Replay: relive the evening of celebration for the School’s 30th anniversary
Relive this evening dedicated to the rise of a great business and management school by watching the TVRennes replay.

On 8 November 2021, Rennes School of Business celebrated its 30th anniversary in the presence of regional and international partners, the School’s founders, some members of its Alumni, its President, Mr François Chatel, its Director General and Dean, Mr Thomas Froehlicher, and Mr Jean-Yves Le Drian, Minister of Europe and Foreign Affairs.
Relive this evening dedicated to the rise of a great business and management school by watching the TVRennes replay. This evening was an opportunity to look back at the creation of the School, its roots and influence, and also its plans for the future. The Rennes SB “Unframed Thinking” signature and its 5 core values were also at the heart of the evening: boldness, creativity, freedom, openness and humility.
Mr Jean-Yves Le Drian, Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs took the floor to describe Rennes SB as “a jewel of Brittany” and “an asset for Brittany.“
“I am delighted to see this school develop and acquire an impressive stature, and that it has found its place in the big leagues. I notice that you have taken up three challenges: – positioning the school under the sign of international openness from the very start, the bet of remaining open and connected to the realities of business in relation to changes in the economy and the challenge of openness to the major challenges of the agricultural, management, digital and geopolitics industries”.
Discover more information and content on the 30 years of Rennes SB