 9th ed. London : McGraw-Hill Education (UK) Ltd, 2019, 885 p. ISBN 978-1526847232
  • McNamara, T., Descubes, I., 2019, Chapter 9 Case study 17: Nordstrom: Using Service Excellence To Provide A Better Customer Experience, Jobber, D. and Ellis-Chadwick, F.(ed.). Principles and practice of marketing 9th ed. London : McGraw-Hill Education (UK) Ltd, 2019, 885 p. ISBN 978-1526847232
  • McNamara, T., Descubes, I., 2019, Chapter 10 Case study 19: Starbucks Managing customer relationships one cup at a time, Jobber, D. and Ellis-Chadwick, F.(ed.). Principles and practice of marketing 9th ed. London : McGraw-Hill Education (UK) Ltd, 2019, 885 p. ISBN 978-1526847232
  • McNamara, T., Descubes, I., 2019, Chapter 14, Case Study 27: Volvo: Buying a car by simply using an app, Jobber, D. and Ellis-Chadwick, F.(ed.). Principles and practice of marketing 9th ed. London : McGraw-Hill Education (UK) Ltd, 2019, 885 p. ISBN 978-1526847232
  • McNamara, T., Descubes, I., 2019, Chapter 19, Case Study 38: Coca Cola in India: an unstoppable powerhouse or a stumbling giant?, Jobber, D. and Ellis-Chadwick, F.(ed.). Principles and practice of marketing 9th ed. London : McGraw-Hill Education (UK) Ltd, 2019, 885 p. ISBN 978-1526847232
  • McNamara, T., Descubes, I., 2019, Chapter 9 Case 9 Omni-Channel Marketing at Danske Bank: Using Technology to Provide Great Customer Service, Fahy, J. and Jobber, D. Foundations of Marketing, 6th ed. London : McGraw-Hill Education / Europe, Middle East & Africa. 2019. ISBN 978-1526847348
  • Claasen, C., McNamara, T., 2016, Case Study 43: The Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill, Fritz Allhoff, Alexander Sager and Anand Vaidya (dir.), Business in Ethical Focus: An Anthology, 2nd Ed. Canada : Broadview Press Ltd 2016, 750 p. ISBN 978-1554812516
  • Descubes, I., McNamara, T., 2016, Case Study 19: Citibank and Collateralized Debt Obligations, Fritz Allhoff, Alexander Sager and Anand Vaidya (dir.), Business in Ethical Focus: An Anthology, 2nd Ed. Canada : Broadview Press Ltd 2016, 750 p. ISBN 978-1554812516
  • Claasen, C., McNamara, T., 2016, Descubes, I., Namdeb: Debeers’ joint venture with the Namibian Government, The Case center, 716-0049-1
  • McNamara, T., Claasen, C., Descubes, I., 2016, Trophy hunting in Namibia: controversial but sustainable? A case study of ‘Hunters Namibia Safaris’, The Case center, 716-0053-1
  • McNamara, T., Descubes, I., 2016, Can IKEA adapt its service experience to India?, Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies, Vol. 6, N°1, May 2016
  • McNamara, Tom and Irena Descubes, 2015, Chapter 19 Case Study: Maybach – The rise, fall, and (possible) rise again of a luxury icon, Principles and practice of marketing 8th ed
  • McNamara, Tom and Irena Descubes, 2015, Chapter 9 Case Study: IKEA and Service – Will people in India be happy assembling their own furniture?, Principles and practice of marketing 8th ed
  • McNamara, Tom and Asha Moore-Mangin, 2015, Chapter 21 Case Study: Volvo and Global Marketing Strategy – Fundamentally changing the way cars are marketed and sold, Principles and practice of marketing 8th ed., by Jobber, D. and Ellis-Chadwick, F
  • McNamara, Tom and Asha Moore-Mangin, 2015, Chapter 16 Case Study: Starbucks and Social Media – It’s more than just about the coffee, Principles and practice of marketing 8th ed.
