Full Professor

Department: Management and Organisation


Expertise liée aux objectifs de développement durable des Nations unies :

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  • Corporate Social Responsibility


  • Doctor of Philosophy, Griffith University, Department of International Business and Asian Studies, Griffith Business School, Brisbane, Australia (2007)
  • Professional development in teaching: LTS501: The practice of teaching and learning, Swinburne University of Technology (2006)
  • Master of Arts (Public Relations), Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” – Department of Journalism and Mass Communications, Sofia, Bulgaria (2000)


Member of a Committee

  • Management Committee de l’Action COST PEERE (New Frontiers of Peer Review), European Cooperation for Science and Technology, Nominated as representative of France on the Management Committee of PEERE by the Ministère de l’éducation de l’enseignement supérieur et de la recherche, France (2014)

Other research-related activities

  • Dr Puncheva was invited to participate in the discussions of Working Group 4 – mutli-stakeholder cooperation, which was part of the 14th Informal ASEM Seminar on Human Rights is held on 18-20 November 2014 in Hanoi, Viet Nam, on the topic ‘Human Rights and Businesses’. The three-day event was attended by more than 120 representatives of governments, research institutes, social organisations and enterprises from 53 ASEM member countries and aims to develop recommendations to protect and strengthen human rights in relation to business activities. Petya was sponsored by the organizers of the seminar: Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF), the Raoul Wallenberg Institute (nominated by the Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs), the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Development, the Philippine Department of Foreign Affairs and the European Commission.

Research Interests

  • Sustainable development and AI-driven business

Work Experience


  • Director of Rethinking Tomorrow’s Organisation Research centre (2023 –  Present)
  • Full Professor, Management and Organisation Academic Area, Rennes School of Business (January 2023 – Present)
  • Principal Investigator “Responsible AI-driven Business” (2019 – 2021)
  • Programme Director “MSc in Sustainable Management and Eco-Innovation” (2014 – 2023)
  • Associate Professor, Management and Organisation Academic Area, Rennes School of Business (September 2019 – January 2023)
  • Associate Professor, Marketing Academic Area, Rennes School of Business (2015 – August 2019)
  • Assistant Professor, ESC Rennes School of Business (2009 – 2015)
  • Lecturer in International Business (tenured), Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia (2005-2009)
  • Junior Research and Teaching Assistant, Griffith University, Department of International Business and Asian Studies, Brisbane, Australia (2002-2004)

Intellectual contributions

Refereed Articles Discipline-Based Scholarship

  • Sheila Matson-Barkat, Petya Puncheva-Michelotti, Clara Koetz, Sophie Hennekam (2022) Destigmatisation through social sharing of emotions and empowerment: The case of disabled athletes and consumers of disability sports. Journal of Business Research, Volume 149, pp 77-84
  • Mcnamara , Tom; Meloso, Debrah; Michelotti, Marco; Puncheva-Michelotti, Petya (2022) You are free to choose…are you? Organisational punishment as a productivity incentive in the social science literature. Human Relations, Vol. 75(2) 322–348
  • Michelotti, M., McColl, R., Puncheva,P., Clarke, R., McNamara, T. (2021) The effects of medium and sequence on personality trait assessments in face-to-face and videoconference selection interviews: Implications for HR analytics. Human Resource Management Journal, https://doi.org/10.1111/1748-8583.12425
  • 2019. Michael Dowling, Colm O’Gorman, Petya Puncheva, Dieter Vanwalleghem, Trust and SME attitudes towards equity financing across Europe, Journal of World Business, Volume 54, Issue 6,
  • 2018. Puncheva-Michelotti, P., Hudson, S., & Michelotti, M.,. The role of proximity to local and global citizens in stakeholders’ moral recognition of corporate social responsibility. Journal of Business Research, 88, 234-244.
  • 2018. Puncheva-Michelotti, P., Hudson, S., & Jin, G.,. Employer branding and CSR communication in online recruitment advertising. Business Horizons, 61(4), 643-651.
  • 2018. Puncheva-Michelotti, P., Vocino, A., Michelotti, M., & Gahan, P., Employees or Consumers? The role of competing identities in individuals’ evaluations of corporate reputation. Personnel Review, 47(6), 1261-1284.
  • Puncheva-Michelotti, P., McColl, R. Vocino, A., Michelotti, M. (2014) Corporate patriotism as a source of corporate reputation: A comparative multi-stakeholder approach, Journal of Strategic Marketing, 22 (3), 471-493, (ABS 2*); http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/0965254X.2014.885989
  • Puncheva-Michelotti, P., Michelotti, M. (2014) The new face of corporate patriotism: Does being “local” matter to stakeholders?, Journal of Business Strategy, 34 (4) (FNEGE/CNRS 2*).
  • Puncheva-Michelotti, P., Michelotti, M., Gahan, P. (2010). The Relationship between individuals’ recognition of Human Rights and responses to socially responsible companies: Evidence from Russia and Bulgaria, Journal of Business Ethics, 93 (4), pp. 583-605. (FNEGE/CNRS/ABS 3*)
  • Puncheva-Michelotti, P., Michelotti, M. (2010). The role of the stakeholder perspective in measuring corporate reputation. Marketing Intelligence and Planning, 28 (3), pp.249 – 274 (ABS 1*)
    The paper is Highly Commended Award Winner at the Literati Network Awards for Excellence 2011.
  • Puncheva, P. (2008). The role of corporate reputation in stakeholder decision-making process. Business & Society, 47 (3), 272-290 (ABS 3*)

