Associate Dean for Research & Full Professor

Department: Finance and Accounting


Expertise liée aux objectifs de développement durable des Nations unies :

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  • Economics
  • Finance



  • Ph.D. in economics, 1993 : Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne University
  • M.A, 1990 : EHESS (Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales), Paris
  • M.S, 1990: ENSAE (Ecole Nationale de la Statistique et de l’Administration Economique), Paris


Work Experience


  • Associate Dean for Research, Rennes School of Business (December, 2021 – July 2024).
  • Full Professor, Rennes School of Business (September, 2021 – Present).
  • Elected fellow of the Econometric Society in 2020
  • Honorary senior fellow of the Institut Universitaire de France, being nominated senior member in 2014
  • Full Professor, Aix-Marseille School of Economics (September, 2010- on leave from September, 2021)
  • Full Professor (Professeur Ordinaire), Université catholique de Louvain (September, 2007-September, 2013)
  • Associate Professor, Université catholique de Louvain (September,1998-August,  2007)
  • Associate Professor, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (September, 1997- August, 1998)
  • Assistant Professor, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (September, 1993- August, 1997)

Read his CV here 

Service to the profession

  • Co-chair of the 4th UBIAS Intercontinental Academy on Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence: 2020-2022.
  • Member of the Advisory Board of the WPRN (World Pandemic Research Network), 2020 – Present
  • Vice-president of the Pan-African Scientific Research Council (PASRC), 2020 – Present
  • Co-coordinator of the world network of Institutes for Advanced Study, UBIAS, 2018-2020
  • Associate Editor of: : Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control, 2015- ,  Journal of Mathematical Economics, 2014- ,  Macroeconomic Dynamics, 2010-  ,  Journal of   Public Economic Theory, 2006- , Annals of Economics and Statistics, 2010- , and  Journal of Demographic Economics, 2013- .
  • Former Associate Editor of: Mathematical Social Sciences, 2007-2018, Mathematical Population Studies, 2008- 2010 , and Investigaciones Economicas, 2003-2009
  • Guest Editor of numerous special issues published, among others, in Journal of Mathematical Economics (2015, 2017, 2021), Mathematical Social Sciences (2010, 2021), Mathematical Population Studies (2008, 2009, 2012), Macroeconomic Dynamics (2016) or Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena (2019), and others to be published in Food Policy, Journal of Public Economic Theory and Economic Theory.
  • Supervision or co-supervision of 41 PhD theses in economics, 39 completed at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Université catholique de Louvain, Aix-Marseille School of Economics or Université catholique de Bukavu (DR Congo), among others.
  • President-Elect (2015-2017) and President (2017-2019) of ASSET (Association of Southern-European Economic Theorists)
  • Member of the organization and/or scientific committees of numerous international conferences, including the annual conferences of the following societies: ASSET, APET (Association of Public Economic Theory), EURO (European Conferences for Operation Research and Management Science), EAERE (European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists) or SCE (Society of Computational Economics), since the mid 90s.

Research interests

  • Economic growth and development
  • Demography and epidemic-economic modelling
  • Sustainable growth and climate economics
  • Operation research and interdisciplinary applications


Intellectual contributions


  • Arezki, R., R. Boucekkine, J. Frankel, M. Laksaci and R. van der Ploeg (Eds.), Rethinking the Macroeconomics of Resource-Rich Countries, CEPR Press (London), April 2018.
  • Boucekkine R., N. Hritonenko and Y. Yatsenko (Eds.), Optimal Control of Age-structured Populations  in  Economy,  Demograph,  and  the  Environment,  Taylor  and  Francis, september 2010


