Master in Data Analytics, Intelligence and Security

Double degree(s) and specialisation(s) :

MSc in Data and Business Analytics OR
MSc in Financial Data Intelligence

Languages : English
Campus : Rennes
Grade : Master of Science + Grade de Master / Qualification RNCP 39273 Level 7

The Master in Data Analytics, Intelligence and Security provides future managers with data science and analytical skills to collect, explore and synthesise relevant Business & Finance data, leveraging the power of emerging AI technologies to improve managerial decisions throughout the organisation.

“Dive into the world of data with the Master in Data Analytics, Intelligence and Security!”


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Highlights of the programme:

  • Learn to leverage the power of emerging technologies and data analytics.
  • Unlock your career opportunities in three key areas of management driven by data & technology (finance, supply chain, marketing).
  • Join a programme taught by passionate professionals and researchers involved in two leading research centres on Supply Chain and Finance.
  • Prepare for a successful, international career by studying on a campus with a unique blend of internationalisation and innovation.
  • The programme has the grade of Master and is certified RNCP level 7.


Programme certification

  • Master in Data Analytics, Intelligence and Security, diplôme supérieur en analyse, intelligence et sécurité des données, RNCP 39273, Level 7, certified by Rennes School of Business Group and the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research, expiry date 31/08/2028.

Format & Campus

  • Full time: Rennes


  • 2-year (M1+M2) or 1 year (M2)

Double Degree with: MSc in Financial Data Intelligence
or MSc in Data and Business Analytics

Financial Data Intelligence Track:

  • Deep Learning & Neural Networks for Finance
  • Coding and Data Science
  • Financial Data Infrastructure and Text Mining
  • Financial Engineering and Commodity Trading
  • Block Chain and Crypto Assets

Data & Business Analytics Track:

  • Big Data and Business Analytics
  • Data Project Management
  • Case Studies in BA Ethics and Risk
  • Data Driven Demand Planning (D3P)
  • Harnessing AI for Business

Methods used and evaluation

The pedagogy implemented in the different modules is adapted to the different learning objectives. Active teaching methods are favoured, and co-modal methods are developed. Group sizes are small, allowing for privileged interaction, both among peers and with professionals and teacher-researchers.

The programme is assessed through two main methods of validation:

  • Module assessment (continuous and final assessment): assessments are carried out throughout the course in the form of individual or group projects and end of semester examinations;
  • The Graduating Project: submission of a dissertation written under the supervision of an  academic tutor.

At the end of the course and after validation of all programme requirements, the certification is awarded to the participants. If certain modules have not been validated and therefore the credits have not been obtained, the student must take resit examinations to catch up on these credits during the periods provided for this purpose.

Graduation rate: degree/specialisations

  • MSc in Data and Business Analytics: Graduation rate: 83% ; Graduation interruption rate: 0%
  • MSc in Financial Data Intelligence: Graduation rate: 94% ; Graduation interruption rate: 0%


  • The M2 in Financial Data Intelligence fosters an advanced understanding of finance in the age of data and artificial intelligence. Students will become innovative leaders in the global financial landscape, leveraging the power of emerging technologies and data analytics.
  • The M2 in Data and Business Analytics provides a comprehensive education in data-driven decision-making across various domains, in particular the supply chain and marketing fields.

Career opportunities

  • Financial Analyst
  • Data Scientist
  • Credit Analyst
  • Data Flow Specialist
  • Business Intelligence Manager
  • Operations Manager


Next intake

  • September 2024

Entry requirements

  • Master 1: 3-year Bachelor’s Degree
  • Master 2: 4-year Bachelor’s Degree or 3-year Bachelor’s degree with a minimum of 1 year professional experience.

English proficiency

  • TOEIC score of 785, IELTS score of 6.0, TOEFL score of 80, Cambridge B2, or completion of the last two years of education in English.

Rennes School of Business is committed to fostering a non-discriminatory admission policy and actively promotes diversity of profiles.

Student life

The Rennes School of Business community is centred around its 5,000 students. The School, particularly its Student Care team, is dedicated to student life and well-being on campus.
During their studies at Rennes SB, students do not just benefit from an exceptional learning environment, they become part of a unique student experience, driven by the School’s values: Audacity, Openness, Creativity, Humility and Freedom!

Students with disabilities

Rennes SB is committed to fighting against all forms of discrimination and inequality, in order to ensure that all of our students are given equal opportunities to succeed.
To meet this objective, we have put in place specific measures to welcome and support students with disabilities.

Fees and scholarships


  • 24-month format: €25,000 (1st year: €10,000 / 2nd year: €15,000)
  • 12-month format: €15,000

*subject to change

Fee structure and funding:
How can I finance my master’s programme?

“So, are you convinced?”
Any questions about your eligibility? Contact your admission advisor