  • McNamara, Tom and Asha Moore-Mangin, 2015, Chapter 3 Case Study: The Mercurial Behaviour of Millennials, Principles and practice of marketing 8th ed
  • McNamara, Tom and Asha Moore-Mangin, 2015, Chapter 2 Case Study: SodaStream – Adapting itself to a changing market, Principles and practice of marketing 8th ed
  • McNamara, Tom and Asha Moore-Mangin, 2015, Chapter 16 Case Study: “Digital Marketing: Gucci – Making Luxury Go Digital, Principles and practice of marketing 8th ed
  • McNamara, Tom and Asha Moore-Mangin, 2015, Chapter 9 Case Study: “Nordstrom – A shining example of service excellence, Principles and practice of marketing 8th ed
  • McNamara, Tom and Asha Moore-Mangin, 2015, Chapter 15 Case Study: “JCPenney and Direct Marketing: Using something old to improve something new?, Principles and practice of marketing 8th ed.
  • McNamara, Tom and Asha Moore-Mangin, 2015, Chapter 9 Case Study: Chapter 11 Case Study, Principles and practice of marketing 8th ed
  • McNamara, Tom and Irena Descubes, 2014, Chapter 7 Case Study: IKEA – A unique service experience, Foundations of Marketing – Global Edition, 5th ed
  • McNamara, Tom and Irena Descubes, 2014, Chapter 4 Case Study: H&M and Social Media – An effective market research too, Foundations of Marketing – Global Edition, 5th ed
  • McNamara, Tom and Irena Descubes, 2014, Can IKEA adapt its service experience to India?, Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies
  • McNamara, Tom and Erika Marsillac, 2014, Chapter 11 – Reducing Pollution Through Green Logistics, Sustutainability in Supply Chain Management CaseBook
  • McNamara, Tom and Helena Gonzalez, 2014, Chapter 13 – Strategy Spotlight 13.3: LinkedIn and process reengineering: Better performance than Google or Facebook, Strategic Management – Global Edition, 7th ed
  • McNamara, Tom and Irena Descubes, 2014, Chapter 11 – Strategy Spotlight 11.7: Employee empowerment at GE, Strategic Management – Global Edition, 7th ed
  • McNamara, Tom and Asha Moore-Mangin, 2014, Chapter 10 – Issues for Debate: Supercell has the world’s weakest CEO, Strategic Management – Global Edition, 7th ed
  • Descubes, Irena and Tom McNamara, 2014, Chapter 2 – Learning From Mistakes, Strategic Management – Global Edition, 7th ed
  • Descubes, Irena and Tom McNamara, 2014, Chapter 12 – Issues for Debate: Citizen-riders speak up and crowsource the Pibal, Strategic Management – Global Edition, 7th ed., by Dess, G. et al, McGraw
  • Gonzalez, Helena and Tom McNamara, 2014, Chapter 9 – Issues for Debate: Better Corporate Governance: If CEOs can’t do it, shareholders will, Strategic Management – Global Edition, 7th ed
  • Cragg, Tony and Tom Mcnamara, 2014, Chapter 2 Closing Case: France’s troubled economy, International Business – Global Edition, 10th ed
  • McNamara, Tom and Agata Mirowska, 2014, Chapter 10 – Opening Case: Are world currency markets being manipulated? Something fishy with foreign exchange, International Business – Global Edition, 10th ed., by Hill, C., McGraw Hill Publishers
  • Cragg, Tony and Tom Mcnamara, 2014, Chapter 15 Opening Case: Sulky Burel in Russia, Global Edition, 10th ed., by Hill, C., McGraw – Hill Publishers
  • McNamara, Tom and Irena Descubes, 2014, Chapter 12 Opening Case: Restrictions on capital flows are growing. But are all capital flows alike?, International Business – Global Edition, 10th ed.
  • Mirowska, Agata and Tom Mcnamara, 2014, Chapter 10 Management Focus: Wal-Mart Loses $680 million due to Failure to Hedge Against the Dollar, International Business – Global Edition, 10th ed.