Peer Refereed Articles

  • Andy Dobson, Cristiano Ricci, Raouf Boucekkine, Fausto Gozzi, Giorgio Fabbri,Ted Loch-Temzelides, Mercedes Pascual (2023) Balancing economic and epidemiological interventions in the early stages of pathogen emergence. Science Advances, Volume 9, issue 21, eade6169
  • R. Boucekkine, W. Ruan, B. Zou (2023) A dynamic programming approach to optimal pollution control under uncertain irreversibility: The Poisson case. Communications in Optimization Theory 2023 (2023) 22
  • Raouf Bouccekine, Weihua Ruan, Benteng Zou (2023) The irreversible pollution game. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management. Volume 120, 2023, 102841
  • F. Bec, R. Boucekkine, C. Jardet (2023) Why are inflation forecasts sticky? Theory and application to France and Germany. International Journal of Central Banking
  • R. Boucekkine, W. Ruan, B. Zou (2023) On optimal coalition splitting with heterogenous strategies. Fulbright Review of Economics and Policy (Special Issue in honor of Ngo Van Long)
  • Raouf Boucekkine, Giorgio Fabbri, Salvatore Federico, Fausto Gozzi (2022) A dynamic theory of spatial externalities. Games and Economic Behavior, Volume 132, March 2022, Pages 133-165
  • Raouf Boucekkine, Giorgio Fabbri, Salvatore Federico, Fausto Gozzi (2022) Managing spatial linkages and geographic heterogeneity in dynamic models with transboundary pollution, Journal of Mathematical Economics,Volume 98, January 2022, 102577
  • R. Boucekkine, F. Prieur, W. Ruan, B. Zou (2022) Uncertainty-driven symmetry-breaking and stochastic stability in a generic differential game of lobbying. Economic Theory https://doi.org/10.1007/s00199-021-01403-3
  • “Stochastic petropolitics: The dynamics of institutions in resource-dependent economies”, (with F. Prieur, V. Vasilakis and B. Zou), European Economic Review 31, article 103610, 2021.
  • “A theory of elite-biased democracies”, (with R. Desbordes and P. Melindi-Ghidi), Mathematical Social Sciences 112, 159-166, 2021.
  • “From firm to global-level pollution control: the case of transboundary pollution”, (with G. Fabbri, F. Gozzi and S. Federico), European Journal of Operational Research 290, 331-345, 2021.
  • “Control theory in infinite dimension for the optimal location of economic activity: The role of social welfare function”, (with G. Fabbri, S. Federico and F. Gozzi), Pure and Applied Functional Analysis, forthcoming.
  • “Long-run stability of money demand and monetary policy: the case of Algeria”, (with M. Laksaci and M. Touati-Tliba), Journal of Economic Asymmetries, forthcoming.
  • “A Lipsetian theory of voluntary power handover”, (with P. Piacquadio and F. Prieur), Journal of Economic Behaviour and Organization 168, 269-291, 2019.
  • “Growth and agglomeration in the heterogenous space: A generalized AK approach”, (with G. Fabbri, S. Federico and G. Gozzi), Journal of Economic Geography 19, 1287-1318, 2019.
  • “Biodiversity and its value: Conservation genetics meets economics”, (with N. Bonneuil), Conservation Genetics Resources 12, 141-151, 2020.
  • “Distributed optimal control models in environmental economics: A review”, (with E.
  • Augeraud-Véron and V. Veliov), Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena 14, article 106, 2019.
  • “Geographic environmental Kuznets curves: the optimal growth linear-quadratic case”, (with G. Fabbri, S. Federico and G. Gozzi), Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena 14, article 105, 2019.
  • “A pedagogical note on risk sharing versus instability in international financial
  • integration: When Obstfeld meets Stiglitz”, (with B. Zou), Open Economies Review 30, 179-190, 2019.
  • “Short-run pain, long-run gain: the conditional welfare gains from international financial integration”, (with G. Fabbri and P. Pintus), Economic Theory 65, 329-360, 2018.
  • “Mean growth and stochastic stability in endogenous growth theory”, (with P. Pintus and B. Zou), Economics Letters 166, 18-24, 2018.
  • “Longevity, age  structure and  optimal  schooling”, (with  N.  Bonneuil), Journal  of Economic Behaviour and Organization 136, 63-75, 2017.
