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Student life -The “France Excellence for Climate Change Scholarship: studying to adapt to climate change

The “France Excellence for Climate Change Scholarship: studying to adapt to climate change

The France Excellence for Climate Change scholarship provides young Pakistani students the opportunity to finance their studies in France, with the aim of training young minds to develop skills that will enable them to contribute positively to the fight against climate change.

Young people are increasingly involved in the fight against climate change. That’s why a number of international scholarships have been set up to help students acquire the knowledge they need to work against the effects of global warming. Hadia and Danial recently won one of these scholarships to study at Rennes School of Business.

Campus France offers young Pakistani students the chance to study in France for a master’s degree that will enable them to help their country adapt to climate change. The “France Excellence for Climate Change” scholarship offers the opportunity for students from Pakistan to study one of six master’s degrees throughout France, including two at Rennes School of Business: the MSc in Sustainable Management and Eco-Innovation and the International MBA.

Hadia Paree

“I am thrilled to share the remarkable achievement I have recently experienced. I come from the far North of Pakistan (Passu Hunza), from a community that is particularly vulnerable to climate change and becoming part of the Rennes School of Business as a Campus France scholarship holder is not only a proud moment for my family, but the whole community. I am eager to pursue my MSc degree in Sustainable Management and Eco-Innovation from the top-notch facilities at the Rennes School of Business, France because I strongly believe that the potential for Eco-Innovation in my community is significant, and I am eager to contribute towards it to cope with the financial and environmental crises starting in my hometown. This programme will help me gain a deeper understanding of the subject and provide me with opportunities to network with experts in this field. I feel truly encourage and I am thrilled to join the school in September 2023.”

Message of Campus France

“The selected programmes, the MSc in Sustainable Management and Eco-Innovation & the International MBA by Rennes School of Business for the 2023 “France Excellence for Climate Change” scholarships of the French Embassy in Pakistan cover all the necessary skills to prepare the students for the future.

The reasons to choose these programmes are to mitigate and adapt to the Climate Change, it is crucial to train high-level scientists, managers and economists with a global vision and an international education. Mitigation efforts require measures to address the underlying problem by reducing the pollution of the current main sources of energy, which could irreversibly and catastrophically raise the Earth’s temperature. Adaptation is needed to help people and governments withstand and minimize the ravages of climate change that are already here. It can take many forms other than that of direct government financing of infrastructure, including encouraging the private sector to adapt, organising social protection after disasters and deploying a holistic strategy for budgeting and planning that factors in climate change.

We are sure that, after graduating from Rennes SB, our students will be fully prepared to give back to society”

Danial Amin

“As a newly admitted student at Rennes School of Business, I am thrilled to be part of an institution that sets the stage for success. The dynamic curriculum, diverse student community, and top-notch faculty have exceeded my expectations. Rennes School of Business provides a transformative learning environment that encourages innovation, critical thinking, and global perspectives. I am confident that this experience will equip me with the skills and knowledge necessary to excel in the ever-evolving business landscape. Joining Rennes School of Business is a decision I will never regret.”

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