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School -New American-Style Campus to Complement Rennes School of Business  

New American-Style Campus to Complement Rennes School of Business  

Aiming at welcoming more students from this academic year, Rennes School of Business is currently building a vast American-style campus to increase its number of campuses to 4.

We took the opportunity of this extension to give an “American-touch” to our campus

An ever growing management school


Since its foundation in 1990, Rennes School of Business has been a prestigious management school with strong international roots.  In 30 years, the number of students has increased from 1200 to 4500, out of which 50% are from abroad.

Complementing our international aspect, 90% of our faculty members are from overseas and more being recruited every year. This makes Rennes School of Business a huge melting pot of culture and knowledge. All the programmes being taught entirely English is the icing on the cake.

To accommodate the ever increasing Rennes School of Business’ on-campus family of professors, students, as well as staff, infrastructural development has been undertaken in 2010, 2013, 2016 and 2017.

Campus sketch

The future main entrance of Rennes School of Business


A 4th campus with all facilities


Stretched over 35000 m², besides classrooms, lecture halls and office rooms, our 4th campus is equipped with 125 studios to accommodate our students. It is expected to be ready for service from September 2017.

“We took the opportunity of this extension to give an “American-touch” to our campus. It will have a pleasant and relaxing ambiance for students, a sports ground and a garden” says Olivier Aptel, Rennes School of Business’ Dean.

student housing

125 new students appartments will be available from September 2017

As an ever growing multinational and multicultural melting pot, Rennes School of Business is glad to announce these infrastructure developments and increase in student intake making our family even bigger.