  • “Variable mark-ups in the long-run: a generalization of preferences in growth models”, (with H. Latzer and M. Parenti), Journal of Mathematical Economics 68, 80-86 2017.
  • “Parental morbidity, child work, and health insurance in Rwanda”, (with Q. Bousmah and M. Woode), Journal of Demographic Economics 83, 111-127, 2017.
  • “Viable Nash equilibrium in the problem of common pollution”, (with N. Bonneuil), Pure and Applied Functional Analysis 2, 427-440, 2017.
  • “On the timing of political regime changes in resource-dependent economies”, (with F. Prieur and K. Puzon), European Economic Review 85, 188-207, 2016.
  • “HIV-AIDS   and   Development:   A   Reappraisal   of   the   Productivity   and   Factor Accumulation Effects”, (with T. Azomahou and B. Diene) American Economic Review 106(5), 472-477, 2016.
  • “Social capital as an engine of growth: Multisectoral modeling and implications”, (with Y. Baende and A. Pholo Bala), Macroeconomic Dynamics 20 (8), 2093-2122, 2016.
  • “Optimal transition to renewable energy with threshold of irreversible pollution”, (with N. Bonneuil), The European Journal of Operational Research 248, 257-262, 2016.
  • “Egalitarianism under population change: Age structure does matter”, (with G. Fabbri and F. Gozzi), Journal of Mathematical Economics 55, 86-100, 2014.
  • “Sustainable growth under physical constraints:   optimal R&D, investment and replacement policies”, (with N. Hritonenko and Y. Yatsenko), Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 163, 310-331, 2014.
  • “Optimal sustainable policies under pollution ceiling: the demographic side”, (with B. Martinez and R. Ruiz-Tamarit), Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena 9 (4), 38-64, 2014.
  • “Growth and financial liberalization under capital collateral constraints: The striking case of the stochastic AK model with CARA preferences”, (with G. Fabbri and P. Pintus), Economics Letters 122, 303-307, 2014.
  • ”Health, work intensity and technological innovations”, (with N.Hritonenko and Y.Yatsenko), Journal of Biological Systems 22, 219-233, 2014.
  • “Optimal regime switching and threshold effects”, (with A. Pommeret and F. Prieur), Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 37, 2979-2997, 2013.
  • “On the optimal control of some parabolic differential equations arising in economics”, (with C. Camacho and G. Fabbri), Serdica Mathematical Journal 39, 331-354, 2013.
  • ”Spatial dynamics and convergence: the spatial AK model”, (with C. Camacho and G. Fabbri), Journal of Economic Theory 148, 2719-2736, 2013.
  • “Growth vs level effect of population change on economic development: An inspection into human-capital-related mechanisms”, (with B. Martinez and R. Ruiz-Tamarit), Journal of Mathematical Economics 49, 312-334, 2013.
  • “On the optimal control of the vintage capital growth model with endogenous labor supply”, (with. N. Hritonenko and Y. Yatsenko), Mathematical Economics Letters 1, 3-7, 2013.
  • “Viable Ramsey economies”, (with N. Bonneuil), Canadian Journal of Economics 47, 422-441, 2014.
  • “On the timing and optimality of capital controls: Public expenditures, debt dynamics and welfare”, (with A. Pommeret and F. Prieur), International Journal of Economic Theory 9, 101-112, 2013.
  • ”Technological vs ecological switch and the environmental Kuznets curve”, (with A. Pommeret and F. Prieur), American Journal of Agricultural Economics 95, 252-260, 2013.
  • ”Is  history  a  blessing  or  a  curse?  International  borrowing  without  commitment,  leapfrogging and growth reversals”, (with P. Pintus), Journal of Economic Growth 17, 27-47, 2012.
  • “Assessing Parfit’s Repugnant Conclusion within a canonical endogenous growth set-up”, (with G. Fabbri), Journal of Population Economics 26, 751-767, 2013.
  • “On the optimal control of a neutral differential equation arising in economics”, (with G. Fabbri and P. Pintus), Optimal Control, Applications and Methods 33, 511-530, 20
