“Lockdown with Rennes SB”: Rennes School of Business launches an humorous web series
Rennes School of Business has launched the humorous online mini-series “Lockdown with Rennes SB” to support its community through the lockdown period.

Over the past few weeks, Rennes School of Business has produced and put online a humorous in-house mini-series about rolling out distance courses, working from home and remote exams. The first four episodes are now publicly available on the School’s social media channels.
Share team engagement in a friendly way
On 10 March, Rennes School of Business announced that it had become the first Grande École in France to offer all its courses remotely until the end of the health crisis. A few days later, all late-semester classes were made available. Nearly three weeks of learning or 730 sessions were recorded, representing more than 2,120 hours of classes to stream. As it rolled out the technology and trained professors and students, the School decided to support users with a humorous video created and performed by La Belle Boîte.
Arnaud Le Mérour, head of Branding, Marketing and Communication, explains why: “This is a very unusual time that has naturally induced a lot of stress in people, so we wanted to share empathetic and offbeat content with the entire school community using the unframed spirit that is so characteristic of Rennes School of Business. All the teams got involved to guarantee teaching continues undisrupted, including over 130 professors and the entire IT team, and they did so in conditions that didn’t necessarily guarantee success. We also wanted to share our commitment in an accessible format.”
Lockdown and telework from a humor perspective
The first four episodes of “Lockdown with Rennes SB” have been airing weekly since mid-March. Other episodes are in the works. In the various episodes, actors from La Belle Boîte play the role of professors, students (who make up some of the 2,390 people attending the online courses) or the School’s IT support team. Although lockdown limits how technology and people can get involved in the filming process, the troupe has successfully brought a touch of humour to the issues and situations that occur as we experiment with distance learning and teleworking.
Antoine Lambert, co-founder of La Belle Boîte, explains the context behind the project: “Last autumn, we created a live show out of a major consultation by the HR and Managerial Innovation department. Because we had already formed a trusting relationship, we were able to respond quickly to the School’s request in the very strange production conditions that the lockdown imposes.”
A comic strip produced by a student to complete
Another original creation was posted on the School’s Instagram account this week. The comic strip “La Casa de Raquel” depicts the daily life of a couple confined at home, including a Rennes School of Business student. Every week, a new instalment of this original comic will be published. It was created by illustrator and student @damru.prarthana.
The first videos are available on YouTube here:
- Lockdown with Rennes SB – Episode 1: “Professors”
- Lockdown with Rennes SB – Episode 2: “Launch of virtual classes for students”
- Lockdown with Rennes SB – Episode 3: “Professors… After one week”
- Lockdown with Rennes SB – Episode 4: “Inside the IT Team”
The first two episodes of “La Casa de Raquel”: