Career -Unframed Talking : Nicolas Renault, Director of Distributed Labels and Loads at SONY Music

Unframed Talking : Nicolas Renault, Director of Distributed Labels and Loads at SONY Music

In order to celebrate its 30th anniversary, the teams at Rennes School of Business have gone looking for some of the most ‘Unframed’ Alumni profiles to share in its new dedicated podcast series.

The new podcast “Unframed Talking” by Rennes School of Business features talks with a range of inspiring men and women who attended the School. These exceptional members of our Alumni talk about the challenges, successes and lessons learned in their careers so far, and the instances in which they thought, or acted, “outside the frame.”

In this episode of the podcast, we meet Nicolas Renault, Director of Distributed Labels and Loads at SONY Music 

Nicolas Renault, Director of Distributed Labels and Loads at SONY Music, graduated from the Grande Ecole Programme at Rennes School of Business in 1996. During his studies, he had the opportunity to meet people from the world of music, which has been his passion since he can remember, and was able to do an internship at SONY MUSIC, the beginning of a long adventure!

In this episode, Nicolas goes back over his career and the key moments of his time at Rennes SB: the music association he took over, “ESC’Rock”, and the record that resulted from it, his international exchange in Northampton, the encounters, the city of Rennes that became his “adopted home”. He mentions in particular two of his teachers, Mike Brant & Alain Le Gonidec and advises all those who wish to make a living from their passion to go for it!
Discover his story on our podcast, “Unframed Talking”.