  • McNamara, Tom and Agata Mirowska, 2014, Chapter 9 – Management Focus: EU takes aim at Google over anti-trust accusations, International Business – Global Edition, 10th ed
  • McNamara, Tom and Caroline Michel, 2014, Chapter 2 – Management Focus: JP Morgan Chase is under investigation for possible wrong doing, International Business – Global Edition, 10th ed
  • McNamara, Tom and Asha Moore, 2014, Chapter 14 Opening Case: Reorganization at EADS, Global Edition, 10th ed., by Hill, C., McGraw – Hill Publishers.
  • Mirowska, Agata and Tom McNamara, 2014, Chapter 10 Country Focus: Abenomics and Japan. Can Prime Minister Abe’s policies prevent a third ‘lost’ decade?, International Business – Global Edition, 10th ed
  • Michel, Caroline and Tom McNamara, 2014, Chapter 6 – Closing Case: Morocco’s Growing Aviation Industry, International Business – Global Edition, 10th ed
  • Marsillac, Erika and Tom McNamara, 2013, Case 19: Airbus’ Overstretched Supply Chain – Just How Far Can You Go before Your Supply Chain Snaps?, The Supply Chain Management Casebook: Comprehensive Coverage and Best Practices in SCM
  • Marsillac, Erika and Tom McNamara, 2013, Case 21: The End of Lean? – Automotive Manufacturers are Rethinking Some Supply Chain Basics, The Supply Chain Management Casebook: Comprehensive Coverage and Best Practices in SCM
  • McNamara, Tom and Erika Marsillac, 2013, Case 20: How to Keep Your Food Supply Chain Fresh, The Supply Chain Management Casebook: Comprehensive Coverage and Best Practices in SCM
  • McNamara, Tom and Erika Marsillac, 2013, Case 18: Make to Demand with 3-D Printing -The Next Big Thing in Inventory Management?, The Supply Chain Management Casebook: Comprehensive Coverage and Best Practices in SCM.
  • Moore – Mangin, A. & McNamara, T, 2013, Chapter 9 – Strategy Spotlight 9.4: Radical activism and Nestlé: How the company is being forced to re-think its strategy and policies, Strategic Management – Global Edition, 7th ed
  • Claasen, C. & McNamara, T, 2013, Chapter 5 – Learning from Mistakes: ‘The story of how Showrooming’ almost destroyed ‘Best Buy’ and what they did to fight back, Strategic Management – Global Edition, 7th ed., by Dess, G. et al, McGraw – Hill Publishers.
  • Descubes, I. & McNamara, T., 2013, Chapter 8 – Issues for Debate: Rebranding the city of Košice: From industrial eye sore to hotbed of creativity?, Strategic Management – Global Edition, 7th ed., by Dess, G. et al, McGraw – Hill Publishers.
  • McNamara, T. & Marsillac, E, 2013, Chapter 11 – Strategy Spotlight 11.8: The fracking industry: Is it really clean energy?, Strategic Management – Global Edition, 7th ed
  • McNamara, T. & Marsillac, E, 2013, Chapter 2 – Strategy Spotlight 2.3: The Future of Energy: Scenario planning at Shell, Strategic Management – Global Edition, 7th ed., by Dess, G. et al, Mcgraw – Hill Publishers.
  • McNamara, T. & Marsillac, E., 2013Chapter 1 – Strategy Spotlight 1.6: Back to (manufacturing) basics for General Electric, Strategic Management – Global Edition, 7th ed., by Dess, G. et al, Mcgraw – Hill Publishers
  • McNamara, T. & Marsillac, E., 2013, Chapter 1 – Learning from Mistakes: Microsoft hits another bump in the road, Strategic Management – Global Edition, 7th ed
  • McNamara, T. & Gonzalez, H, 2013, Chapter 6 – Issues for Debate: Is Microsoft finally becoming a vertically integrated Company?, Strategic Management – Global Edition, 7th ed., by Dess, G. et al, Mcgraw – Hill Publishers.