  • “Vintage capital and the diffusion of clean technologies”, (with Th. Azomahou and P. Nguyen Van), International Journal of Economic Theory 8, 277-300, 2012.
  • “The Dynamics of Wealth Inequality under Endogenous Fertility: A Remark on the Barro-Becker Model with Heterogenous Endowments”, (with S. Bosi and T. Seegmuller), Theoretical Economics Letters 1, 3-7, 2011.
  • “Revisiting the optimal population size problem under endogenous growth: minimal utility level and finite lives”, (with G. Fabbri and F. Gozzi), Asia-Pacific Journal in Accounting and Economics 18, special issue edited by K. Nishimura on Trade and Dynamic Systems, 287-306, 2011.
  • “Scarcity, regulation and endogenous technical progress”, (with N. Hritonenko and Y. Yatsenko), Journal of Mathematical Economics 47, 186-199, 2011.
  • “Environmental quality versus economic performance: a dynamic game approach”, (with J. Krawczyk and T. Vallée), Optimal Control, Applications and Methods 32, 29-46, 2011.
  • “Maintenance and investment: complements or substitutes? A reappraisal”, (with G. Fabbri and F. Gozzi), Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 34, 2420-2439, 2010.
  • “Towards an understanding of trade-offs between regional wealth, tightness of a common environmental constraint, and the sharing rules”, (with J. Krawczyk and Th. Vallée), Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 34, 1813-1835, 2010.
  • “On the distributional consequences of epidemics”, (with JP. Laffargue), Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 34, 231-245, 2010.
  • “Capital maintenance as a key development tool”, (with B. Martinez and C. Saglam), The Scottish Journal of Political Economy 57, 547-567, 2010.
  • “On  explosive  dynamics  in  RD-based  models  of  endogenous  growth”,               (with  N. Hritonenko and Y. Yatsenko), Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods and Applications 71, e693-e700, 2009.
  • “How do epidemics induce behavioral changes?”, (with R. Desbordes and H. Latzer), Journal of Economic Growth 14, 233-264, 2009.
  • “Technological  progress,  obsolescence and  depreciation”,      (with  F.  del  Rio  and  B. Martinez), Oxford Economic Papers 61, 440-466, 2009.
  • “The burden sharing of pollution abatement costs in multi-regional open economies”, (with M. Germain), The Berkeley Electronic Journals in Macroeconomics (Topics) 9, Article 21, 2009.
  • “A closer look at the relationship between longevity and economic growth”, (with B. Diene and T. Azomahou), International Journal of Economic Theory 5, 201-244, 2009.
  • “Bridging the gap between growth theory and economic geography: The spatial Ramsey model, (with B. Zou and C. Camacho), Macroeconomic Dynamics 13, 20-45, 2009.
  • “A note on global dynamics and imbalance effects in the Lucas-Uzawa model: Further results”, (with B. Martinez and R. Ruiz-Tamarit), International Journal of Economic Theory 4, 503-518, 2008.
  • “Human accumulation and the transition from specialization to multi-tasking”, (with P. Crifo), Macroeconomics Dynamics 12, 320-344, 2008.
  • “Special functions for the study of economic dynamics: The case of the Lucas-Uzawa model”, (with R. Ruiz-Tamarit), Journal of Mathematical Economics 44, 33-54, 2008.
  • “Demographic, economic and institutional factors in the transition to modern growth in England: 1530-1860″, (with D. de la Croix and D. Peeters), Population and Development Review 34, Supplement, 126-148, 2008.
  • “Growth economics of epidemics: A survey of the theory”, (with B. Diene and T. Azomahou), Mathematical Population Studies 15, 1-26, 2008.
  • “Early Literacy Achievements, Population Density and the Transition to Modern Growth”, (with D. de la Croix and D. Peeters), The Journal of the European Economic Association 5, 183-226, 2007.
  • “Optimal control in infinite horizons: a Sobolev space approach”, (with C. Le Van and C. Saglam), Economic Theory 32, 497-509, 2007.
  • “On the relationship between longevity and development”,       (with B. Diene and T. Azomahou), The International Journal of Ecology and Development 6, 31-50, 2007.
