“Rennes SB is an excellent school and I am glad to have chosen it for my education”
Rajas Khadse is a current student in the International Bachelor Programme in Management. He is from Nagpur, in India. Discover his testimony!

How was your first experience when you came to Rennes School of Business?
I came to France 5 months ago for my course. Rennes School of Business is great & the campus is absolutely amazing. I love it that there are always various events taking place and the ambiance is always terrific. I enjoy the classes & some of the professors are excellent.
How is the programme going so far?
I am currently in the first year of the Bachelor’s programme, we are learning the fundamentals of International Business management. It is quite basic but still engaging.
How is the campus life for you?
As an international student, I had the exciting opportunity of being a part of the student’s association. I joined the association “Fast Rennes” which is an association that promotes mechanical sports. I feel really welcomed in the association and it is definitely a pleasure to be the first international student. When mixing in with the French students at school or more importantly in an association, it is a great way to improve your French. I already speak Spanish and have an opportunity to learn another language.
Any last thoughts on your experience?
Overall, Rennes SB is an excellent school and I am glad to have chosen it for my education.
- More information: rennes-sb@india-office.com – and on Facebook page Rennes School of Business India