  • McNamara, T. & Descubes, I, 2013, Chapter 11 – Strategy Spotlight 11.9: “The IKEA way or the IWAY, Strategic Management – Global Edition, 7th ed
  • McNamara, T. & Descubes, I., 2013, Chapter 11 – Issues for Debate: Ethically made clothing. You wear it but how do you really know it’s been made ethically, Strategic Management – Global Edition, 7th ed., by Dess, G. et al, Mcgraw – Hill Publishers.
  • McNamara, T. & Descubes, I, 2013, Chapter 3 – Learning from Mistakes – Mercedes Benz and the failure of the Maybach: A question of too much luxury or not enough?, Strategic Management – Global Edition, 7th ed
  • McNamara, T. & Claasen, C, 2013, Chapter 8 – Strategy Spotlight 8.5: “From 0 to $10 Billion. Young Chinese tech upstart “Xiaomi” has its eyes on Apple, Strategic Management – Global Edition, 7th ed., by Dess, G. et al, McGraw – Hill Publishers
  • Descubes, I. & McNamara, T., 2013, Chapter 10 – Strategy Spotlight 10.5: National Geographic: Saving the planet is its strategy, Strategic Management – Global Edition, 7th ed., by Dess, G. et al, McGraw – Hill Publishers.
  • McNamara, T. & Descubes, I, 2013, Chapter 11 – Learning from Mistakes – GlaxoSmithKline’s problems in China: Not what the doctor ordered, Strategic Management – Global Edition, 7th ed., by Dess, G. et al, McGra.
  • McNamara, T. & Descubes, I, 2013, Chapter 11 – Learning from Mistakes – GlaxoSmithKline’s problems in China: Not what the doctor ordered, Strategic Management – Global Edition, 7th ed.,
  • Gonzales, H. & McNamara, T., 2013, Chapter 5 – Strategy Spotlight 5.4: How Apple uses its ‘ecosystem’ to give Mac an advantage over Windows, Strategic Management – Global Edition, 7th ed., by Dess, G. et al, McGraw – Hill Publishers.
  • Gonzalez, H. & McNamara, T., 2013, Chapter 9 – Issues for Debate: Better Corporate Governance: If CEOs can’t do it, shareholders will!, Strategic Management – Global Edition, 7th ed., by Dess, G. et al, McGraw – Hill Publishers.
  • McNamara, T. & Truong, Y, 2012, Chapter 5 – A Very Unconventional Energy Source, International Business – International Edition, by Hill 9th ed., McGraw – Hill. McGraw Hill.
  • Truong, Y. & McNamara, T, 2012, Chapter 5: “Corruption and Class Conflict in China, International Business – International Edition – Hill 9th ed., McGraw – Hill. McGraw Hill.
  • Truong, Y. & McNamara, T, 2012, Chapter 5: Mainstreaming Microcredit via the Internet, International Business – International Edition – by Hill 9th ed., McGraw – Hill. McGraw Hill.
  • McNamara, T., Marsillac, E., & Dufeu, I., 2012, Chapter 5: The Emerald Isle Is Getting Greener, International Business – International Edition – by Ball 13th ed., McGraw – Hill. McGraww-Hill.
  • McNamara, T. & Marsillac, E, 2012, Chapter 17: So you want to be an Expat?, International Business – International Edition – by Ball 13th ed., McGraw – Hill. McGraw Hill.