  • “Capital maintenance Versus technology adoption under embodied technical progress”, (with B. Martinez and C. Saglam), The Berkeley Electronic Journals in Macroeconomics (Contributions) 6, Article 7, 2006.
  • “The development problem under embodiment”, (with B. Martinez and C. Saglam), Review of Development Economics 10, 42-58, 2006.
  • “Vintage capital and the dynamics of the AK model”, (with O. Licandro, L. Puch and F. del Rio),  Journal of Economic Theory 120, 39-72, 2005.
  • “Obsolescence  and  modernization  in  the  growth  process”,   (with  F.  del  Rio  and O.Licandro), Journal of Development Economics 77, 153-171, 2005.
  • “Imbalance effects in the Lucas model: An analytical exploration”, (with R. Ruiz-Tamarit), The Berkeley Electronic Journals in Macroeconomics (Topics) 4, article 15, 2004.
  • “Modelling vintage structures with DDEs: specification, stability and optimal control”,
  • (with D. de la Croix and O. Licandro), Mathematical Population Studies 11, 151-179, 2004.
  • “Technology adoption under embodiment: A two-stage optimal control approach”, (with C. Saglam and T. Vallée), Macroeconomic Dynamics 8, 250-271, 2004.
  • “Energy saving technical progress and optimal capital stock: The role of embodiment” (with A. Pommeret), Economic Modelling 21, 429-444, 2004.
  • “The early mortality decline at the dawn of modern growth”, (with D. de la Croix and O. Licandro), The Scandinavian Journal of Economics 105,401-418, 2003.
  • “Replacement, adoption and economic dynamics: Lessons from a canonical creative destruction model”, (with B. Martinez), Structural Change and Economic Dynamics 14, 339-359, 2003.
  • “Embodied technological change, learning and the productivity slowdown”, (with F. del Rio and O. Licandro), The Scandinavian Journal of Economics 105, 87-98, 2003.
  • “Information technologies, embodiment and growth”, (with D. de la Croix), Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 27, 2007-2034, 2003.
  • “Maintenance services and investment: Complements or substitutes?”, (with R. Ruiz-Tamarit), Journal of Economics 78, 1-28, 2003.
  • “Human vintage capital, demographic trends and growth”, (with D. de la Croix and O. Licandro), Journal of Economic Theory 104, 340-375, 2002.
  • “Technological shocks and IT revolutions”,         (with D. de la Croix and I. Vailakis), Recherches Economiques de Louvain 68, Special issue on The New Economy: Implications and viability, 75-89, 2002.
  • “Numerical solution by iterative methods of a class of vintage capital growth models”, (with O. Licandro and A. Magnus), Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 25, 655-669, 2001.
  • “Endogenous Vs exogenously driven fluctuations in vintage capital models”, (with F. del Rio and O. Licandro), Journal of Economic Theory 88, 161-187, 1999.
  • “Creative destruction, investment volatility and the average age of capital”,               (with M. Germain, O. Licandro and A. Magnus), Journal of Economic Growth 3, 361-384, 1998.
  • “Replacement echoes in the vintage capital growth model”, (with M. Germain and O. Licandro), Journal of Economic Theory 74, 333-348, 1997.
  • “Differential-difference equations in economics: On the numerical solution of vintage capital growth models”, (with O. Licandro and C. Paul), Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 21, 347-362, 1997.
  • “Precision performances of terminal conditions for short time horizon systems with forward expectations” (with M. Juillard and P. Malgrange), Computational Economics 10, 169-186, 1997.
  • “Liquidity constraints and time non-separable preferences”, (with J. Adda), Recherches Economiques de Louvain 62, Special issue on Modelling macroeconomic dynamics: New developments, 377-402, 1996.
  • “Checking for saddlepoint stability: An easy test” (with C. Le Van), Computational Economics 9, 317-330, 1996.
  • “An alternative methodology for solving nonlinear forward-looking models”, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 19, 711-734, 1995.