Refereed Proceedings Discipline-Based Scholarship

  • Petya Puncheva-Michelotti, Sarah Hudson, Sophie Hennekam. Anticipated chilly organisational climate for women: Scale development and validation. EURAM, Dublin, Ireland, 14-16 June 2023
  • Matson, Sheila, Petya Puncheva, Clara Koetz, and Sophie Hennekam. Emotions as Drivers of Empowerment and Destigmatization in Disability Sport, Association for Consumer Research 2022, Denver, 20-24 October 2022
  • Sheila Matson-Barkat,Petya Puncheva, Clara Koetz and Sophie Hennekam. Emotional identities as new connectors in disability advertising.IDCD Interdiciplinary conference on disability and consumption, Annecy, France, 25 March 2022
  • McNamara, Tom, Debrah Meloso, Marco Michelotti, and Petya Puncheva. AnInvestigation into the Status of the Relationship between Organizational Punishment and Productivity in the Social Science Literature. (in press) The British Academy of Management BAM2019 Conference, Aston University, United Kingdom, 3-5 September, 2019
  • Petya Puncheva-Michelotti, Sarah Hudson, Gewen Jin. Social and environmental sustainability in online recruitment advertising. In: EURAM, Reykjavik, Iceland, June 2018
  • Puncheva, Petya and S. Le Feon. Cross-Institutional Partnership between a Business School and an Environmental Engineering School: The Case of MSc in Sustainable Management and Eco-Innovation. In: EBEN Annual Conference 2016, Nottingham, United Kingdom, June 2016
  • Puncheva, Petya, S. Hudson, and M. Michelotti. The role of national and global identity in individuals’ moral recognition of CSR towards their own and other nations: Evidence from France and China. In: EBEN Annual Conference 2016, Nottingham, United Kingdom, June 2016
  • Puncheva, Petya. Member of the Management Committee of the Action. In: European Cooperation for Research and Technology: COST Action TD1306 PEERE, ETH, Zurich, Switzerland, April 2015
  • Puncheva-Michelotti, P. and Fort-Rioche, L, Towards an evolution of luxury consumer behaviour integrating social and responsible motivations, 12th Annual International Conference on Marketing, 30 June & 1-3 July 2014, Athens, Greece
  • Puncheva-Michelotti, P., Michelotti, M, The role of multi-stakeholder identities in individuals’ perceptions of corporate reputation: Evidence from Russia, Bulgaria, Italy and Australia, 19th CMC Conference, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Largo Gemelli 1, Milan (Italy), April 3-4, 2014
  • Puncheva, P. & Micelotti, M, Which Values for which Organisations? EBEN 2010, Trento, Sept 09-11, 2010.
  • Puncheva, P. & Michelotti, M., A comparison of the determinants of Human Rights Perceptions and their Relationship with Corporate Social Responsability in Russia and Bulgaria. Where to go after the final report of the SRSG on Human Rights & Business? University of Copenhagen, 6-7 November 2008
  • Puncheva, P. & Michelotti, M, The role of context in the structure of corporate reputation: A social psychology perspective, 3rd Annual Colloquim of the Academy of Marketing’s Brand, Corporate Identity & Reputation Special Interest Group, London UK. 2007