  • Duchaine, S., Dufeu, I., & McNamara, T, 2012, Danone: A Glocal Firm, International Business – International Edition
  • McNamara, T. & Descubes, I, 2012, Chapter 8: The Swiss National Bank: Not running like clockwork, International Business – International Edition – by Ball 13th ed
  • McNamara, T. & Descubes, I, 2012, Chapter 8: Islamic Banking: Say hello to your friendly neighbourhood religious banker, International Business – International Edition – by Ball 13th ed
  • Descubes, I. & McNamara, T, 2012, Chapter 13: Budweiser: Would a Bud by any other name still taste just as sweet?, International Business – International Edition, by Ball 13th ed
  • McNamara, T. & Descubes, I, 2012, Chapter 13: Walmart’s joint venture in India: A marriage of love or convenience, International Business – International Edition
  • McNamara, T. & Descubes, I, 2012, Chapter 2: Exercising Strategy – Attention shoppers: Nervous breakdown in progress on aisle, Human Resources Management – International Edition
  • McNamara, T. & Descubes, I, 2012, Chapter 4: Evidence Based HR – Don’t feel like going to work today? Not a problem. Human Resources Management, International Edition, by Noe 8th ed
  • McNamara, T. & Descubes, I, 2012, Chapter 5: Exercising Strategy – Do you need a compliant labour force willing to work 7 days a week for pennies a day? Call us, Human Resources Management – International Edition
  • McNamara, T. & Descubes, I, 2012, Chapter 11: Managing People – Porsche: Where high performance meets low cost labour, Human Resources Management – International Edition, by Noe 8th ed
  • McNamara, T., Duchaine, S., & Dufeu, I, 2012, Chapter 1: Exercising Strategy – Danone: The power of people, Human Resources Management – International Edition, by Noe 8th ed
  • McNamara, T. & Descubes, I, 2012, Chapter 11: Pay Structure Decisions – Oil, diamonds and … computers? The emergence of a new cartel, Human Resources Management – International Edition, by Noe 8th ed
  • Descubes, I. & McNamara, T, 2012, Chapter 12: Recognizing Employee Contributions with Pay – Carrots and sticks aren’t cutting it anymore!, Human Resources Management – International Edition, by Noe 8th ed.
  • Descubes, I. & McNamara, T, 2012, The Analysis and Design of Work – Daily stand-up meetings: an agile management tool, Human Resources Management – International Edition, by Noe 8th ed
  • Asha, M. & McNamara, T, 2012, Chapter 2: Strategic HRM: Control Vs Commitment, Human Resources Management – International Edition, by Noe 8th ed

Presentations of Refereed Papers International

  • McNamara, Tom , Debrah Meloso, Marco Michelotti, and Petya Puncheva, 2019, An Investigation into the Status of the Relationship between Organizational Punishment and Productivity, The Social Science Literature.” (in press) The British Academy of Management BAM2019 Conference, Aston University, United Kingdom, 3-5 September, 2019
  • Descubes, Irena and Tom McNamara., 2018, Citizen Social Entrepreneurship and Gen Y: A Hybrid Business Model. A Case Study of “MakeSense.org, 12th international days of statistics and economics , Prague, Czech Republic, September 2018
  • Gregory, Mark and Tom McNamara, 2017, A New Application of the Internal Model Control Principle, OR Society OR59 Annual Conference 2017, Loughborough, United Kingdom, September 2017
  • Shaaban, Sabry , Tom McNamara, and V. Dmitriev., 2017, Unpaced Merging Lines With Uneven Buffer Allocation, 20th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC 2017), Toulouse, France, July 2017
  • Descubes, Irena and Tom McNamara., 2016, SMEs versus listed companies: on equal footing when confronted with M&As organizational culture integration challenge?, 10th international days of statistics and economics, Prague, Czech Republic, September 2016
  • Dmitriev, Viatcheslav , S. Shaaban, T. McNamara, and E. Marsillac, 2016, Unpaced Merging Lines With Uneven Buffer Allocation, 19th International Conference on Operations Research and Financial Engineering, Paris, France, August 2016
  • Claasen, Cyrlene , Irena Descubes, and Tom Mcnamara, 2016, Ethical Discourse in a contentious industry: trophy hunting in Namibia, EGOS , Naples, Italy, July 2016
