Refine your job search and meet recruiters at the Rennes School of Business Corporate Days
This second Corporate Day of the year was dedicated to helping students refine their job search strategy and to give them the opportunity to meet with recruiters.

Professional development is a key element of the learning journey at Rennes School of Business. All of the School’s programmes are designed to equip students with the necessary skills, knowledge, and practical experience to enter the job market directly after their studies.
Preparing students for a high-impact career in the sector of their choice
Organised by the Career Centre & Well-being department, the Rennes School of Business Corporate Days are a series of career-oriented events that take place throughout the school year, designed to prepare students for a high-impact career in the sector of their choice. During these events, students are able to attend conferences with professional speakers, roundtables on diverse topics, workshops, business games, business cases, individual coaching sessions and opportunities to meet recruiters.
A virtual recruitment forum
On 27 January 2022, the second Rennes SB Corporate Day of the year was dedicated to helping students refine their job-search strategy and meet with recruiters. Throughout the day, students were able to participate in a virtual recruitment forum on the Seekube platform with the opportunity to interview for over 260 internships and job offers with some forty partner companies.
Key figures:
- Nearly 500 interviews during the virtual recruitment forum
- 50 workshops and career webinars on internship and job search strategy, increasing visibility on LinkedIn and networking
- 50 individual coaching sessions with career advisors and Alumni coaches
The next Corporate Day will take place on 17 March 2022, stay tuned for more!