School -“Parlez-vous le Français?” Rennes SB launches the “Bienvenue en France” Scholarship!

“Parlez-vous le Français?” Rennes SB launches the “Bienvenue en France” Scholarship!

To celebrate its “Bienvenue en France” label, Rennes SB offers a scholarship to all candidates wishing to learn French before starting their studies in Rennes.

Rennes School of Business has recently acquired the “Bienvenue en France*” label, a certification issued by Campus France which attests the quality of its international student support services in terms of the quality and accessibility of information for international students, our support services (orientation, integration, advising, etc.), academic programs, housing, the quality of campus life and the post-graduation follow-up of international students. Rennes SB is one of 57 French educational facilities to be awarded this label, among just 8 major business schools.

An scholarship of 500€

In the light of this award, Rennes SB wishes to recognize the strong dedication of candidates who are eager to learn French before starting their studies in Rennes. For this reason, applicants that have taken French courses at the “Alliance Française” or at any other institution in their home country offering French language will benefit from an automatic scholarship of 500€.

French courses will also be offered during the programme to facilitate the students’ integration in the country.

(*Welcome to France)