  • S. Shaaban, T. McNamara, S. Hudson., 2016, The Operating Behaviour of Unbalanced Unpaced Merging Assembly Lines, ICORFE 2016, International Conference on Operations Research and Financial Engineering, Paris, France, June 2016
  • Descubes, Irena and Tom McNamara., 2015, The consumer engagement process as it relates to a brand’s revival strategy, 9th International days of statistics and economics, Prague, Czech Republic, September 2015
  • Descubes, Irena and Tom McNamara., 2015, Comportement Entrepreneurial Responsable : Cas de la Feuille d’Erable, 9e Congrès de l’Académie de l’Entrepreneuriat et de l’Innovation, Entrepreuriat Responsable: Pratiques et Enjeux Théoriques, Nantes, France, May 2015
  • Shaaban, Sabry, Tom McNamara, and Sarah Hudson, 2015, Unreliable Production Lines with Simultaneously Unbalanced Operation Time Means, Breakdown and Repair Rates, ICPEM 2015: XIII International Conference on Production Engineering and Management
  • Shaaban, Sabry, Tom Mcnamara, and Sarah Hudson, 2014, Unbalanced Mean-time and Buffer Effects in Lines Suffering Breakdown, The 2014 International Conference on Business, Economics, Management and Marketing
  • McNamara, Tom, 2013, Improving the performance of manual production lines through deliberate imbalance: The sweet spot, 20th European Operations Management Association (EurOMA) Conference, Dublin, Ireland
  • Shaaban, Sabry, Tom McNamara, and Ahmed Atil, 2011, The Allocation of Buffer Capacities in Unreliable Unpaced Production Lines Using Simulation, The 38th Annual Meeting of the Northeast Business & Economics Association (NBEA), Philadelphia, USA
  • Shaaban, Sabry, Tom McNamara, and Ahmed Atil, 2011, The Design of Reliable Unpaced Production Lines with Single and Double Imbalance Sources, The 38th Annual Meeting of the Northeast Business & Economics Association
  • Shaaban, Sabry, Tom McNamara, and Ahmed Atil, 2011, The Impact of Unbalanced Processing Time Means on Unreliable Unpaced Serial Flow Lines, International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management
  • Shaaban, Sabry, Tom McNamara, and Ahmed Atil, 2011, The Behaviour of Unpaced Production Lines with Unequal Mean processing Times, Variability, or Buffer Capacities, Northeast Decision Sciences Institute 2011 Annual Conference, Montréal, Canada
  • Shaaban, Sabry, Tom McNamara, and Ahmed Atil, 2011, Unpaced Serial Production Lines with Two Simultaneous Sources of Imbalance – Their Operating Characteristics, Northeast Decision Sciences Institute 2011 Annual Conference
  • McNamara, Tom and Sabry Shaaban, 2009, The Operational Performance of Serial Unpaced Production Lines with Simultaneous Mean Processing Time, Variability and Buffer Imbalances, 10th International Decision Sciences Institute Conference
  • Shaaban, Sabry and Tom McNamara, 2009, The Performance of Unpaced Lines with Unequal Buffer Sizes, The Economic & International Business Research Conference
  • Shaaban, Sabry and Tom McNamara, 2009, Transient Behaviour of Unbalanced Lines, The International Conference on Systems Engineering and Engineering Management
  • Shaaban, Sabry and Tom McNamara, 2009, Unreliable Flow Lines with Jointly Unequal Operation Time Means, Variabilities and Buffer Sizes, The International Conference on Systems Engineering and Engineering Management
  • Shaaban, Sabry and Tom McNamara, 2009, Balanced Reliable and Unreliable Manual Production Lines: Their Behaviour and Efficiency, The Association on Employment Practices and Principles (AEPP) Seventeenth Annual International Conference
  • Shaaban, Sabry and Tom McNamara, 2009, Unpaced Production Lines with Unequal Mean Operation Times and Uneven Buffer Capacities: Their Performance, The Association on Employment Practices and Principles (AEPP) Seventeenth Annual International Conference

Presentations of Non-Refereed Papers – International

  • McNamara, Tom, 2005, An Investigation into the Operating Characteristics of Unbalanced Manual Serial Production Lines. Network of International Business Schools, 10th International Conference / Doctoral Colloquium, the Rennes Sc, Rennes, France.

Presentations of Non-Refereed Papers – Regional

  • McNamara, Tom, 2012, The United States, Globalization and the Current Financial Crisis, Socio-Cultural Conference on “The Challenges of Globalization”, November 12 to 17, 2012 held at Lycée La Touche, Ploërmel, France, Ploërmel, France