Career -Unframed Talking : Charlotte Seymour, head of purchasing at General Electric

Unframed Talking : Charlotte Seymour, head of purchasing at General Electric

In order to celebrate its 30th anniversary, the teams at Rennes School of Business have gone looking for some of the most ‘Unframed’ Alumni profiles to share in its new dedicated podcast series.

The new podcast “Unframed Talking” by Rennes School of Business features talks with a range of inspiring men and women who attended the School. These exceptional members of our Alumni talk about the challenges, successes and lessons learned in their careers so far, and the instances in which they thought, or acted, “outside the frame.”

In this tenth episode of the podcast, we meet Charlotte Seymour, a graduate of the Programme Grande Ecole at Rennes School of Business. Today she is head of purchasing for General Electrics and has been living in the United States for 8 years.

Her third year in New Zealand during the Programme Grande Ecole confirmed her desire to live and work internationally. She remembers her years at Rennes School of Business, particularly due to the international experience and the opportunity to discover new cultures, but also for the professional and personal connections that brought her a lot and are still very present in her life. She advises Rennes SB students to invest themselves fully in the school and to build connections that will help them in their future. She is in contact with a few of them through the School’s Alumni network.

For Charlotte: “Thinking outside the box is essential nowadays; thinking outside the box, with a lot of audacity, has never been more necessary!