VIRTUAL OPEN DAY - Online - Wednesday 12th February REGISTER
School -How are your tuition fees used ?

How are your tuition fees used ?

Half of the budget dedicated to school activities : students services, teaching and research.

Rennes School of Business is investing more than ever during this time, not only to address the direct economic consequences of the health crisis, but also to support the school’s growth, and its ambition for excellence in serving students, providing services and assuring the value of our diplomas.

As Rennes School of Business is a non-profit association of general interest, and to illustrate how your tuition fees are used with complete transparency, we created the following infographic to complement the information that was shared with students in mid-November.

51% of the budget of the school is reserved for school activities (career support, coaching, academic services, SENSe (Student Experience, Network and Services), grants, international mobility), teaching and research.

36% for school operation fees and 13% for promoting the school.