Master of Science in International Management

Languages : English
Campus : Rennes
Master of Science

To provide students with comprehensive knowledge and skills in managing businesses and organisations in a global context. Such a programme aims to equip students with the necessary tools and expertise to navigate the complexities of international markets, cultural differences and diverse business environments. The programme offers a wide range of specialisations to cater to students' diverse interests and career goals and to allow students to delve deeper into specific fields relevant to international business.

“Discover this dynamic teaser of Rennes School of Business which gives you a good overview of our campuses (Paris and Rennes) and our ambition. Our triple-accredited school is located in an ideal setting for a fulfilling student life.”


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Highlights of the programme:

  • The Master of Science in International Management provides students with an in-depth and diverse education in the field of management. The main objective is to develop the necessary skills necessary to operate successfully in a globalised and dynamic business environment, with an emphasis on stimulating creative and innovative thinking.
  • During the first semester, students follow a comprehensive and broad foundational curriculum that encompasses diverse aspects of management. In the second semester, students select a specific domain of management, which will become their subject of specialisation. This stage is designed to empower students to delve deeper into specific areas of their interest, enabling them to acquire expertise and skills tailored to their chosen field of study.
  • This programme equips participants with contemporar y international management concepts and models needed to occupy positions as entrepreneurs or corporate executives in all industries.


  • Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Leadership: Building Effective and Creative Teams
  • Project Management
  • Introduction to Data Science for Business
  • Global Marketing Strategy
  • International Trade & Finance
  • Strategic Management

Language Courses

  • Non-french speakers: 3 hours per week of French classes
  • French speakers: Spanish, German or Chinese for beginners

Methods used and evaluation

The pedagogy implemented in the different modules is adapted to the different learning objectives. Active teaching methods are favoured, and co-modal methods are developed. Group sizes are small, allowing for privileged interaction, both among peers and with professionals and teacher-researc
The programme is assessed through two main methods of validation:

  • Module assessment (continuous and final assessment): assessments are carried out throughout the course in the form of individual or group projects and end of semester examinations;

And one of the 2 following options:

  • The MSc Dissertation: submission of a dissertation written under the supervision of an academic tutor;
  • Or : Completion of an internship and submission of an internship report. At the end of the course and after validation of all programme requirements, the certification is awarded to the participants. If certain modules have not been validated and therefore the credits have not been obtained, the student must take resit examinations to catch up on these credits during the periods provided for this purpose.

Graduation rate: diploma/specialisations

  • MSc in International Management: Graduation rate: 100% ; Graduation interruption rate: 0%


During the MSc in International Management, you have the chance to specialise in:

  • Data Analytics
  • Finance
  • Luxury Marketing
  • Marketing
  • Supply Chain
  • Negotiation
  • Sustainable Management

Winter Session

Discover another European country with Rennes School of Business:

  • An optional 2-week course abroad in one of our European Partner Universities


Next intake: September 2024

• Bachelor’s Degree
• Or 180 ECTS
• Or High school diploma +2 years of post-secondary education with a minimum of 3 years of professional experience and VAP (Validation of Prior Learning)

English test scores: TOEIC 750, IELTS 6.0, TOEFL 80, or Cambridge B2, or completion of the last 2 years of education in English.

Tuition fees

Tuition fees : 18 200 €

“So, are you convinced?”
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