Career -Unframed Talking: CEO of Figaro Classifieds and member of the Figaro Group Executive Committee

Unframed Talking: CEO of Figaro Classifieds and member of the Figaro Group Executive Committee

In order to celebrate its 30th anniversary, the teams at Rennes School of Business have gone looking for some of the most ‘Unframed’ Alumni profiles to share in its new dedicated podcast series.

The new podcast “Unframed Talking” by Rennes School of Business features talks with a range of inspiring men and women who attended the School. These exceptional members of our Alumni talk about the challenges, successes and lessons learned in their careers so far, and the instances in which they thought, or acted, “outside the frame.”

In this eighth episode of the podcast, we meet Thibaut Gemignani. A man of the media and of digital industries, Thibaut has worked in the Figaro Group for 25 years, starting as a salesman and working his way to joining the group’s Executive Committee. His intrapreneurial know-how allowed him to accompany the group throughout its digital transformation by creating new activities on the Internet related to Employment, Education and Real Estate.

He has very fond memories of his university exchange in Canada: it was during this time that he first discovered email to keep in touch with his peers abroad and that he became an “early adopter” of the Internet.

Humility is the value of the school that Thibaut felt most connected to. Openness is also important to him because it links the Schools’ Breton roots to its international and global openness, something he feels has been present since its very creation.

He advises both current and future students of Rennes SB to take full advantage of the School, to be curious and to soak up as many experiences as possible. In short, “to open your mind“!

For Thibaut, “the Unframed Thinking signature completely embodies what the school has been built on since the very beginning: think differently, because your diploma isn’t the only factor; you also need to showcase your personality and experience.