Programmes -The iMBA programme: preparing managers for a rapidly changing world

The iMBA programme: preparing managers for a rapidly changing world

The iMBA programme at Rennes School of Business attracts a population of young professionals from all over the world to learn about management in an international environment. What makes it so unique?

The iMBA programme at Rennes School of Business is a high-level, international programme with a strong foundation in business intelligence solutions, AI-driven innovation and leadership skills, designed to prepare managers and business leaders to act in a rapidly changing world.

Taught 100% in English over a 15-month period on the School’s Rennes and Paris campuses, the programme is targeted at young professionals from around the world with at least 3 years of professional experience.

The five i’s

The iMBA programme is structured around a learning model which integrates the “five i’s” of international business, all of which are essential traits and areas of knowledge that a business leader must possess to thrive in challenging and fast-moving environments:

  • iNSIGHT: the human factor;
  • iNTERNATIONAL: the geopolitical context;
  • iNTELLIGENCE: the nuances and opportunities of digital business;
  • iNNOVATION: the creation of new business models and services; and
  • iMPACT: the methods to generate societal and organizational value.

Dieter Vanwalleghem, the iMBA Programme Director, tells us more about the unique structure of the programme:


Like most MBA programmes, the iMBA is designed to take you to the frontier of business theory and applications across all functional domains of the organisation.

But unlike most MBA programmes, our coursework and activities are organised around our unique “5 i’s” framework: leadership through personal development, to provide you with insight and how to become a better manager, reach your international capabilities, deliver impact both on the social and environmental dimension, innovating in processes and services and mastering business intelligence solutions that will help you maximise the value of your organization in the long term.

The chance to complete two international study trips

Adding additional international impetus to the programme, students participate in two European study tours.

The first study tour takes place in a European capital, where students will explore the unique entrepreneurial and pioneering environment of the city, with a strong focus on innovation in business. For the second trip, students will travel to a destination in Europe to observe and learn about the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). During this opportunity for hands-on, active learning, they will work on an SDG-based project, considering the human, business and societal factors at play.

What do our students think?

For Alaa El Khoury, from Cohort 1 of the programme:

Since day one, my experience at Rennes SB has been rewarding. The programme successfully addresses diversified rising business challenges. The professors’ worldwide expertise has added robustness to the courses, which have been designed to delightfully expand our creativity, collaboration, and teamwork boundaries. It goes without mentioning that the social connections and intriguing discussions with my international classmates have enriched my knowledge and cultural understanding.

For Priyanka Rao Adaraparapu, from Cohort 2 of the programme:

When I founded my digital start-up service, I realized that I required a lot of skills to run and manage a company, and that’s when I decided to go with the International MBA programme. And when I started researching the colleges in Europe, Rennes SB attracted me because of its “five i’s” teaching structure.