Refereed book chapters

  • “Land use, biodiversity patterns and the emergence of zoonotic diseases”, (with R. Desbordes and J. Thuilliez), in the Handbook of Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics, K. Zimmermann (Ed.), Springer, forthcoming.
  • “On the distributional consequences of the knowledge economy and Artificial Intelligence”, Annali Fondazione Feltrinelli, forthcoming in 2021.
  • “Optimal switching from competition to cooperation: A preliminary exploration”,
  • (with  C. Camacho and B. Zou), in: Dynamic Economic Problems with Regime Switches,  V. Veliov, J.Haunschmied, R.Kovacevic and W.Semmler (Eds.), Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 209-225, 2021.
  • “Optimal population growth as an endogenous discounting problem: The Ramsey case”, (with B. Martinez and R. Ruiz-Tamarit), Lecture Notes in Economics and
  • Mathematical Systems- Essays in honor of Vladimir Veliov, G. Feichtinger, R. Kovacevic, and G. Tragler (Eds.), vol. 687, 321-347, Springer, 2018.
  • “Technological progress, employment and the life time of capital”, (with N. Hritonenko and Y.  Yatsenko), Sunspot and Non-linear Dynamics- Essays in honor of Jean-Michel Grandmont, K. Nishimura, A. Venditti and N. Yannelis (Eds), “Studies in Economic Theory” series, Springer Verlag, 305-338, 2017.
  • “Optimal growth with polluting waste and recycling”, (with F. El Ouardighi), in Dynamic Perspectives on Managerial Decision Making- Essays in honor of Richard Hartl, H. Dawid et al (Eds.), Springer-Verlag, 109-126, 2016.
  • “Contract rules in codes and statutes: easing business across the cleavages of Legal Origins Theory”, (with F. Docquier, F. Ngendakuriyo, H. Schmiegelow and M. Schmiegelow), in: Institutional Competition between Common Law and Civil Law, M. and H. Schmiegelow (Eds.), Springer-Verlag: Berlin, pp 41-82, 2014.
  • ”The dynamics of lobbying under uncertainty: on political liberalization in Arab countries”, (with F. Prieur and K. Puzon), in: Dynamic Games in Economics, J. Haunschmied, V. Veliov and S. Wrzaczek (Eds.), Springer-Verlag: Berlin, pp 69-88, 2014.
  • “Vintage capital growth theory: Three breakthroughs”, (with D. de la Croix and O. Licandro”, in Frontiers in Economics and Globalization (O. de la Grandville, ed.), Emerald, chapter 5, 2011.
  • “Age-structured modelling, past, present and new perspectives”, in Optimal control of age-structured populations in economics, ecology and the environment (R. Boucekkine, N. Hritonenko and Y. Yatsenko, Eds.), Taylor and Francis, Introduction chapter, 2010.
  • “Vintage capital”, (with D. de la Croix and O. Licandro), The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, Second Edition, S. Durlauf and L. Blume (Eds.), 628-631, 2008.
  • “Why capital maintenance is a key development tool?”, (with B. Martinez and C. Saglam), in A. Nyembwe (Ed.), Development and International Economics, Presses Universitaires de Louvain, 75-98, 2008.
  • “Changement organisationnel et capital humain”, (with P. Crifo), in Capital humain et marchés du travail: Perspectives régionales et européennes, (H. Sneessens and E. Wasmer, eds.), 33-48, CIFoP, Charleroi, 2002.
  • “Knowledge, technology and economic growth” (with D. de la Croix), in How to Promote
  • Growth in the Euro Area, M. Dombrecht and J. Smets (editors), Edward Elgar, 98-103, 2002.
  • “Monte Carlo experiments for   large- scale forward-looking      economic models” , in Predictability and Nonlinear Modelling in Natural Sciences and Economics, J. Grasman and G. Van Straten (editors), 599-609, Kluwer Academic Publishers (Dordrecht), 1994.


