VIRTUAL OPEN DAY - Online - Wednesday 12th February REGISTER
Career -Unframed Talking: Jean-Michel Booh-Begue VP Purchasing & Marketing-Global IAM activity – Stellantis

Unframed Talking: Jean-Michel Booh-Begue VP Purchasing & Marketing-Global IAM activity – Stellantis

In order to celebrate its 30th anniversary, the teams at Rennes School of Business have gone looking for some of the most ‘Unframed’ Alumni profiles to share in its new dedicated podcast series.

The new podcast “Unframed Talking” by Rennes School of Business features talks with a range of inspiring men and women who attended the School. These exceptional members of our Alumni talk about the challenges, successes and lessons learned in their careers so far, and the instances in which they thought, or acted, “outside the frame.”

In this sixth episode of the podcast, we meet Jean-Michel, Vice President of Marketing and Purchasing at Stellantis worldwide. After working at SHELL and then VALEO for 10 years, he is now Vice President of Purchasing and Global Marketing at Stellantis. His career has been built 100% on automotives!

After graduating from the Programme Grande Ecole in 2001, Jean-Michel particularly remembers his marketing courses; the lecturer’s ability to inspire students to follow a career that they are passionate about and his international business courses. Another highlight for him was the community life which allowed him to be part of a team, create campaigns, meet new people, take risks…  Not forgetting, of course, the international exposure he experienced during his semester in England!

For Jean-Michel, “beingoutside the frame” is being able to ask questions, create new things, new solutions, new ways of working… And to always retain your passion for what you are doing.