Le Point 2022 ranking: Rennes SB gains a place among the top management schools!
This year, Rennes SB has moved up one place to the 12th* position of the Le Point 2022 ranking of top management schools (*post-preparatory schools). Confirming its academic excellence, the School continues to perform outstandingly in the rankings of top French business schools.

Le Point 2022 ranking: 37 schools in the running
The Le Point ranking distinguishes 37 “master’s degree” diplomas that are recognised by the French government. The prerequisites for taking part in the survey include the fact that the School must offer a Bachelor’s degree in management or a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration, also approved by the French government.
Once again, Rennes School of Business has performed excellently, gaining a place in the ranking of post-preparatory schools. Out of 6 evaluation criteria, the school is in 12th position, tied with Kedge Business School.
The main criteria of the Le Point 2022 ranking
The 37 participating schools were subjected to fifty questions, the answers to which were scrupulously checked and statistically processed.
Six main criteria were used to evaluate the best French business schools: teaching, internationalism, professionalism, selectivity, research and accreditation.
Ecological transition and work-study programmes as underlying trends
The major challenges ahead for grandes écoles include adapting their academic programmes to ecological transition and the increased student desire to work for socially-responsible companies.
In its special issue on grandes écoles, Le Point also highlights the ‘revolution’ towards work-study programmes (alternance), another strong point for Rennes SB.
Confirming its academic excellence, the School recently placed 2nd in the Le Parisien Étudiant 2022 ranking and 3rd in the L’Étudiant 2022 ranking for its Bachelor in Management.