Key dates & figures

Rennes School of Business – Facts & Figures

  • 5000 students (1/3 international)
  • More than 100 permanent faculty members (40 nationalities), 90% international
  • 27 000+ Alumni
  • 350+ academic partners
  • 100+ nationalities on the campus
  • AACSB, AMBA and EQUIS triple-crown accreditation


A recent history of achievement



  • Adilson Borges becomes the new Dean & Executive Director of Rennes School of Business.
  • Financial Times Executive Education Custom 2024 : Rennes SB enters the prestigious ranking and lands in the Top 100 worldwide


  • Financial Times European Business Schools 2023 ranking: + 28 places in just two years:  60th in the Financial Times ranking of the best business schools in Europe.
  • Financial Times EMBA 2023 ranking: Top 100 (moving up 6 places)
  • Jean Audouard becomes the Director General of Rennes School of Business.
  • AACSB re-accreditation (5 years)


  • Financial Times Master in Management 2022 ranking: Rennes School of Business is ranked 49th, up 5 places from the last ranking, and in the Top 50.
  • Financial Times EMBA 2022 ranking: Top 100





  • 55th of the Financial Times Business School Master in Management Ranking (100 best schools in the world)
  • 24th of the Financial Times Business School Master in Finance Ranking
  • The Executive MBA in the Top 100 of the Financial Times Executive MBA Ranking 2018
  • Thomas Froehlicher becomes the new Director General and Dean of Rennes School of Business
  • AACSB re-accreditation



  • ESC Rennes becomes Rennes School of Business in June 2016
  • 35th of the Financial Times Business School Master in management Ranking
  • 45th of the Financial Times Business School Master in Finance Ranking


  • EQUIS accreditation
  • 23rd in the Financial Times global Masters in Management ranking
  • Opening of a 3rd building on the campus


  • François Chatel becomes the new Chairman of the Board of Directors
  • Rennes School of Business enters the Financial Times ranking
  • AMBA accreditation
  • EPAS re-accreditation for 5 years


  • AACSB accreditation
  • Launch of a 5-year development strategy plan (2012 – 2017)


  • Opening of Campus 2 at Rennes


  • Launching of the International Bachelor Programme in Management
  • 5-year EPAS accreditation for The Master in Management programme


  • Development of a 5-year development strategy plan (2007 – 2011)
  • Dr Olivier Aptel becomes Dean of ESC Rennes School of Business
  • Mr Bernard Angot is the new President of ESC Rennes School of Business
  • New strategic positioning: Group ESC Rennes becomes ESC Rennes School of Business


  • Launching of new postgraduate programmes: the Master of Science


  • Building expansion (10 000 m²) and deployment of the multimedia platform


  • 10th  anniversary of the School
  • Re-accreditation by the Open University


  • Setting up of a 5-year development plan


  • Joins the Chapter of Management Schools and the Conference of the Grandes Ecoles
  • 1st French Business School to obtain the ISO 9001 label certified by the French Association for the Certification of Quality Assurance


  • Becomes member of the EFMD (European Foundation for Management Development)


  • Accreditation by the British Open University.


  • Foundation of the School