School -Rennes School of Business is awarded the QUALIOPI qualification for a period of 3 years

Rennes School of Business is awarded the QUALIOPI qualification for a period of 3 years

On 8 July 2021, Rennes SB was awarded the Qualiopi certification for a period of 3 years. This national certification validates the quality of the communication, implementation and monitoring of the Grande Ecole de Management’s training courses.

A commitment to quality

QUALIOPI is a certification issued by a certifying body that helps ensure funding for the various programmes and courses within an educational establishment. The auditor visits the site to check the application of the provisions provided by the training organisation in order to comply with the National Quality Reference.

In order to demonstrate the overall quality of its teaching and to establish the school’s excellence, all Rennes School of Business programmes have been audited to obtain this certification. This certification also makes it possible to validate funding for training programmes with certain funding organisations.

For Rennes School of Business, this approach is also an opportunity to add a national certification to the three international accreditations that it has already obtained, namely EQUIS (European Quality Improvement System), AACSB (Association to Advance Collegiate School of Business) and AMBA (Association of Masters of Business Administration).

Jordane Pedron Comex de Rennes SBThe Qualiopi certification comes in addition to our triple-crown accreditation (EQUIS, AACSB & AMBA) and the recent evaluation issued by the High Council for the Evaluation of Research and Higher Education (HCERES), which highlights the unique nature of our School in the landscape of French Business Schools. It meets the quality requirements of public funding partners in the processes implemented to develop the skills and employability of our learners.

Jordane Pedron, Director of Executive Education.

This certification recognises the quality of the training support processes according to the following criteria:

  • The conditions for informing the public about the services that are on offer, the deadlines for accessing them and the results obtained
  • The precise identification of the objectives of the services on offer and the adaptation of these services to the relevant populations during the design of the services
  • Adaptation to the populations who benefit from the services and procedures
  • The adequacy of educational, technical and supervisory resources
  • Qualification and development of knowledge and skills
  • The registration and investment of the service provider in its environment
  • Collecting and taking into account assessments and complaints

Rennes School of Business’ accreditations & labels