Invited Articles

  • “The economics of epidemics and contagious diseases: An introduction”, (with A. Carvajal, S. Chakrborty and A. Goenka), Journal of Mathematical Economics 93, Article 102498, 2021.
  • “Advances in growth and macroeconomic dynamics—In memory of Carine Nourry”, (with T. Seegmuller and A. Venditti), Mathematical Social Sciences 112, 1-6.
  • “Introduction to international financial markets and banking systems crises”, (with K. Nishimura and A. Venditti), Journal of Mathematical Economics 68, 87-91, 2017.
  • “Introduction   to  Globalization:   Financial,   Trade   and   Institutional   Aspects   with Applications to China”, (with X. Huang), Pacific Economic Review 21, 324-329, 2016.
  • “Technological progress and investment: a non-technical survey”, (with B. Cruz), The Bukavu Journal of Economics and Social Sciences, Volume 3, 10-31, 2017. L’Harmattan: Paris.
  • “Introduction to the Macroeconomic Dynamics special issue on Technology aspects in the process of development”, (with T. Azomahou, P. Mohnen and B. Verspagen), Macroeconomic Dynamics 20 (8), 1953-1956, 2016.
  • “Introduction to financial frictions and debt constraints”, (with K. Nishimura and A. Venditti), Journal of Mathematical Economics 61, 271-275, 2015.
  • “Epidemics from the theoretical view point”, Mathematical Population Studies 19, 1-3, 2012.
  • “Rente, corruption et violence: l’émergence d’un monde nouveau dans les pays arabes?”, (with R. Bouklia-Hassane), Regards Economiques 92, 2011.
  • “Introduction to the special issue on sustainability”, Mathematical Social Sciences 59, 145-147, 2010.
  • “Presentacion: Decisiones de inversion y adopcion de nuevas tecnologias”, (with L. Puch), Cuadernos Economicos de ICE 72, 5-10, 2006.
  • “Progreso tecnologico incorporado, adopcion y mantenimiento”, (with B. Martinez and C. Saglam), Cuadernos Economicos de ICE 72, 155-175, 2006.
  • “Crecimiento economico y generaciones de capital”, (with O. Licandro and L. Puch), Cuadernos Economicos de ICE 72, 229-254, 2006.
  • “Technologies de l’information et croissance économique” (with V. Bodart), Regards Economiques, June 2002.
  • “The New Economy, Implications and viability: Introduction” (with E. Wasmer), Recherches Economiques de Louvain 68, 3-5, 2002.
  • “Progrès technique incorporé et l’énigme du ralentissement de la croissance”, Analyses Economiques et Prévisions, March Issue, 65-92, 2000. Also available as Bulletin de l’IRES 218, 2000.
  • “On deterministic and stochastic simulation of nonlinear rational expectations models”, IMACS Proceedings, Volume 4, INCA (Dublin), 1396-1401, 1991


Invited conferences- keynote speaker

  • 10th Workshop on Dynamic Games in Management Sciences (Rabat, November 2018):  Institutional dynamics in resource-rich countries as dynamic games
  • 39th  JESF ( Marseille, November 2017): Health, epidemics and development
  • Econometric Society African Meeting (Algiers, June 2017): Institutional dynamics in resource-dependent economies
  • Annual SURED conference (Banyuls-sur-Mer, June 2016): Institutional dynamics under stochastic environments
  • 6th Euro-African Economic Conference (Marseille, March 2016): On the duration of autocracies: Theory and application to Arab countries
  • Conference on Macroeconomic Policies During Crisis Periods (Hammamet, March 2015): L’Algérie entre le marteau et l’enclume: Printemps arabe, contre-choc pétrolier et politique économique
  • High-level conference on promoting growth in the Democratic Republic of Congo (Kinshasa, January 2015): The demographic ingredients of development: the case of Congo
  • Annual meeting of the Chinese Society of World Economics (Hang Zhou, October 2014): The growth and welfare implications of financial liberalization
  • 4th CREA Conference on Economics on Tax Competition and Public Policy (Luxembourg, May 2014): The strategic ingredients of the Arab Spring
  • IV CICSE Conference on Structural Change, Dynamics and Growth (Livorno, September 2013): Financial globalization, growth and welfare: an AK theory of international borrowing without Commitment
  • Conference at Société Royale d’Economie Politique de Belgique (Brussels, December 2012) : Rente, corruption et violence : Genèse et conséquences du Printemps arabe
  • 6th Micro-Evidence on Innovation and Development conference (Cap-Town, November 2012): The gift of longevity, age-structure and development: theory and policy implications
  • T2M Annual Conference (Cergy, January 2008): On the distributional consequences of epidemics