Student consultation: results from 2 studies
Teams of Rennes School of Business are more than ever dedicated to students and to listening to their concerns and expectations.

A double study was carried out during November 2020 in order to gather student’s opinions on different subjects at the School such as the welcoming process, whether they feel listened to, the quality of teaching, IT services and student life.
More than 1000 students responded to us in great detail during the Harris Interactive and Voice surveys and we want to thank them for taking the time to respond! We have analysed their responses and comments at length in order to form the basis of several different workshops, all whilst taking the different populations that make up our community, their aspirations and expectations, into account.
These two studies highlight a situation that is full of contrasts. In the current context, 68% of students who responded in mid-November said that they were worried or demotivated, 85% expressed strong concerns about internships, apprenticeship contracts and employment. These figures reflect a reality that requires more attention and resources than ever before.
On the other hand, these two studies highlighted the school’s reactivity and the smooth running of online classes during both lockdowns. 85% of the students surveyed found that professors were available and committed to supporting them. Finally, 88% of the students who responded said that they were satisfied with the school’s digital environment, including applications such as Teams, Moodle and Webrise, and infrastructures such as the Wi-Fi network.
More information on the results of these studies will be available in early 2021.